The other night I posted a picture of my favorite go-to skin clearing remedy on Instagram (@delightedmomma). Yes, I am 28 and still get annoying! Anyway, I got a ton of questions regarding the mask so I figured it was easiest to do a post here and answer all of the questions people had within this post.
This mask is seriously magical and that is not just a word that I throw around lightly. Anytime my skin starts freaking out from stress, certain foods, hormones or whatever, this mask works like a charm to get rid of the new un-wanted friends that have decided to show up. I even got my husband hooked and that is saying a lot considering he is a basic face wash and scrub kinda guy. You should see us at night when we are both maskin it up. We look like a hot pair (okay not hot) of green faced monsters. But then the next morning we (okay mostly me) are like, "WOAAA check out my much clearer and baby soft skin!"
If you are still in the breakout boat like me or just feel like your pores need a deep cleaning then this mask is for you.
What you will need:
- 2 tsp of Indian Healing Clay (it is %100 Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay)
- 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar (can be found at most health food stores)
- Mask brush or spatula (I prefer to use a mask brush)
- In a glass bowl, mix the clay with the apple cider vinegar until you have a smooth mask consistency. If it is too runny add more clay. If it is too dry add more ACV.
- Starting at the forehead and working your way down apply the mask to you clean skin. You can use a facial brush or clean fingers.
- Leave the mask on for 15-30 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water and follow up with a moisturizer or toner.
- Go ahead and feel your skin because you will be blown away at how soft it looks and feels!
A few things regarding this mask:
If you are looking for a deep pore cleansing treatment I would suggest doing this mask once a week. I you have acne or are experiencing random breakouts I recommend doing this mask 2-3 times per week, with a day in between each mask.
If you have rosacea or have sensitive skin this may be too much for your skin. A great alternative mask is this one.
I do not suggest using any other apple cider vinegar other than the one I have listed above. It is the best and no they are not paying me to say that.
The apple cider vinegar will temporarily cause your skin to be red after the mask is removed. This may last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. So just be aware this is normal.
This is a drying mask so if you are very dry already you may want to try this mask.
Please let me know your thoughts if you try this or have tried it in the past!
Please let me know your thoughts if you try this or have tried it in the past!