A semi weird picture of me but hey I have type 1 diabetes and this post is about that so it felt relevant.
I have heard it all and nothing really surprises me anymore. You can't really get mad at the people addressing the questions or statements because they are just simply uneducated with the world of type 1 diabetes and I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this kinda stuff.
The following are either questions or statements that people have actually really said to me. I felt like it was important to clarify and address some of them.
1. "But you're not fat. How you do have diabetes?" I will never forget this question asked in high school by a boy a few grades older.
- Type 1 diabetics are not typically overweight. In fact when I was diagnosed (at age 7) I had lost 10 pounds. The media often portrays diabetics as being chubby little kids or overweight adults and that is because they are talking about type 2, which is different in terms of diagnosis and overall treatment. Type 2 is a growing epidemic because of horrible diets and obesity. Type 2 diabetes is actually preventable and reversable if diet and exercise are made a priority. Type 1 diabetes is not something that is curable...as of right now.
2. "I've heard diabetics do not live a very long life."
- I have heard that unhealthy people in general do not live a very long life. So if you are type 1 diabetic and not making your health a priority then yes, the odds are not in your favor. BUT if you are healthy and taking care of yourself and making your health a priority then you have an even better chance of living a full life just like anyone else. So may the odds be ever in your favor :)
3. "I am worried that you might not have healthy children because you are type 1 diabetic." Yes, this was really said to me by someone close.
- Type 1 diabetics do have a higher chance of miscarriages and complications BUT again if you make the health of you and your baby a full time priority for a full 9 months your odds of having a perfectly healthy baby are just as good as any one else's.
4. "Your medical bills and insurance must be so expensive!"
- Yep they are there is no way of getting around that. I am so thankful that I have a husband who makes me a priority and would do anything to make sure I have everything I need.
5. "Oh you're diabetic?! My Grandpa/Grandma had diabetes and lost their leg or went blind because of it!"
- Well thanks for that little story that I have heard a million times. To be honest, if you have diabetes complications it does not just happen over night. It takes years of neglect to get to that point. Diabetes medical advancements have also come a long way since any grandma or grandpa had it so that is also a plus.
If you have ever had someone ask or say something to you that made you say, "What?!" I would love to hear.
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