Happy Halloween + Oh Hey Blog!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween! Yesterday we did a test run of Ronin's Ewok costume...and SUPRISE he actually likes it! Seriously this is shocking. Max is going to be a Storm Tropper and they are the cutest little pair if I don't say so myself. We are heading to my mother-in-law's house tonight for her famous chili that she makes every Halloween and then we are heading out for some good ole trick or treating.
On a side note, the new house it wonderful but it has basically taken over our lives for the past week or so. We were all (nicely) kicked out for the last seven days while we had painters here and floors installed. I miss the blog and being able to hang out in my house. I will be back to blogging soon!
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
my life
Homemade Dark Chocolate (Paleo)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
About a week ago I was with Ronin at our favorite little outside lunch spot. It was completely empty except for one other lady who sat at the table right next to us. My first impression of her was that she looked young for her age (she was probably around 50). Her skin was perfect, she had almost no wrinkles and she was in amazing shape. She was not wearing a stitch of makeup (hey I notice these things) and seemed to just ooze this healthy happy glow. I was feeding Ronin and she commented on how cute he was. She went on to say that she was a new Grandma and we began to chat. We started to talk about food and she told me that she was a nutritionist who also specialized in muscle testing for specific food alergies. So interesting and I can not wait to make an appointment!
Anyway I told her I eat a Paleo diet and she said, "Oh I have the most amazing and easy recipe for Paleo dark chocolate!" Of course I needed to hear this. In the original recipe she said something about adding raw cashews but for the life of me I could not remember how exactly I was supposed to do this so I left that out and it still turned out awesome. So thanks to the beautiful random stranger, named Sue I bring you a chocolate recipe that you most definitely need in your life.
What you will need:
- 1 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup of melted coconut oil
- 1/3 cup of honey
- a few dashes of sea salt
- Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl.
- Pour the chocolate batter onto a parchment lined baking sheet and speed it around evenly.
- Place the baking sheet with chocolate into the freezer and freeze for about 30 minutes or until it is set.
- EAT and enjoy!

Pumpkin Patching -- It Might Not Be For Everyone ;)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Over the weekend we visited our favorite pumpkin patch that is some what tucked away up in the wine country. It is a family owned farm and it makes you feel like you stepped back in time to the days where there were prairies and everyone rode around on a horse and buggy. Not that I would know what that is actually really like, but I have seen plenty of movies and you get the drift. It feels festive and truly puts me in the fall spirit the moment we arrive.
They have railroad rides, pig races, a giant tractor collection, an authentic corn maze, gold mining for the kids, a beautiful picnic area, pony rides and more. Max was in pumpkin patch heaven and Ronin was being himself and hated it most of the time haha.
Here are a few pictures from our day...
Before the weather heated up I finally had an excuse to wear the best parka ever c/o of boohoo. Every gal needs a fall coat or parka in her wardrobe this season so I suggest you take a peek at boohoo for some seriously amazing and affordable fall wardrobe additions.
I thought Ronin would like to run around in the corn maze. I guess I thought wrong. This would be me saying, "shhhhhhh shhhhh" to Ronin as he started to lose his mind in line.
So Ronin apparently does not like corn mazes, or hay rides or taking pictures with me. Noted. What would a pumpkin patch outing be without at least one temper tantrum? I would have no idea :)
They have railroad rides, pig races, a giant tractor collection, an authentic corn maze, gold mining for the kids, a beautiful picnic area, pony rides and more. Max was in pumpkin patch heaven and Ronin was being himself and hated it most of the time haha.
Here are a few pictures from our day...
Before the weather heated up I finally had an excuse to wear the best parka ever c/o of boohoo. Every gal needs a fall coat or parka in her wardrobe this season so I suggest you take a peek at boohoo for some seriously amazing and affordable fall wardrobe additions.
I thought Ronin would like to run around in the corn maze. I guess I thought wrong. This would be me saying, "shhhhhhh shhhhh" to Ronin as he started to lose his mind in line.
So Ronin apparently does not like corn mazes, or hay rides or taking pictures with me. Noted. What would a pumpkin patch outing be without at least one temper tantrum? I would have no idea :)
my life
Skin Care Tip of the Week *Healing Acne with Garlic
Monday, October 21, 2013
Acne breakouts can be annoying, embarrassing and just plain old inconvenient when they happen. If you have ever experienced acne I am almost positive you had a moment or two where you were willing to try just about anything to make it go away. Everyone responds differently to topical products and remedies and for that reason there is literally hundreds of remedies for one single skin ailment. The key is finding the right combination of ingredients that works for you.
This weeks skin care remedy is a simple yet very effective one and all you need is a garlic clove. Most people associate garlic cloves with cooking but they actually are full of medicinal purposes that you may or may not be aware of.
Some of the health benefits of garlic are:

This weeks skin care remedy is a simple yet very effective one and all you need is a garlic clove. Most people associate garlic cloves with cooking but they actually are full of medicinal purposes that you may or may not be aware of.
Some of the health benefits of garlic are:
- It promotes sweating, which is great if you have a fever or are sick
- It can help reduce blood pressure
- Can help lower blood sugar (great for type 1 diabetes)
- It is anti-parasitic
- It is a stimulant for the immune system. Try this remedy with garlic to fight off colds or the flu.
- Can help fight fungal infections such as thrush.
- Very effective in reducing acne breakouts when applied topically.
- Get a fresh (preferably organic) garlic clove and peel it to reveal the fleshy clove.
- Rub it on the breakout for about a minute.
- Wait at least a few hours before washing face.

skin care tips
Things That Make Me Say Yeay
Friday, October 18, 2013
The new (very bright and white) kitchen is coming together! Our new place is still slightly discombobulated but little by little it is starting to feel like home...complete with the warm and fuzzy feelings. We will not have couches for about another 3 weeks so in the meantime we have made a quite awesome pillow blanket tower that is surprisingly pretty comfy :)
My two friends (who are also sisters) had the cutest booth setup at our local recent craft fair. I am always so amazed by these talented gals and love everything they make. Oh and see that little sign? Thanks to Max it was slightly un-readable after we left. I can't bring that kid anywhere. To see more of their beautiful handmade creations you can check our their Etsy shops here and here.
The most incredible homemade pumpkin soup at my mom's house. I seriously need this recipe but every time I eat it I am so consumed with thoughts of warm pumpkin goodness I forget to ask for it.
Max learning how to fly a Japanese kite and his little brother trying to chase the tail end of it in the corner.
My husband and I went to our 10 year high school reunion last Friday. CRAZY town. A pre-reunion car photo seemed necessary (as did pre-reunion drinks). The reunion was a blast and I am so glad we decided to go. It made for a fun conversation piece for the next few days following ;)
Have a wonderful weekend!
my life,
things that make me say yeay
Moving Day!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Well the day has finally come where we move into our new house! It has been quite the wait but like they say all good things are worth waiting for. I do feel a little sad to say goodbye to our current house since so many wonderful memories were made here but I am so looking forward to starting this next chapter with my family and can not wait to make lasting memories for years to come at the new place. I have been secretly stashing (okay hoarding) hanging light pendants, pillows, rugs, dishes, bedspreads and more in Ronin's closet (hey a lot can fit in a little closet) and can not wait to actually let them out in the open since the husband has been unaware of this little collection. I feel like it's better to shock all at once and just get it over with :)
I asked Max last night what he is most excited about when it comes to the new house. I thought he would say something along the lines of a new big boy room or a big backyard but he said, "I'm excited to eat taquitos in the new house." Ha ha I love that kid.
We will be without internet for a few days. OH NOoooooo!! I'm kidding but really I'm not. So when that magical little internet box gets set up and we are slightly settled in I will be back to blogging.
Have a great rest of your week!
I asked Max last night what he is most excited about when it comes to the new house. I thought he would say something along the lines of a new big boy room or a big backyard but he said, "I'm excited to eat taquitos in the new house." Ha ha I love that kid.
We will be without internet for a few days. OH NOoooooo!! I'm kidding but really I'm not. So when that magical little internet box gets set up and we are slightly settled in I will be back to blogging.
Have a great rest of your week!
my life
Snickerdoodle Muffins (Paleo)
Monday, October 7, 2013
So these are the best muffins that I have ever made. Yep. They are crazy good and the taste reminds me of a cinnamon roll mixed with a snickerdoodle cookie. You need to make these asap. And if you have any Paleo or clean eating skeptics living with you, these would blow them away. I am running around like a crazy person this week trying to get move ready (just a few more days!) and since all my dishes are now packed away these are keeping everyone beyond satisfied for breakfast.
What you will need:
- 2 1/3 cups of almond meal
- 2 tsp of baking powder
- dash of salt
- 1 tbs of cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp of vanilla
- 1/3 cup of organic coconut sugar
- 1/2 cup of water
- 4 eggs
- 1 tbs of cinnamon
- 3 tbs of coconut sugar
- 1 tbs of melted ghee or clarified butter
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Mix together the dry ingredients and then add in the wet ingredients. Mix until everything is completely blended together.
- Place baking cups into muffin tray. Scoop enough muffin batter to fill each muffin tin about 2/3 of the way full.
- In a separate small bowl mix together the topping ingredients until you have a nice moist crumbly consistency.
- Sprinkle an even amount of crumble topping on each muffin.
- Bake for 15 minutes.
- Enjoy!
Enjoy! Please come back and tell me what you think if you make these!

Things That Make Me Say Yeay
Friday, October 4, 2013
The most delicious seared scallops and purple pureed cauliflower that I have ever tasted.
My 4th grade flute given to me by my Poppy. I found this little gem while packing up my closet a few days ago. I am pretty sure I was like chair 9 out of 10 chairs (10 being the worst) in 4th grade band but hey I can still play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and Max thought it was pretty great ha.
Little chubby hands and toes playing with chalk early in the morning. A few people suggested Ronin go outside with cold air to help with his croup. That combined with hot shower steam really helped him!
A kids homeopathic kit my step mom brought over for the boys to help ease their symptoms while they were not feeling the best earlier this week.
Band-aides made just a little bit cooler. I kind of love these and wouldn't mind getting a paper cut just so I could use one.
Have a wonderful weekend! We have our final walk through for our new house this morning and if all goes good we move in just a few days! Can not wait!
My 4th grade flute given to me by my Poppy. I found this little gem while packing up my closet a few days ago. I am pretty sure I was like chair 9 out of 10 chairs (10 being the worst) in 4th grade band but hey I can still play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and Max thought it was pretty great ha.

A kids homeopathic kit my step mom brought over for the boys to help ease their symptoms while they were not feeling the best earlier this week.

Have a wonderful weekend! We have our final walk through for our new house this morning and if all goes good we move in just a few days! Can not wait!
my life,
things that make me say yeay
5 Past Fall Recipe Favorites
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Well this week has been less than stellar. I know, such a pitiful way to start a post but it's true. Ronin caught a nasty cold which turned into croup (even the word sounds gross) and he had his very first ER visit over the weekend because of it. So scary! And since it's almost impossible to keep the two brother's separated Max now has something ugly too. I have been taking oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar and a bunch of homeopathic meds my step-mom brought over and so far I think I am in the clear but my poor babies.
Since all I can do right now is snuggle my boys (not complaining about that) and watch Despicable Me and UP for about the 30th time I decided to share some of my family's favorite past fall recipes...
Flourless (super low carb) apple cinnamon muffins
Grain free chocolate granola (Paleo)
The two minute pumpkin pie (Paleo)
Butternut squash hummus
Baked parsnip fries
Happy fall baking!
Since all I can do right now is snuggle my boys (not complaining about that) and watch Despicable Me and UP for about the 30th time I decided to share some of my family's favorite past fall recipes...
Flourless (super low carb) apple cinnamon muffins
Grain free chocolate granola (Paleo)
The two minute pumpkin pie (Paleo)
Butternut squash hummus
Baked parsnip fries
Happy fall baking!
