With the changing of the weather and cold and flu season quickly approaching, I wanted to share a new to me natural remedy called Oil of Oregano. This magical little herb has recently helped ward off several colds that I had coming on in the past few months. And when I say ward off I mean I wake up with a cold or a sore throat, I take a few drops and by the next morning any sign of a cold is gone.
I heard about this awesome stuff from the slightly hippie-ish yet knowledgeable herb specialist at my local natural grocery store. I told her I was feeling a cold coming on and she instantly directed me to a little (expensive) bottle of Oil of Oregano. She said this is all I need and it should do the trick. She called it "nature's antibiotic." I decided to trust her and I paid around $32 for the bottle. She warned me that it was strong and she suggested I take it with water. The moment I got in my car I opened the bottle and put 4 drops on my tongue. I looked around for my water bottle and realized I had left it at home. Bad idea. Let's just say this is the grossest stuff ever and it makes apple cider vinegar taste like sweet apple pie in comparison, BUT the outcome is worth it. The next morning my sore throat was gone. Since then I swear by this. Any time I feel achy or sick I take a few drops and about 24 hours later I feel 100% again. Now I am not a doctor or an herb specialist. I am just simply sharing this with you because it's awesome and it works.
So if you feel a cold or flu coming on and want to try a natural remedy here is what you can do:
- Take 3-4 drops 2-3 times daily until you feel better.
- Make sure you have water handy to chase it (it's not the best tasting stuff) or you can dilute it with water. I personally like to just get it over with.

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing!
Put it in an empty veggie cap and down the hatch! Much easier that way!
Is it safe for kids? They're the carriers of all the diseases, now that school is back in session. It's like a cesspool in that building.
Mindy- Totally safe for kids but my kids won't come near it because it tastes and smells so bad. But if you can get them to get it down yeay!
I've been using this stuff for 4 years now and it's never let me down! ( I put drops under my tongue tho) I make my husband take it too as he travels a lot and it's successfully fended off airplane colds!
I used it when I wasn't pregnant or breastfeeding. It is a little strong for those little bodies and has evidence that it can cause neurological problems.
I love the stuff and can't wait to be able to take it again when I'm starting to feel ill.
Oil of oregano has a lot of literature to back up it's anti-fungal/antimicrobial potency, here is one of many articles I found on Pubmed; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23848299
Is it safe while breast feeding?
Becca- I would suggest not taking any herbs while breast feeding until getting the ok from your doctor first.
i love oil of oregano! a friend of mine told me to put some on my little guys feet and cover with socks, it helps a lot with coughs.
This is ironic because just this morning I woke up with the "might be getting a cold" feeling and I set out my bottle to remind me to take it tonight!! I love it too! I take it in capsule form though, and then I take it at night because when I take it in the morning I feel like I spend the rest of the day tasting pizza. Oil of oregano plus some Emergen-C is my knock out!
I use it for some time. The best way to drink it is to put some olive oil in your spoun. And then put few drops of oil of oregano in that same spoun. Drink it fast and drink some water (if needed) after that.
Is Oil of Oregano different from Oregano Essential Oil?
this is awesome - thanks for the tip!
I use it everyday in my green tea. I put 3 to 4 drops. I have always had digestive issues and I read it was good for the tummy. It has really helped me.
I've found it to be very helpful for preventing infections needing anti-biotics. My family went on a trip last year and we became very ill with a bad virus, by the time we got back we took the oregano oil and though we were sick for three weeks when we went to the doctor none of us had infections. No anti-biotics needed. I'm not leaving on a trip again without bringing it with us.
I put three drops in a shot glass of water for me and I put one drop for my son who is four.
Also, I wouldn't suggest taking it every day because since it has anti-biotic tendencies, your healthy bacteria may be inhibited while you take it.
I just busted out mine yesterday! My toddlers have been sick and I put it on their feet. I take it internally but it IS nasty stuff!!!
Very informative, thanks!
wow, I will have to try it!
I mix up this blend and rub on the feet every 3 hours at first sign of cold.
9 drops Oregano Essential Oil (EO)
15 drops Melaleuca EO
3 drops each of these EO's; Rosemary, Cinnamon, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus, Clove
Top this off with 1Tablespoon of Fracionated Coconut Oil. Store in Amber Bottle tightly capped.
Oil of oregano cleared up a chronic bladder infection that I had recurring for years.
I have also heard that this is good for worms if you have any... anyone know if that is true?
I use it for headaches. It is always gone in less than 5 minutes. I experimented with friends and all 10 friends were amazed that their headache was gone. Never leave home without it.
I use it all the time works wonders....I do a daily regimen it helps build a stronger immune system
My father turned me on to Oil of Oregano about 9 years ago. Yes it is expensive, but I have only had two serious illnesses in the past 9 years. Both times, i had run out and could not afford to buy another bottle. Both times, I ended up in the ER with Bronchial pneumonia. The second time, I was diagnosed with a heart condition. Just last year. I decided to always afford this little bottle, because it has kept me healthy. I take 4-6 drops every morning. I put it in a shot of juice and swallow fast. It keeps me from getting colds and flu. The two times I got sick, it was months after I ran out. By the way, although I am taking heart meds, i also take my oregano oil and the doctor was shocked that after only 7 months my heart is almost normal. I don't know if the oregano had anything to do with it, but I'm not taking any chances. I have found the oil of oregano at Whole Foods for about $25 and at GNC for about $20. Try it.
I get Oil of Oregano in gel capsules at my health food store and take them daily
You can purchase empty capsules at a health food store. Put the drops in the capsule instead and swallow the capsule. The taste isn't as bad.
maybe put the drops in a teaspoon of olive oil? just to chase it all down.
thanks for the info. it got rid of my cold sore over night. But please, dilute with carrier oil. or it will burn like a,..!!!
You can make your own Oregano Oil very cheaply. Just go on Youtube and watch one of the first 2 videos that come up.
I place a few drops on the bottom of my feet, rub the bottoms of my feet together to cover and spread, especially during colds / flu season. And cover them with socks. You will smell like an Italian kitchen but it works magic for me. Have not (knock on wood) had a cold or flu in probably 10 years. (Because it is so potent I don't apply with my hands)
I place a few drops on the bottoms of my feet, rub the soles together to spread and cover with socks. I do not use my hands to apply since it is so potent. I have Not had a cold or flu in almost 10 years. I use it as preventative also...
Love me some oregano oil- it is also very good topically, and there are anecdotal cases of it curing MRSA which would not surprise me. However, since it is Antibiotic, care should be taken to re-establish your gut flora with some probiotics and fermented foods. Immune systems start with your gut population, and building it back up might mean not having to take a dose of the nasty oregano oil!
it also got rid of my daughters planters wart, every day put some on a bandaide and cover the area, in a week it will be gone
In a small spray bottle (travel size) fill with 2oz of water and about 12 drops of oregano oil or Theives (Young Living mix ) , shake well before spraying mouth and throat and do this 4-5 times before going to bed each night. I do this every night most months of the year. I healed myself of Koplick ( beginning stage of measles ) which started in my mouth then settled in my left eye ( never did turn into measles ). In less than a week the sores in my mouth were totally gone , but could not get it out of my eye ( I stopped spraying my mouth when the sores were gone ) and of coarse you can't get essential oils any where near your eyes , so...I went to the eye doctor who gave me a prescription for some antiviral drops , but even after 3 refills it would come back in my eye ( Koplick makes the eye bloodshot ). Finally the doctor said that the problem wasn't in my eye ,that the virus was still in my body that's why it kept coming back and he wanted to put me on high anti-viral drugs. Well.....no way!...I decided to go back to spraying my mouth every day with the mix to see if it would totally heal me over time ( only as a last resort would I ever go on ANY drugs )....that was a year ago that I got Koplick and spraying my throat and mouth every night has totally healed it!!!!! There are other anti-viral oils out there as well , so I will mix different ones together just so my body doesn't build up a resistance to them BUT...oil and water together will grow bacteria , so you need to throw out any unused mix , clean your bottle with soapy water and make a new mix every week!!!! I will also add that I am fighting cancer which makes you prone to viral infections , so that's why I have kept up spraying my mouth everyday :)
I woke up 2 days ago feeling like crap. The Start of a sinus cold. My boss got me to take it twice yesterday at work. Nastttttty. And im worse today, but no sore throat, So we shall see
So after more than one person recommending oil of oregano to fight this never ending cold and sore throat, I bought some, mixed three drops with water in a shot glass and chased it with slices of
orange. Nasty tasting stuff but the oranges helped a lot. Made it much easier to take.
I put a couple drops of oil of oregano on coconut oil - much easier to take!
I too swear by it to ward off cold and sore throat. I was however cautioned about using while pregnant and nursing. I was told it is so strong it can dry your milk up...just be cautious.
Well am going to take everyone advice and take oil of oregano for my cold......hope it works for me
What is the best way to give this to a 2 year old who just got the flu & how much do I give him? Should he take it orally or should it be applied to his feet? Should it be diluted or taken straight? Thanks in advance for any help here!
The further back down the throat you can get. The least you will taste it.
I had to LOL after reading that you put four drops on your tongue. I know first-hand how bad this stuff tastes, but it seems to work.
As others here, we also use gel caps to take ours. The worst things that comes of it, is that a few minutes later you think you ate Italian.
4-5 drops under the tongue 3 times a day to ward off the sore throat / cold aching head that warns you something is around you. Capsules for when you feel icky and that you may have an upset stomach coming.
My son is 9yo and came down with a bd cold I thought was going ito a sinus infection. I came across this site and started to give my son 1 drop of oregano oil in a shot glass of water 3 times a day and in 24 hrs he was better! I had to bribe him to take the oil in water.. I will try an orange slice to help with the after taste. He now will take it bc it made him better. Amazing stuff. I have capsules too but I find the oil is quick acting
I came down with a nasty throat infection while in Asia a few years ago. Ever since then it's been reoccurring every few months. My doctor just keeps giving me antibiotics. I'm going to give this oregano oil a try and hopefully stop the cycle.
This truly is a miracle supplement! My husband had a bout with staph (MRSA). The wound was getting worse while on the Dr.'s antibiotics. The Dr. wanted to send him to a surgeon. I did my own research and came across a book by Dr. Cass Ingram. We used the Oil orally and topically for 14 days. We noticed progress within two days! The wound was completely healed in two weeks! We now take wild oregano as a daily supplement and neither of us has had a cold or flu or even as much trouble with allergies. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD!
Amazing stuff! I keep it on hand at my business and make employees take it! It's a restaurant and we don't need to be spreading germs.Everyone is truly amazed how well it works :)
My husband's tooth absess went away after several days of rinsing with a few drops of oregano oil in water. He was amazed! He still rinses with it to prevent infection.
I have an oregano plant. First sign of a cold, we chew the leaves like cud a couple times the first day. No cold. Helpful when you have kids in school. Note, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach destroys the antiviral properties so ruminating on it gets it into the bloodstream thru the mucous membrane under the tongue.
I use this & also Olive Leaf Extract which works the same. I put the drops in a small glass of apple juice which makes it easier to take.
I apply to the gums around an infected tooth to clear up the infection. A good way to avoid a root canal! Also sniff the vapor to clear sinus infections.
I've read about this and threatened to try it....but the price scared me off thinking "what if it doesn't work". My daughter and I both came down with a bad cold (was only a bad head cold for me, but was going into her chest), so I got some today. Put a few drops in a tbsp of water, and yes, it tasted NASTY (how my 4 yr old got it down is beyond me), but 6 hrs later, and I'm breathing through my nose (haven't done that in days) and my sore throat that nothing was completely getting rid of is gone and she hasn't had to blow her nose in over 3 hrs (a record for her for this cold). I am going to make sure to keep this stuff on hand.
It's much easier to take it in a capsule where you mix it with a carrier oil, like Olive Oil!
Capsules aren't that expensive and it completely encompasses that nasty taste :)
This stuff is amazing, so far I have dodged 2 colds this year... We were recommend this stuff a few years back when my son was 4. He had a very bad virus that nothing would stop. The doctor gave him some pretty serious meds.... Still, nothing happened except my son getting sicker from the different medications.
We went to a local health food store and were recommended to try it out. This also olive leaf extract, which in my opinion is awesome as well for immunity. Within a few day she was almost 75 percent better. The only times he's been to the doctor since are for check ups...Same goes for my fiance and myself!
That leads me to believe that if something like this can actually STOP a cold, allergy, flu, etc in some people. Then what could this do with some of the other amazing herbs and all natural wonders could do for various treatments...food for thought!
My brother told me about oil of oregano about 15 years ago. It is amazing & should be in everyone's medicine chest.
The reason you put it under the tongue is it goes directly into the blood stream that way. It is a little slower at working if it goes through the digestive track. If you take it with or fallowed by tomato juice or V8 the taste doesn't linger as long, just tastes like a pizza.
I put a few drops in an empty gel capsule..........Great for stomach bugs and food poisoning too.......but you cant wait.......not fun if it comes up on you
CAUTION NOT for nursing mamas babies or children
I'm an herbalist. Do some easy web research for more info
I put my drops onto a sugar cube. I know sugar is bad, but it helps get it into the little ones.
caution: Oil of oregano, while it is a powerful healing oil for so many ailments, SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN BY ANYONE ON BLOOD THINNERS. The oil itself keeps blood flowing smoothly, but coupled with blood thinners is like taking a double dose of blood thinners. Research this for yourself if you take blood thinners.
This was surprisingly strong ... obviously I knew that but still shocking! I chased it with some kombucha - covered it well! Hopefully it works! It made my lip numb ... ah
I love oil of oregano! It works great to battle colds and flus. Tastes disgusting, but I take it with orange juice and I hardly taste it at all! :)
Is this oregano essential oil??
I use a drop on arch of both feet, twice a day, whenever I feel something trying to jump on me. The skin on bottom of feet is very thin & allows it to get into the blood stream quickly. Great Stuff!!! :~)
been using it for years! hold it under your tongue a few seconds, then swallow. you can also get it in gel caps so you don't even have to taste it! I get mine from Swanson Vitamins, it's very affordable!
I've had a constant sore throat (allergies? and reflux) for many years. Because I can't stand the pain of it in my throat, I've been taking 3 drops in a gelatin capsule. I don't mind the taste, and have tried putting it under my tongue.
But as soon as I swallow, it's like a blow torch in my throat (eyes water, coughing uncontrollably, fiery pain in throat). My doctor said to cure my sore throat I could try diluting it 1:1 with olive oil. Did that this morning, and after the first blast of pain and coughing, 5 hours later, my throat is more sore than before.
I've seen some comments about putting a few drops in warm salt water and gargling. Would that work?
I'm desperate and frustrated, please help! Thank you very much.
For anyone checking back or wondering (who gets this far down in the comments):
Oil of Oregano vs Oregano Essential Oil-
Oil of Oregano is already diluted with a carrier oil, the essential oil is pure- and STRONGER. (there may be exceptions to that where oil of oregano is actually the pure essential oil but not vice versa) You can save $$ by getting the essential oil, but it should be diluted with a carrier oil (at least 1:1 if not more carrier) before taking it or applying it in any fashion. Not only does it taste bad, but it is also hot- as in spicy- and will irritate virtually any part of your body it contacts if undiluted.
Stomach acids can only partially breakdown & neutralize some of the active compounds.
An environment of Oregano oil (or essential oil) & water will not support or allow bacteria to grow! This stuff is a strong anti-bacterial (and anti-viral, anti-fungal etc)- that's the whole point of taking it! Not to mention the fact that every life form requires nutrients which water is not.
Basically- anything that gets the compounds in the essential oil to the affected area will be affective whether from the outside or inside. So, whatever is method os most comfortable, palatable & convenient for you is just fine. And yes, it will be absorbed through the skin & enter the bloodstream.
For anyone checking back or wondering (who gets this far down in the comments):
Oil of Oregano vs Oregano Essential Oil-
Oil of Oregano is already diluted with a carrier oil, the essential oil is pure- and STRONGER. (there may be exceptions to that where oil of oregano is actually the pure essential oil but not vice versa) You can save $$ by getting the essential oil, but it should be diluted with a carrier oil (at least 1:1 if not more carrier) before taking it or applying it in any fashion. Not only does it taste bad, but it is also hot- as in spicy- and will irritate virtually any part of your body it contacts if undiluted.
Stomach acids can only partially breakdown & neutralize some of the active compounds.
An environment of Oregano oil (or essential oil) & water will not support or allow bacteria to grow! This stuff is a strong anti-bacterial (and anti-viral, anti-fungal etc)- that's the whole point of taking it! Not to mention the fact that every life form requires nutrients which water is not.
Basically- anything that gets the compounds in the essential oil to the affected area will be affective whether from the outside or inside. So, whatever is method os most comfortable, palatable & convenient for you is just fine. And yes, it will be absorbed through the skin & enter the bloodstream.
For anyone checking back or wondering (who gets this far down in the comments):
Oil of Oregano vs Oregano Essential Oil-
Oil of Oregano is already diluted with a carrier oil, the essential oil is pure- and STRONGER. (there may be exceptions to that where oil of oregano is actually the pure essential oil but not vice versa) You can save $$ by getting the essential oil, but it should be diluted with a carrier oil (at least 1:1 if not more carrier) before taking it or applying it in any fashion. Not only does it taste bad, but it is also hot- as in spicy- and will irritate virtually any part of your body it contacts if undiluted.
Stomach acids can only partially breakdown & neutralize some of the active compounds.
An environment of Oregano oil (or essential oil) & water will not support or allow bacteria to grow! This stuff is a strong anti-bacterial (and anti-viral, anti-fungal etc)- that's the whole point of taking it! Not to mention the fact that every life form requires nutrients which water is not.
Basically- anything that gets the compounds in the essential oil to the affected area will be affective whether from the outside or inside. So, whatever is method is most comfortable, palatable & convenient for you is just fine. And yes, it will be absorbed through the skin & enter the bloodstream, so applying it to the bottom of feet is great for children or if you have a sore throat…
Hi Lindsay,
Nice blog!
I'm literally just after taking a whole pipette of this stuff and I gotta say you're right. Not only does the sealed bottle smell up an entire cupboard (dont store this near your tea or coffee!) but the taste is like a nuke to the mouth.
Lets hope its as strong as the taste suggests
Thanks for the tip!
Having suffered with candida for a few years I'm already familiar with Oregano Oil but I hadn't thought of using it to alleviate cold symptoms until today - and it does seem to have already made a difference (Luckily I already had a bottle in my office). I would warn though that ingesting too much could lead to die-off (a nasty toxic reaction familiar to candida sufferers) so it would be a good idea to take some Milk Thistle to offset the possible effects.
I also find a swallowing a minced garlic clove works wonders on a sore throat. Best done last thing at night!
Hello! Just thought I'd share my recent uses for Oregano oil. 1) as a pimple spot treatment right when a red spot occurs, and 2) as a natural deodorant mixed with coconut oil and rubbed into my arm pits.
Works great!
I have just started taking the oregano oil capsules. I read up on why my stomach was so bloated and slow and the oregano oil is part of the Candida diet regimen. In this diet they focus on getting rid of the yeast and take oregano oil as an antifungal. Either way, it is a wonderful discovery. I had been feeling like crap and full of crap. The diet and probiotics along with a colon cleanse and I am now regular. I had been one to go only every 6-10 days. So this is wonderful in itself. Then there is the oregano oil, I feel more energized than I have felt in a looong time! I have rheumatoid arthritis and the oregano oil has help with the inflammation from that also. I am ready to stop taking some of the pain meds that I am on on a regular basis and only take them when I need them when there is breakthrough pain. It is expensive but not as much as some of my other meds! I will take two capsules every day twice a day for the rest of my life.
Hi all. I love taking this for my own symptoms and it works great. However, if you search the web, you'll see there is a lot of advice AGAINST giving it to children, and especially pregnant or nursing moms. I just wanted to throw that out there. I would like to let it work its wonders on my 5-year-old, however, I'm not willing to take any chances with him. Also, you can buy it in capsule form at Sprouts and it's super easy to take!
Best way I've found to take pure oregano oil is teaspoon of coconut oil in mouth til liquid and squirt 3 or 4 drops in mouth. Mild taste with oil. With water much more and it doesn't mix. Take it straight though and the pain will make you forget all about your cold.for a while.
I was introduced to Oil of Oregano 12 years ago when I went into a GNC to buy Echinacea after coming down with early cold symptoms. 4 drops in shot glass w/juice & the next day....symptoms were gone! Since then, it has been a staple in our home. Easier way to take it is to buy Empty Capsules from health food store. I use the small capsules that hold 9 drops. When I feel a cold coming on, I swallow 2, twice a day. Also....you can buy it MUCH cheaper at WalMart.
I order my OOO from Amazon, it is really the best way to treat a cold! A few drops under your tongue, or you can shake it up in a water bottle and drink it too.. eventually you get used to the taste. Chamomile tea is my second go to option for getting rid of a cold naturally. Several cups of chamomile tea, tons of water, rest and OOO drops morning and night can help you kick a cold, fast! =)
I did this last night... And now my entire tongue feels burnt and I can't taste anything! IF YOUR GONNA DO THIS DILUTE IT!!
I haven't had a cold in 7 years, since I retired from teaching in elementary school. But now I have a doozy. My friend told me to put 3 drops in very hot water and breathe in the vapors. When it has cooled enough, drink it. Idrank half, andwill do it again tomorrow AM. Sore throat is gone, nose is clear, and chest congestion is breaking up.
I had a boil last summer, I put Oil of Oregano on it morning and night and in a few days it cleared up. Also if you have a cough you can rub it in on your chest. Heals cuts and burns quickly. I have been using it for about 15 years for many things. It's wonderful. You get used to the taste eventually.
Well I just tried it yesterday and it seems to work. I was all stuffed up and coughing and it was going to my sinuses. Today I'm coughing very little and I feel much better. If you put the drop in about half a cup of water it's no worse than yucky cough syrup. Just eat something after.
I use this to prevent colds since they knock out for a week thus affecting my productivity. Whenever my throat starts to get sore, I take 1ml periodically (every few hours) ASAP. Has worked so far, knock on wood.
I used it for a UTI. 5 drops in a veggie cap twice a day. I felt 90% better the second day. Big relief!
I used it for a UTI. 5 drops in a veggie cap twice a day. I felt 90% better the second day. Big relief!
You can buy it in pill form, and as for giving it to children, I put a couple of drops in a few oz. of gingerale and they don't know its in there. They drink it and they think it's great because it's the only time they get soda.
I find its best to put the drops under your tounge and take it with a shot of v8 takes the taste away
I had a whooping cough a few days ago .. could not stop coughing the entire day (everyone in my classes wanted to kill me). I took 4 drops of the oregano oil in a cup of hot water before bed and I woke up feeling significantly better. I have been taking the oil twice a day for the last two days and have found a huge improvement. I would highly recommend this remedy!
On my first use I mixed it in a glass of water and soon after drinking it I developed a painful rash on the roof of my mouth that burned and led to blister-like bumps. Horrid. (If you are sensitive to spicy foods, do not take it internally.) I now use it neat on the bottom of my feet at night with socks and have had no issues.
I mix up this blend and rub on the feet every 3 hours at first sign of cold.
9 drops Oregano Essential Oil (EO)
15 drops Melaleuca EO
3 drops each of these EO's; Rosemary, Cinnamon, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus, Clove
Top this off with 1Tablespoon of Fracionated Coconut Oil. Store in Amber Bottle tightly capped.
bebe wellness
I mix it will beer
I mixed 3 drops oil of oregano in a small cup of diluted lime juice that i had previously juiced. Could faintly taste the oregano and once it was all down, there was barely any after taste so i put one drop in some lime juice for my 4yo and she's drinking it down nicely! My nose is already unclogged, 30mins later. Thanks for the tips!
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