Ahh binky, binks, paci, chewy, nummy, nukie, soothie or whatever you call them are a must have in my book. And just for reference we call it a "bink." Now I am actually a little curious as to what your name for the little plug is (do tell). I mean what's better than simply placing (or frantically shoving) a pacifier into a crying baby's mouth and the crying instantly stops? Nothing...especially if you have a baby whose cry sounds like a dying dinosaur getting poked with hot sticks. Ronin I am talking to you.
The pacifier aisle at a baby store is insane! There are literally thousands of different kinds and it was one of those things that I remember feeling so overwhelmed about when preparing for both kids.
So this week as part of the
best baby products series I would love to hear from you Moms what pacifier you think is the best (or was your baby's favorite) and would recommend to other expecting or new Moms.
See also:
Best baby carriers
Best baby wash
My oldest daughter called it pass pass :)
I used Avent pacifiers with all 3 of my boys. We tried others but for us, Avent works best. They also have glow in the dark kind - which come in handy!
My oldest liked Avent. My twins were in the hospital for 6 and 12 weeks and since they use the Gumdrop pacifiers there that is what they liked. Which is good since they're inexpensive and come in blaringly obvious colors.
We had those greenish ones from the hospital like the top left one in the photo, but not a single one of our kids were ever interested. I'm not a huge fan of them, and hoped the kids would suck their thumbs, but none of them did that either.
my son likes MAM. But he doesn't like the big size yet, just the small ones.
We love the Avent...the one in the middle! Only one that works for us!
We tried many, but my daughter accepted the MAM. We called it a nook.
I call it a soother, and my daughter likes avent. Though next time I will not buy the completely clear one...so easy to lose. I liked that they are nice looking (it's the one in the middle), come in fun colours (no idea why I got clear), and are orthodontic, so they aren't bad for baby's developing teeth.
Hands down, both kids preferred the MAM pacis to everything else they tried. We call them "pass" or "paci".
Abigail's "paci" of choice is the Nuk! She and I both love that little noise stopper ;)
Neither of my girls would take them and we tried over a dozen different varieties. It was a blessing and a curse. It made infancy a lot harder (mostly because they were using my boob as their pacifier) but the bright side is we never had to kick the paci habit.
I was determined to use the Dr. Browns since their small "bridge" is supposed to be better for the incoming teeth. But my daughter is determined not to use them, she prefers the round gum drops (similar to the one you get at the hospital)... oh well. lol.
And we call the little noise stopper "Schnuller" ( pronounce " Shnoolah") in our house, accompanied by a loud "flooup" out of mommy and daddy's mouth when the paci goes into hers. haha. we make our own soundtracks... we're weird like that. lol.
We actually speak French most of the time at home (we do live in Belgium which explains a lot) so if it's not the pacifier it's the "tutute" not easy to say in English :p We use Avent pacifiers too I tried a couple of brands but my son would not keep them more than 5 seconds until the Avent one showed up! :)
Hi Lindsay!
I am LOVING the new series! As someone who is always looking for "the greatest" of any product to give as baby shower gifts this really speaks to me! Was wondering if at the end of the post you could always fill us in on what you personally use? Think it would be nice for us readers who have been following you for a while now! XOXO
My favorite for our son was Born Free pacifiers. Ours were just plain, clear, and we got those after using Nuk by Gerber pacifiers. I highly disliked the Nuk pacifiers because my son had reflux and thus, spit up, A LOT, and the Nuk pacificers would collect spit up and saliva in the nipple part with no way to clean it. Gross! I had a similar issue with the Born Free ones, not not nearly to the extent of the Gerber ones. I did reviews of both on my youtube channel: www.youtube.com/jennsreviews
as others have said- Avent is perfection. MAM is also nice and what LH prefers now, even though i swore i would take it away before she reached the age she is now. the last baby keeps it longest, i guess.
over here we call them "dummies"
My son prefers the MAM brand we call it suck suck
my babies all used the soother from the hospital. the teal blue one. Then they used me as a paci; they all grew out of it super quick. i call it a paci
I didn't realize until I went to register how much time I would spend researching pacifiers!! And even at that I still don't feel confident in my selection since we won't know till he gets here if he's picky or not. We shall see if mommy made a good selection:)
The NUK was the only one my daughter would use, from day one. We tried the Avent, Mam, etc. but it really seems to just vary baby to baby, as far as preference. We called it a paci, but when she started to "talk" she started calling it something like "boopa", and it stuck, (that's all she would call it) so thats what we all started calling it until we weaned her from it, around age 2.5.
My oldest uses the Avent and has been calling it a "didi" because when he first started talking "paci" didn't come out right. Our youngest uses the Nuk.
We cannot live without our "paci" and wouldn't even think about leaving the house without one! Instant baby soother for sure... the MAM brand is Ellie's favorite and has been for some reason since day one
In my family we are from the south.And we call it a Cho cho
I am a new reader of your blog and LOVE it!! Thank you for all the awesome recipes and inspiration to live a healthier life! About the binkies- my son uses the soothie kind and we just took him to the dentist for the first time where we learned that those are the WORST for teeth! I had already noticed that his front teeth are pushed out and had my suspicions that it was from the binky. He said it was ok for him to keep a binky for the next year but that we really needed to change it to the NUK brand. They are the best for teeth. I still haven't switched it out because it is our sanity and he is so attached to his, but I need to. My son is 17 months and the dentist said that if we switch it soon, his teeth will go back to normal position. Sorry for the journal, just was surprised to learn about the effects of the soothies and am happy to share. I wish I had never let him get hooked on that brand. Good luck!
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