Our first pepper from our garden that is going to get chopped up into tiny pieces and made into salsa this weekend (poor little pepper).
An old diary of mine that I found when I was cleaning out my closet the other day. If only I could have the problems that I had back when I was 12 haha!
A cool little DIY almond and cashew butter station set up at my local organic market. It is so fresh and yummy!
My mud run attire. A bright white t is a must ;) My husband and I are doing our second run together tomorrow and I can't wait!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
The winner of the Noonday giveaway is: Allison!
Congrats Allison! Please e-mail me at lindsay.kujawa@yahoo.com
I use to have several of those Lisa Frank lock diaries. Oh, the memories! ;)
Have a great time at your mud run.
Germany?! That sounds amazing. Hope you get to visit ;)
2 of my best friends are living in Germany right now and they both love it! The location is so great because it is so close to other neat places to visit. It will be awesome when you get to go see her!
If my sister moved to another state I'd freak out. But another COUNTRY!? She was in NY all week for work and I worried the whole damn time. I'm having an anxiety attack for you. lol
I get the almond butter sometimes like that, but never had the cashew. That pretty much sounds like heaven.
Poor little pepper. :( We can't even plant ours yet. Still too cold. So I'll live vicariously through your salsa, and the pepper that gave its life for it.
Happy Friday and happy mud muckin'!
Uuuugh your little pepper makes me happy for YOU! Haha it totally SNOWED this morning in the beautiful midwest plains... haven't even touched my garden yet! BUT SOON! Have a good weekend and run, pretty lady! XO
i've always wanted to participate in a mud run! have fun :)
oh the lisa frank journals!!!!!!
sorry that was me ;) ^^
Where in Germany? I lived south of Stuttgart for ten months! (: I love the picture of your old Lise Frank journal too. I totally used to have one of those! (: Have a great time at the mud run!
My husband is doing his first mud run next month. I'll have to get him a pristinely white t-shirt to defile!
Happy weekend!
I love fresh nut butter! Sprouts I hope? I may have to make a trip up the road and get some of this!
woot woot!
Oh my gosh how funny is it to read old diaries? A few years ago I threw some out because it was just embarrassing to read!
You are such a twit! Seriosuly
Hey Anonymous- Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment! ;) If being a twit means I have fun blogging then I am totally fine with that!
Hope your sister will be somewhere near Austria, that's the best part of Germany ;-)
Greets from Salzburg(!!) Jasmin..* :)
How cool for your sister!
Germany!! Wow! I moved to a different state and that was hard! Good luck to her and you too! It's hard not seeing my sister/mom/family as much....
Awe, sorry to hear that your sisters moving so far away! I hope her and her husband have fun though :) and I bet that salsa was delish ;))
Lindsay, you handled that well. Ignore rude comments. I love your blog and continue to be a fan.
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