Max enjoying some fresh made carrot/orange/ginger/beet juice. The kid seriously loved every juice I made, even the really (grassy tasting) green ones.
Trying a new delicious snack...roasted okra with sea salt. Okra is a highly nutritious edible pod vegetable and up until yesterday I had never heard of it or tried it. I was missing out.
The most fragrant, sweet smelling flowers. Does anyone know what these are called?

A demonstration courtesy of my husband showing us how fast a crispy dried up Christmas tree can go up in flames. Plus we were out of logs and the only thing we had was our dead Christmas tree in the green garbage bin. It was pretty intense and Max thought it was the coolest and scariest thing all at once.
Max testing out his new scooter from Santa at the park. The kid is a scooter natural :) This picture was taken with my iPhone. Sometimes I try to remember what it was like before we had phones and were able to capture special moments with just the click of your thumb...and I seriously cant remember.
Have a great weekend!
YUM! How do you make the roasted okra? :-)
They might be jonquils Lindsay, not sure. That would mean spring is in the air if they were out here.
I just love the little snippets and the Christmas tree totally made me laugh. I think a Christmas tree is a love/hate- its like for me.. I love having it but then when it's time to get rid of it.. such a pain! :)
Have a wonderful weekend.
They're called tuberoses and they have an amazing fragrance. You can grow them in your garden, you can probably find the bulbs now in your local nursery.
Girl, I am so going to feed my (hypothetical) kids some juices one day!
I love pickled okra ... OH EM GEE. But, I tried to roast it and it turned out limp and gooey and horrible. Can you share how you made yours?
Have a great weekend! :)
Oh I wish I could say I made the roasted okra, but I bought it from my local natural grocery store :)
look at him on that scooter! TOO much cuteness! xo
Yesterday I took a picture of my two year old son, happily parading around on red polkadotted high heels at daycare. Unfortunately he deleted it today from my phone:-(
your pictures are incredible, I've never tried okra either, I'll have to add that to my list!
Girl, I remember when we had pagers in high school and we had to use the school payphone to send our message via a number code! 143!!
When I lived in California I craved Okra so bad and no one knew what I was talking about…except my dad who was in the same boat as me. I'm glad you've discovered it. Fresh roasted Okra is the best summertime food and super to easy to make. It grows like a weed in the southern states. You should be able to find it in the summer. Ha, I wish we could burn our tree. Sadly, it's sitting in out backyard. :/
Wow, your tree burning is quite scary - can't imagine if that happened while it was up over Christmas! My Dad once did this with all the hair from my hairbrush to show what would happen if I got too close to the fireplace!
I wrote a blog post today about chia seeds and linked to some of your recipes, hope that's ok! The post is here:
lovely blog post :)
Those flowers might be stocks.
The flowers are called Tuberose! They are amazing!
Tuberoses I am sure, as I have grown them previously - lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!
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