Saturday morning tradition. My husband makes a giant batch of scrabbled eggs and we all sit down together and eat breakfast while we plan out our weekend. It is such a simple pleasure that I look forward to every single Friday night.
The softest kabuki face brush! It is from the ELF line found at Target and it was only $6. It makes your loose powder look flawless and makes such a difference with makeup application. P.S... My thumb needs lotion. It looks a little wrinkly.
Cute packaging plus creative marketing on this delicious blend of coffee. One of my husband's employees sent us a bunch of samples from his wife's coffee shop in Rhode Island. I will be ordering more for sure.
My two men looking quite dapper (the bigger one looking pretty hot if I don't say so myself). This was taken at my little sister's wedding a few weeks ago. Max was doing a little hop + a skip at this exact moment.
Have a wonderful weekend! Do you have any fun plans? We are heading to the farmer's market tomorrow to stock up on fresh veggies for our very first juice cleanse next week. Actually, the husband just informed me (as he glanced over at my blog post) that he does not want to go the the Farmer's Market (lame) so it looks like Ronin and I have a date!
Ooo I love Elf products, so I have to buy that brush! Aww I love hearing about family traditions! Your guys are definitely looking dapper! Have a great date!
I love that y'all do scrambled eggs every saturday morning, what a fantastic tradition! I've also used some of elf's products and was blown away that not only were they inexpensive but they actually WORK.
:) Have a lovely weekend.
I got a Vitamix for Christmas so I'm hoping you'll post some family-friendly juicing recipes next week!
Ohhh. Thanks for the Rec on the makeup brush. I need a new one:) you son is sooooo cute in that bowtie!!!!
Happy weekend Lindsey!!! Xoxoxo
While he was glancing over your shoulder did he notice your "hot" comment about him? That should make him want to go to the Farmer's Market. ;) Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, Lindsay...enjoy!!
oh YAY!!!!! juice cleanse (: you know i'm a pro at that, yes? so feel free to ask any questions! have a lovely time- your saturday morning tradition is THE CUTEST!
the smoothie thing cracks me up :D too cute! and i love that you all sit down and plan out your weekend on saturday morning...i just love it :) have a happy, happy weekend! XO Brynn
Greetings form Poland! You're such a nice and funny person, I enjoy reading your posts every time.
I'm suprised by your surname and wondering if you have ancestros in Middle Europe?
Hey I live in RI and coffee exchange is right down the road! The place is awesome.. they are always roasting up a fresh batch :)
Just did a cleanse myself and I feel fantastic! Juicing is a wondeful addition to any 'diet'. Happy weekend to you!
If I wasn't working I'd be halfway to Target. I need a new brush and six bucks? I can think of very many legitimate reasons not to buy one that don't involve severe allergies.
The first time my two year old got a brain freeze he was so confused. "It's hot! It's cold! It hurts right here!" I laughed than felt terrible then laughed again. Bad mom.
Are you following a specific juice fast? I've checked out a Dr. Oz version but I'm not sold..
Oooh juice cleanse sounds interesting, do let us know how it goes! xxx
Absolutely, please update on how the juice cleanse goes! I've been on the fence about whether or not to give it a try.
This weekend I'll be going back home to visit (I'm on break from graduate school) and to see my godson, the newest addition to our family! He was born a week ago today and I have yet to lay eyes on him. Very exciting :)
I love your Saturday tradition! I can't wait to start something like that. Right now our lives are all about sleeping in but I know that's about to change. :)
Good luck on your juice cleanse! What kind of juicer did you get? You have to try a few fruit recipes…they're so delicious. :)
haha - i love the edit at the end. brian usually doesn't enjoy joining me at the farmer's market either.
Pasibrzucha- My last name is Polish :)
MellyB- I am not following a specific plan but I will be replacing three meals a day for 3-4 days with pure fresh pressed juice. I will share all the details Monday :)
Anna Elder- It's a Breville Juice Fountain Elite :)
Have to laugh--I'm just as excited about "smoothie-time" and drink it way to fast, get brain freeze and then start screaming...and I'm a grown-up, LOL.
We ALSO have the scrambled egg weekend tradition. The hubz whips up a delish-usss batch of scrambled eggs and we linger at the breakfast table for hours. I. Love. It. and it's great way to kick off the weekend!
Great reminder for me to go to the farmer's market tomorrow!
I thought so - it sounds familiar to me :)
I love that elf products are so inexpensive! And I just got a magic bullet so I'm hoping to add some smoothies into my diet. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!
cute sis. :)
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