One of the things on my holiday to-do list was to take Max to Disneyland to see all the holiday lights and the classic holiday parade. We took him for the first time this Monday and I have never seen him so excited! Plus my husband and I have not been to Disneyland in over a decade! That's a long time considering we live only about an hour away.

Max's first ride of his life. Can you see him? That giant person (me) is blocking him. He could not believe we were flying and wanted to go again and again.
Spinning away on the teacups! He kept telling me to go faster and faster! I wanted to puke...
He was talking about meeting Mickey Mouse for dayyyyyys. Well Mickey Mouse decided not to show up that day so my husband convinced Max (that's also a great part about being a parent you get to brainwash your kids. Kidding!) that Goofy was even better. He was a little hesitant but Goofy eventually got a hug and of course I got a million pictures.
Oh and this little guy also got to come :) He was such a trooper and was pretty content in the baby carrier. And is it just me or is there something so hot about a man being sweet with a baby? Especially when it's my man and my little baby.
Watching the holiday parade. At this exact moment Buzz Lightyear was passing by and I think that might have been the highlight of his year.
The most festive Christmas street ever! Max was pretty pooped at this point but not tired enough for one last treat...
You can't come to Disneyland and not have some kind of treat....I mean come on!
What a magical experience for a kid!! I'm jealous, now I want to go to Disneyland:)
I LOVE Disney! I don't have children, nor do I think I want any, but is it weird I feel this way with my dog? I've caught her watching fireworks and her eyes lit up. We even went to go look at houses decked in lights last night with some friends and she loved watching the moving santas and reindeers.
Maybe that's the same thing? ha!
xo Jessica
this is something I cannot wait to do when we have children....experience those things that solidified and made my childhood, but seeing it through their eyes :)
I love that about having kids too! Everything is special and magical again.
Awww you guys...what a fun day! I've been dying to go during the would be so magical to see all of the lights up!
I cannot wait to take my kids!! So. Much. Fun.
I grew up about 20 minutes from Disneyland...cannot WAIT to take Ethan there for the first time. SO magical...especially at Christmas time!
What a great family day!! So fun.
We took our kids to Disney for my daughter's 5th birthday last year. My son had just turned 2 and was freaking out about it all! I think he thought we were inside of a cartoon!
And AGREE! My husband carrying our kids in the baby carrier was the hottest!
love your family super coolllllll
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