Let me paint you a picture of what dinner time is like at our house...
I am making dinner and my husband is walking around with Ronin in the Bjorn bouncing up and down trying to calm him down. You see, when I am in the room but I am not holding Ronin he does not approve and throws an absolute fit. Max then has to continually let us know that, "Brother is cryyyyyying!" Thanks buddy we had no idea.
In between being an announcer, Max is running around throwing his basketball into his hoop. The fun usually ends when the ball gets thrown a little too close to either me or his brother.
Once dinner is actually ready I am nursing Ronin while inhaling my dinner at record speed trying not to drop salad onto his head. This takes talent.
Our dinner conversation is usually all about the kids. We talk about what cute things Max did that day, how many times Max went on the big potty, how many times Ronin peed on me (yes this happens more often then I would like to admit) and how many naps he took. Maybe we will get a few sentences in there about Ian's day. Ya it's not very romantic or adult-ish in the slightest bit.
It is so easy to get used to this new normal and stop having actual adult conversations all together.
Ian and I realized we were both missing that one on one time we used to have so much. We both have things we wanted to talk to each other about and it started to seem like we were just acting like parent robots and forgetting about making quality time for each other.
To help break this cycle and make things feel a little more romantic and normal between the two of us we decided to start making it a priority to go on dates. Once a week (that is our goal) we actually get ready and go out on a date. We talk about whatever the heck we want. One to two hours of actual adult conversation is pretty much the best thing ever. Not only do I feel more confident with myself since I am all dressed up but I feel so much closer to my husband since starting this...plus his chances of getting lucky are even higher I noticed ;) Yep I just said that.
One of the best pieces of advice I got when I was pregnant with Max was to always remember you were a twosome before you were a threesome (or a now foursome).
If you have kids I would love to know if you have an established date rule with your other half. How long do you go until you realize you need some one on one time with each other?
On a side note: For those of you reading who may be raising kids on your own, you are simply amazing. If you have the option to get out and do things with your friends, do it. You deserve it.
If you missed part one of the series, you can read it