I also did not realize you still look 6 months pregnant after you deliver (I actually did know this but thought I would magically be different). I brought pajamas that were uncomfortable, underwear that was too small and totally forgot a nursing bra! I was a hot mess. This pregnancy I am fully aware that I will be having a c-section and I am going to be so prepared it's not even funny. No need for family members to run off to Target to buy me "big girl high waisted underwear" this time around. Yes that really happened.
1. Facial Towelettes- these are a must! They cleanse your skin, remove makeup and moisturize all in one. Last time I packed my entire beauty routine into my over night bag and I used none of it (duh). This time I want to keep it simple.
2. Rosebud Salve- my go to lip balm to keep my lips nice and soft for all the kisses I will be giving baby Ronin.
3. Slippers- another thing I forgot with my first delivery. You NEED slippers. Especially when you want to walk to the bathroom or walk up and down the halls. Walking around in your socks is just yucky...trust me.
4. Nursing Bra- whoever invented this genius little design is a godsend.
5. Camera- this is one thing I never forget to bring. My friends actually laugh at me because I always have it no matter what. I just need to make sure it is fully charged and has the memory card in it.
6. Boppy- every new Mom needs one of these! It makes breastfeeding so much easier and is so much more comfortable than the air filled pillows that they have at the hospital.
7. Altoids- just in case I end up getting sick again from the medication these will be quite handy. Puke-y breath is no fun.
8. Comfortable underwear and Pajamas- I made the mistake of bringing low cut briefs last time, which is not okay with a c-section. High waisted granny panties are seriously the best for post delivery. No need to get all fancy here.
Did I forget anything?! If you have any other Mom after delivery essentials I would love to hear!
Looks like you are prepared! I hope that things go a million time better this time.
I'm getting so excited for you:) xoxoxo H
such a great list. on my hospital list.. i have an extra change of clothes for the hubs and music. :)
Phone charger!
this is wooonderful advice, definitely bookmarking this for august! woohoo! thank you!
My list is pretty much the same... Except I def ended up using the mesh underwear from the hospital, and plan to this time as well. I brought my own pillow last time in a patterned pillow case so it wouldn't be accidentally left - I'm really glad I did for comfort reasons. Otherwise, the only other essentials for us would be a laptop/ipad (we Skyped throughout labor and our stay with our family across the world) and an assortment of snacks for the hospital stay to get us through between meals.
Also, I brought clothes that fit me while 9 months pregnant because I figured they would def still fit me afterwards even if I was smaller. I was BIGGER when I left the hospital than I was at 9 months pregnant :( I retain water like nobody's business and my C-section after 36 hrs (everyone always cringes at that but I will SO take 36 over 48) made me blow up like a balloon. I could barely fit into the PJs I wore home and I def couldn't fit into them while in the hospital - I wore the gown the entire time =\
Yes on the slippers! I had a reaction to the pain meds this time around...lol...it was funny I was in a fog.
Praying for a fast ans easy delivery for you friend!
This looks great! I brought my own pillow, because I wanted to sleep a little bit comfortable while there. I also love that little numbing spray that they provide for you--and the squirt bottle. Those are some lovely things to look forward to. :) It's all worth it though. Good luck friend!
Helpful list.....I'm 36 weeks and ready!
Sounds like your first experience was much like my second...and yes granny panties are the best for a C-section. Looks like you have everything you need. So excited for you and your family.
have a wonderful Mother's day.
I'm 18 weeks right now and was quite unprepared with my first one too so I already have a list started! Your list gave me a few more things to add to mine. Thanks!
Ditto on the granny pants. I had an unplanned c-section too and was errr unprepared. Also used those cucumber facial cleansers. My lips were so dry during labor too...the lip balm really helped.
Your post made me smile- I too, thought, 'I would magically be different.' #2 is just a thought at this time, but the second time around I will be so much wiser.
Thank you for the helpful tips! I am due in the Autumn and am bookmarking this post for future reference. :-)
Ok, I'm just gonna say it...don't forget pads mmkay. Granny panties yes! Or just use the fancy mesh ones the hospital gives you - I wore those lovelies for at least a week after my c-section - and yes they can be washed with the laundry. I was sexy I tell ya!
My boppy is on it's third baby. Why didn't I invent that!?
The nursing bra is the best. I wish I had more than one though, 'cause your SOL if it's in the wash.
I puked my brains out too after this c-section - for 12 hours. :(
The granny panties are a definite must.
My only suggestion is for home. People brought us several meals the first week or two, but after that, you're still not wanting to make big meals every night, so something ready to go in the freezer would have been nice. Lasagna, enchiladas, something easy to heat up.
Are you getting sooooo excited?!?! :)
I found an eye mask and ear plugs to be so wonderful for shutting out the hospital light and noise when I absolutely had to get some sleep. If daddy is there to watch over the baby and you can get some sleep I highly recommend it. Make sure you get ear plugs that are connected to each other by a string of some sort so they don't fall out and get lost.
I came across your blog through pinterest and LOVE it! I love all your recipes. I have recently gone gluten free and you have given me great ideas. Thanks!
I don't have anything to add for the hospital bag, but try to remember (even with the pregnancy brain) to have your cell phone with you at ALL TIMES! I just had my son the last week of March, and was sent straight from the Dr. office to the hospital because I was already in labor and didn't know it. 8 cm and no contractions! Of course I left my phone at home that morning and had no way to call my husband. The nurses were offering to call him for me, but I couldn't remember his number! lol. Eventually I had them call my Gramma and then have her call my husband. It was crazy, but he did end up making it in time for the delivery.
The moral of my ramble...ALWAYS carry your phone! :D
I am not preggo... But this list is for sure helpful for my friend due next week!!! Thanks for the tips!!!
What a preparation. But this is good. =)
Leggings! Well at least it felt great to me to comfortably fit in them!
PS: Right on with the big panties, someone warned me and I'm glad I listened ;)
Truer words have rarely been spoken...I had an unplanned C-section as well and had to send my mother-in-law to the store for me to get granny panties. LOL Low-cut bikini briefs hitting where my stitches were? No thank you!!!
Great post! My ob recommended a tummy belt after delivery to help the tummy go back into place as well as help your cervix contract properly back into place and it was great!
Great blog now following!
I, too, ended up with an unplanned c-section and for baby #2 will do things SO differently. Your list gave me ideas! Thanks.
The big day is coming up, isn't it?? GOOD LUCK!!!! XO.
OH!! And an abdominal binder!! I didn't get one till 5 days post c-section and will DEFINITELY have one next time. Helped so much with holding my tummy in which helped ease the pain on my incision. AND it helped push out the gas..... sorry. TMI!! ; )
great list, I have to pack my bag this week too. I was also grossly unprepared last time and had an unplanned c-section as well after about 24 hours of labor.
What about your own robe? I have an old one I plan to pack to wear instead of the johnny during recovery. I think I want to pack music this time around too. also, a present for my daughter from her new baby brother (although I haven't yet decided what that will be).
love this! i was just thinking i should probably at least start to think about what I need in my hospital bag and buy any "essentials" I'm low on. I had a csection with my first but am hoping for a vbac this time around. But I am definitely not packing all the cute things again. Purely essentials this time around. Thanks for the post:)
No babies here, but the last time I was in the hospital after surgery, I bought a really high count silky feeling flat sheet. I really don't like the sheets at hospitals, they itch so bad! Music and comfy noise blocking headphones were also a must. :)
a notebook so you can write down your first thoughts and feelings. I loved my first baby photos, but when they grow up and ask me what i said and felt when i first saw/held them i wanted to be able to tell them.
good luck xx
Thanks for sharing! I will keep this in mind when it comes time for us :)
what a great list :)
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