36 weeks--Almost There!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yep this is the only non blurry/halfway decent picture that I have from Mother's Day (other than an iPhone one my husband took). I am not surprised though. This is usually how it goes with our family. Have you seen these pictures? Unless we hire a professional photographer it is almost impossible to get a picture where we are all looking at the camera at the same time. This makes me smile though. My son was in true form...trying to escape and play with the balls on the grass a few feet away. I love this little guy more than I can even explain and I feel beyond blessed to be his Momma and call him my son.

I am now 36 weeks pregnant! I feel like a mini elephant and I can not wait to NOT be pregnant anymore. The countdown has really begun. I only have 3 weeks left.

A few things on my pregnant mind:
  • I have already hit the 35 pound weight gain. I would love to not gain anymore. Thank you.
  • Girls...never ever get your belly button pierced if you plan on getting pregnant. If you did get it pierced, take it out the moment you even think about getting pregnant. I will get all stretched out and weird. This is coming from personal experience.
  • Same goes for tattoos. I have one on the lower half of my belly (a dragonfly, so cool I know) and if it was any higher it would be a giant deformed bat by now. Thankfully it is still a small little dragonfly.
  • I am so ready to start tacking this lovely pregnancy induced melasma that has occurred over the past couple of months.
  • Why does my nose get all stuffed up the moment I lay down? Is this a weird pregnancy symptom? It's annoying.
  • I can not wait to have a glass of wine and go on a sushi date with my husband.
  • Will Ronin look like Max or look completely different, like me and my sister do?
  • I am SO excited to meet and hold my son in just a few short weeks!


Heather said...

You look beautiful! I have to second you on the belly button piercing. UGH. What a mistake that was. You live, you learn, right? So excited for you! You're on the home stretch! :)

OliviaBH said...

So cute! You look truely glowing! good luck all the way from the UK! xxx

Anonymous said...

You look fantastic! You are at the home stretch!!! PS - I had my belly button done a long time ago and am now dreading the thought of the pregnancy / stretched out belly button. Sigh... Maybe a plastic surgeon can rid it. ;) xoxo A-

Simply LKJ said...

You look adorable! Ha, another great piece of advice to give to young girls (they never think about later).

Welcome said...

THIS is exactly what i wore on mothers day! love that dress, ..:) happy moms day!

Star Vogue said...

you look gorgeous, all the best!

Unknown said...

I concur about the belly button piercing. 8 weeks post-delivery and mine still looks eff'd.

And that first glass of wine? Spectacular.

You look gorgeous!

Abbey said...

My older sister and I are only a year and a half apart, and then my little sister is 9-11 years younger than us. It's so funny because everyone always says she either looks like me or my older sister. No one ever compares her to our parents!

Good luck with your last few weeks! You look lovely. :)

Lauren said...

I have a poor tiny flap of skin above my belly button... It was perfect for getting my belly button pierced, but it HURTS now and it's so super stretched out. I'm really glad I haven't worn a piercing in probably 5 years because it's looking rough. Thankfully it did this last time too and went back to looking like normal skin post-delivery (hoping for more of the same this round).

I have a tattoo that I was warned would stretch out when I had a baby... It's barely covered up in a bikini bottom. Not stretching last time, and none this time, but you're right if it were higher it would no longer be a heart but instead some unrecognizable shape.

My nose does the same thing when I lay down. So ready for that to go away.

I'm buying a bottle of champagne for when I get home from the hospital. Granted I won't be able to down the whole thing considering but I'll be able to have a little bit. Sushi is def on the menu too - I'm tired of having to eat cooked rolls only.

I wonder the exact same thing about my daughters... Part of me can't imagine anything different than a baby Brielle because that's what I know, but at the same time I expect them to be different like my sister and I. The 3D ultrasound offered no clarification for me, I'm still up in the air and it could go either way. :)

Jessica said...

Can't wait to hear how you tackle your melasma. Mine is out of control. As is my belly button piercing situation - and I haven't been pregnant in 7 years and it still doesn't look right!

Life Happens said...

You look beautiful! Hope you had a fabulous mother's day.

Mindy said...

Yay! Almost here!!! I'm getting so excited to see the little critter. :o)

Stephanie said...

You look beautiful! And you are getting so close to meeting your little one. So exciting!

natasha {schue love} said...

I think you look AMAZING!!! That's a gorgeous dress! And you really are in the home stretch!! So exciting!! I'm right behind you...cheering you on!

Katie said...

So sweet!

Unknown said...

as so many have already commented, you really do look BEAUTIFUL!! :) best wishes for the next few weeks! <3

henning love said...

you are so so cute! thanks for the tip on the pierced belly button. i will keep that in mind whenever it happens. cant wait to see photos of ronin!!

Kat said...

Whew! Best of luck. And thankfully, I neither have the guts to get my belly button pierced or to get my tummy tattooed, so I'm safe in that regard! Hooray!


Un-fancy Mama said...

You look beautiful! I also had a belly button pierceing and 3 pregnancies and 4 kids later it is the only part on my belly that got a stretch mark. (I'm guessing because the skin was weaker there? ugh!) You are almost there!!!

Lindsay said...

You look gorgeous!! LOVE that dress on you! xo

Alexa said...

Lindsay, you look beautiful. And dude, Mila never is in her best form when we are trying to take photos. Yep...same experience here on the belly button piercing. Le Sigh.

Sarah said...

I am very close to the 35 pound mark too and I'm totally scared I'll go over. I bet you'll hold out just fine. You look AMAZING. I had my first at 37 weeks and she was almost 9 pounds. You are almost there!!! Oh, and I 2nd the wine and sushi date. I CAN'T WAIT!

- Sarah

Anonymous said...

You look so amazing! No worries about the weight, first of all it's great you have only gained 35 pounds so far, secondly you will lose it so quickly when you are busy with the baby and running around after your son. Enjoy, this is the best time of your life.

Unknown said...

Stupid belly rings! I had not 1, but 4 - top, bottom, left & right. How cool was I back in high school? Luckily only the top & bottom went funky, but I still look like a mutant. lol. One look at my belly, and my little cousins were all shocked right out of ever getting it done themselves!

Lindsay said...

You look gorgeous! You will be able to breath again & be able to bend over without passing out soon. :)

Andrea said...

You look great! Almost there...you can do it! I have to say, your blog is inspirational. Keep up the good work. I had my first mother's day yesterday and it was wonderful. Looking forward to the years to come, even if my baby is more preoccupied with a ball in the yard :)


Mandi, the Sassy Fit Mom said...

Oh bless your heart--you're almost there. You may feel like a mini elephant but you sure don't look very big at all. Your new bundle of joy will be here shortly :)

Mandi @theSassyFitMom

Molly said...

Can we discuss your super cute outfit? Details on that! I totes want that skirt/dress whatever it is!

Anonymous said...

i've read that the stuffy nose is a preg symptom!! i've had a stuffy nose at night the whole time i've been pregnant so far. isn't that strange? it's supposedly due to increased mucus production. [gross. sorry for saying mucus on the internet!]

and you look amazing! i bet you're excited to be so close to birthin' time!!

colleen said...

exciting stuff! let us know what melasma stuff works - i feel your pain on that front.

Andrea @ Strawberry Chic said...

I am so excited for you! If you've really gained 35lbs, it certainly doesn't show!

sherri lynn said...

Lindsay you look great! Just a few weeks to go and little Ronin will be here!! Can't wait to see pictures of your family of four :)

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

You look beautiful! Almost time...eek! Hope you had a great Mother's Day.

BTW this comment alone "I can not wait to have a glass of wine and go on a sushi date with my husband"summarizes my worst fears about pregnancy! Not the labor, not the side effects....LOL the fact that can I make it 9 months with out my beloved wine & sushi??!

Nicholle Montalvo said...

Thanks for the head's up on the belly button piercing and the tattoo... both of which apply to me... crap. LOL!

You look STUNNING!! How exciting that the time is getting so close! :D Can't wait to hear the wonderful news of Ronin's arrival!

Nicholle Montalvo said...

PS - that dress is so dang adorable! Where'd you get it??

calikatrina said...

So beautiful. And so SOON, yay!! xo!

Sharstin said...

getting so close gal! you look gorgeous!

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

yay for almost there!! You and little Max look so cute together :) And I'm so with you on pregnancy congestion (and insomnia) - the worst!

P.S. Thanks for the sweet comment today. :)

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

You look gorgeous!

Aya Smith said...

Getting family photos can be such an awkward procedure! Since having two children, I crave family photos... but rarely receive them. *sob* :( You two look ADORABLE!

Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi

simplyvonne said...

you def dont look like you gained 35, i gained about 40 with my lil girl. you definitely glowing and yay almost there!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

You look SO amazing! I can't believe you are 26 weeks!

alicia said...

you two are adorable :) you really are glowing! your family photo stories always make me laugh.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 36 weeks! You look adorable!

Anonymous said...

Almost there... Yay!!
You look gorgeous!

Amy said...

I just found your blog through Craftzine. I am also 36 weeks pregnant (as of May 17th). This is my first baby so I'm really enjoying looking through all the tips you've posted.....plus all the cool DIYs too :) Definitely there with you with the congestion too! Good luck for everything in the next few weeks.

Emily @ Busy Mommy said...

Amen about the belly button piercings. Even though I took mine out way before pregnancy, it stretched out soo weird- like one big stretch mark. One of the things I hate the most about post-baby body!

Unknown said...

Oh! loved reading this, am still in my first week and hope i have a nice bump like you.14 Weeks Pregnant Signs

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