In honor of Earth Day, which was yesterday I wanted to share our family's little way of staying green.
Ian and I started a tradition
last year where each spring we would re-plant or re-seed our garden. Keeping what we liked from the year before and ditching what we did not (hello little puny carrots that tasted like a bitter version of a real carrot). This year we decided to go with an entire bed of heirloom tomatoes (my favorite) and a second bed with a few different lettuce varieties and cucumbers.

My current view. Hello baby Ronin. I admit I was not much help with the whole gardening process--but I was a great water and snack getter :)

Ian checking on our compost pile that we used as a fertilizer for our garden. Does any one else have a compost pile? It is great! You can put your eggshells, egg cartoons, coffee grinds, biodegradable paper towels and so much more in there! It is not the prettiest of things but it is the best kind of nutrients you can give your plants.

Planting our heirloom tomatoes. I can not wait for these to take over and have fresh tomatoes for months to come.
We haven't set up a compost pile at our new place yet but we have a great municipal program that we use right now. Feels great not to throw that stuff out. As for the garden,....you're making me dream of fresh tomatoes. There is nothing like tomatoes from the garden. They can be your entire meal and it's blissful. Mmmm.
Good for you actually having a compost pile! My mom's tried for years and never actually gone through with it. Your garden's going to be great!
You go, girl! I can't wait until the day we have a yard again so we can plant. I don't mind living in an apartment until the spring rolls around and I really wish I could get some potting soil under my finger nails. Composting is a great way to take care of the planet and plants eat that stuff up! Glad it was something you could do together as a family...
Love that your doing this around Earth Day! :) We have a garden and last year just added the raised bed portion. We have a compost....but it's not exactly working right since I had pumpkins trying to grow in it last year...:) So that's one thing we want to work on this year. Do you have any tips?
Here's my post from last years garden prep http://portofthoughts.blogspot.com/2011/03/still-working-hard.html I must say we haven't started a thing yet this year with a three week old baby boy in our sweet house I may be growing weeds this year. Hey I heard dandelions are nice for salad? ;)
What a lovely tradition and the tummy is so adorable!
Awesome!! You should check out the new Tower Gardens my company launched this spring {vertical, sustainable farming...no weeds or mess either!!} www.clsmith.towergarden.com
Love it!!
Just started following your blog - I love it. Thank you for the low carb, gluten free muffin recipe recently - amazing! And this is so inspiring to see you planting your own food garden... I need to do this! :)
How did you learn to compost? We wanted to do it but I was skeptical of just tossing things in a bin and waiting. We also want to get chickens but that one REALLY freaks me out!
Haha I love the belly picture! Took me a second to realize what the pic was of. :)
I looooove heirloom tomatoes! my favorite. they did not do so well last year so I am hesitant to waste so much space in my tiny community garden plot for them!
That's such a lovely tradition. I have planted quite a few things this year too. My spinach is growing so fast, I can't wait to have a salad from my own garden. And I'll try to plant tomatoes again this year... I didn't succeed last year!
Ah can't wait to get our garden into full gear! Eeek, you're getting so close Lindsay! Hope you are feeling well!
What a great thing to do on Earth Day! We don't have a compost pile but what a great way to fertilize and reuse!
i think that is a wonderful tradition and to do it as a family is a great thing. can't wait to see your little veggie bed grow and what dishes you make with the veggies you grew yourself.
What a wonderful tradition for the whole family!! I fully intended to do something green with my little boy, but when we woke up to a cold snap I just couldn't make my way outside. :( Booo! I will make it up to Earth later this week, though! ;)
We just started our garden too. We are trying to start from seeds this year, we'll see how it goes. We also have a compost bin! It's pretty amazing how much you can cut down on your garbage by using one.
This is such a cute tradition! We've been wanting to build a garden on the side of the house where our dogs can't get to it. The pug likes to eat all the veggies. And since I've started juicing I've really wanted to start composting! But our backyard is on the smaller side…does it smell?
Such an awesome tradition! I love that sweet little belly of yours! And I would love, love a garden.
Great photos! Super cute Spring tradition!
What a great garden! I can't wait to plant mine! And your belly - it's toooo cute!
This did coordinate with my little gardening gift basket post! We've been thinking about starting compost pile. The hubby is suppose to plant our garden this weekend. I can't wait. Eating fresh veggies out of there is my favorite thing ever, and apparently our dogs too as they were obsessed with tomatos last year!
i can't wait to have an outdoor compost! i am running on my wormy indoor one right now... and there are far to many scraps than the worms can eat!! I wish that we had the climate for those heirloom tomatoes... or the RB to build me a greenhouse!
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