Well I have a great solution. This drink recipe that I am sharing today not only will make it bearable but if you were not a fan of raw apple cider vinegar before this will most likely change your mind.
There are a few things that I swear by...raw apple cider vinegar is one of them. I never go a day without drinking it.
A recap of some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar are:
- It is a natural remedy for heartburn.
- Can help clear up skin conditions and acne (read this post for more information)
- Promotes digestion and will keep you regular
- Helps control weight
- Can help regulate blood sugar (as a type 1 diabetic this has made a huge difference for me)
- Helps reduce sinus infections and sore throats (my husband starts drinking this like crazy whenever he feels a cold coming on)
- It is rich in enzymes and potassium
- Can help ease menstrual cramps
- Helps promote youthful healthy bodies
Sweetened Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir:
- 1 1/2 cup of cold filtered water
- 2 tbs of apple or grape juice
- 2 tbs of raw apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp of stevia (powdered) if using liquid you only need a few drops.
* I only suggest using raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
Place all the ingredients together in a glass and stir until it is all mixed together. You can add a little ice if you like, and drink!
This tastes sweet and delicious! If you try this--please come back and let me know what you think.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 329 of 329I really enjoyed making this today! My boys even wanted a sip & they said it tasted yummy! The only different thing that I did was add a tsp of my cinnamon/honey mixture to sweeten it :)
I like to put my acv in hot water with 1/4 of a lemon. I call it my acv tea. I usually drink two a day.
I tried it and it tastes delicious! Instead of buying apple juice, I juiced 1 organic apple and it worked out perfectly. Thank you for sharing!
For those who can't get the cinnamon to mix into the liquid. Id using honey, mix the cinnamon into it well and the add the ACV. Hope tis helps.
how long can you keep this into refrigerator.. or freezer? does tbs mean spoon you use for soup? sorry sometimes need help with my english. Thanks a lot, this will help me with my diabetes and chronical hepatitis, I need to keep thin and eat healthy ♥
I've been "slipping" ACV into my kiddos smoothies for the past 5 months or so and they have yet to even get the common cold since then! Great stuff!! I'll def try this recipe for myself.
Also--I just put it in a glassful of one of my fruit infused waters, especially apple and cinnamon. It tastes slightly sweet without adding any sweetener. I also add it to plain ice cold club soda. It's not bad at all and refreshing.
I made this yesterday trying to fight the flu. I was getting the symptoms, achy body, fever, headache and swollen tonsils. Night time is usually when the shivering and cold sweats hit me but after I drunk the elixar non of that happened. I felt good enough to carry on with my day. Morning time I made another batch and carried it to work to sip on and can still feel slight achiness but not severe. So I don't know if this stuff is working or its just me..... My mix is 1 1/2 water preferable warm, 2 tbs ACV, 1 tbs acacia honey, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon......I could have used a bit more honey for taste
I've been drinking ACV in hot water with honey *almost* everyday and I haven't had a cold yet this winter (knock on wood) while everyone else in my house has been sick...I'm trying so hard to get them to drink it, maybe this will help!
still waiting on "dosage" info. Not going to start something without knowing how much is needed
I used your recipe on my blog www.oldfashionedgirls.wordpress.com and linked back! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for posting this! My mother and I had this with our breakfast this morning. It is very refreshing and not overly sweet, so we both love it. We're both diabetic, and both have a slew of other smaller health issues. After recently discovering all the benefits of ACV we've decided to try having this every morning for a month. We'll let you know how it goes!
Not my favorite flavor. My husband and I have been investigating for a better tasting option, as have heard great things for hormones. This was not it, but it was worth a shot. Neither of us like the taste of ACV, so that is against us already.
I tried this today using grape/cranberry juice. After buying the big bottle of juice, I was thinking I may try substituting it with something like "Mio" water flavors to simplify things. The mixture is very mild and the vinegar taste is barely noticeable; the juice offsets it. The cinnamon does float on top and you need to keep stirring it, but it helps the flavor. I didn't have Stevia, but just mixed in a pinch of raw sugar and tried to stir it enough to dissolve. I've known rcv is good for you, but cringed at the idea of drinking it as a beverage. I was considering capsules of the stuff. Cinnamon is also great for blood sugars.
Love it thank you! I like mine hot with honey (its winter here) I have noticed feeling more energized and my skin clearer! Been using for approx 1 month.
I mix mine with crystal light and love it!
I just saw this recipe on Pinterest. I feel a cold coming on so I wanted to try this asap. I didn't have an apple or grape juice on hand so I used my homemade Elderberry syrup.I shook it all up in a jar to mix well. This is DELICIOUS!! My cold germs don't stand a chance now! Thank you for sharing.
well I tried it, used honey instead of Stevia, didn't have apple juice so I put some freshly squeezed lemon juice. I am not a big fun of this drink bu it is more drinkable than apple cider only w/water, I will try it w/apple juice also. Anyway thanks for the recipe :)
I think I read that this removes skin tags. Do you know anything about that?
I drink something very similar but can not tolerate it being ice cold. I mix the raw ACV and raw honey with hot water and make like a tea and it's much more enjoyable. Even as it sits and gets to room temp it's better for me to drink than when it's cold.
Where would I find the Bragg's brand? Thanks!
Where would I find the Bragg's brand? Thanks
I've been drinking this for quite some time...I started this cleanse for better fertility as I had read that it was helpful for ovarian cysts. I am now typing this with my six month old daughter in my arms! I conceieved within three months after more than a year of trying with no luck. Same happened for my SIL! Don't know of it was all due to ACV but it was definitely worth it. Throughout my pregnancy it helped me immensely with nausea. And now I keep up withi it for the energy to be a good mommy!
For best results should I drink this everyday?
I mix mine with v8 fusion. The juice is very dense and you can't taste the raj. How many times a day should you do this?
Just tried this and this is absolutely delicious. YUM, YUM, YUM! Thanks for the recipe.
OMG! This recipe is perfect! I have a very strong gag reflex when it comes to apple cider vinegar due to a nasty UTI home remedy attempt :( Your drink is not only bearable it is actual some what enjoyable :) Thank you. I will be re-blogging, re-pinning, and sharing.
So you say powdered stevia 1/2 tsp... that is a LOT of the powdered stevia that is pure... definitely way more sweet than a couple drops of the liquid. Can you confirm? Maybe if it is the stevia packet stuff with additives in it?
It's great heated too! I put raw, local honey in instead of the sweetener. Thanks for the great recipe!
I have been using just water and honey with the ACV. Im going to try adding the cinnamon and apples juice right now!!!!
Just tried this and it is Awesome! I did however add some lemon juice as that helps with other things as well, and helps your body regulate it's Ph.
I shared this on my FB page today! Thank you! Sounds great...I actually don't mind the taste of the ACV. www.facebook.com/organicgirl2012
This is a great way to drink ACV - can I make more than one day's worth at a time and keep it in the fridge?
I made it this morning and it taste really good. I was skeptical at first but I like it...thanks
If you can, use honey instead of Stevia. Honey has cleansing properties.
It might help if people read the previous comments. She says over and over how much to take and when. Thank you for the post and this is the motivation I need to get started on ACV.
I have been telling my mom over and over to use ACV to help her after a month long bout with bronchitis. She loves it straight, eats it with veggies all the time. But I've heard that you need to be careful if you are on high blood pressure meds. which she is. Anybody know if there is any truth to that?? Thanks for this recipe, I've been wanting to start using ACV for myself and my family, especially after this horrible winter we've had, but knew none of us would take the ACV straight or with plain water.
Great recipe! Tastes just like the one Braggs sells for $3.99 at my local health food store! Now I can make it at home! Just like all the other posters, I use ACV for my skin and my hair too but I have to tell you that the results I get when I use it from the inside out- far surpass what I see when I just use it topically!!
Oh I have to try this! I usually take a tablespoon twice a day of acv straight up. It freaks my mom out.lol but maybe this way I can get her and my best friend to drink it.
Oh I have to try this! I usually take a tablespoon twice a day of acv straight up. It freaks my mom out.lol but maybe this way I can get her and my best friend to drink it.
I recently learned about ACV and I have been trying to drink it with much difficulty!. I tried your recipe and now I love it! I add honey ginger crystals to mine and it is delicious. Thanks!
I modified this by using 3 tbs of organic apple juice and 1 tbs of locally made honey instead of sevia. It is delicious! I cannot taste the ACV at all, the drink tastes like apple cider! Thank you for this!
awesoe! i am going to try, my daughter has acid refluxe and we read ACV can not only help, but cure it! but....she couldn't possibly drink it...fingers crossed!
I can eat ACV pored on cooked can spinach. I'm sure cooked fresh spinach is just as good. I LOVE IT.
Does the acv have to be organic? Where would u get it from?
I love it and trying to make my own with a mother. We use it to gargle lip sores a drop in sore ears, to clean cuts I clean every thing that is washable with it. and Sunday put up a jar of white vinegar and orange peals for good smelling cleaner. Can not wait for it to be done. I can not imagine life with out vinegar. It is great for killing weeds. I drink it in Ice tea with stivia or honey. um good
Back when my mother was young a hundred years ago (yes, really 100+)she and her siblings would drink water plus apple cider vinegar after working in the fields. I think they put a little sugar in it, but it was cheaper than lemonade, and refreshing. It had a name, don't know if I'm spelling it right but she pronounced it "shwitzel." I have always taken a tsp of sugar and vinegar to cure hiccups, and like the taste!
I made it with 2 T of Organic Tart Cherry concentrate instead of the apple or grape, and while it is more carbs and more juice than the original recipe - it is a serving of tart cherry which is an excellent pain and inflammation reliever
Will this help get me regular? I am tired of using laxatives.
I added 1/4 c. fresh apple juice and 2 Tbs. of honey instead of stevia and also 1/2 tsp. turmeric. This was off the charts yum....what surprised me the most was all my kids (ages 3, 5, 6, and 8) wanted their own glasses of this! All of them loved it! Who would have thought getting little kids to drink ACV would be so easy! Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe! :)
I added 1/4 c. fresh apple juice and 2 Tbs. of honey instead of stevia and also 1/2 tsp. turmeric. This was off the charts yum....what surprised me the most was all my kids (ages 3, 5, 6, and 8) wanted their own glasses of this! All of them loved it! Who would have thought getting little kids to drink ACV would be so easy! Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe! :)
This is by far the best way to take ACV. I knew that it was good for me to drink but could not drink it by itself. so have been taking it now for over a month. Just wondering now that I like it this way, can I drink it more than once a day ??
Yesterday I tried it with honey and lemon, still to vinegar tasting, today I used the Stevia and Acai Berry drink ( 2 T.) it was WONDERFUL! Quite yummy I highly recommend it.
This is great I love it. Are you single?
My naturopath says to do this twice a day for some of the health issues I'm having (I'm sure you've seen on IG) -- I know this is so good for my body, high hopes! Thanks for sharing, girl. :)
My hubby and I have been drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar for years but we mix it 1 tsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp local honey. Seems to work pretty well.
we used vinegar on sunburns when I was a kid
I mixed the cinnamon with the honey and made a paste before adding the other ingredients. I'll probably switch to maple syrup and that should be even better.
It's an acquired taste, but I'm giving it a try until the bottle is empty.
trying it now...LOVE IT!!! Thanks for this recipe.
I have been drinking Braggs Apple cider vinegar for about a a year. I add a little bit of Stevia and stir it and drink it through straw. I have no problem getting it down. Although I was at a health food store the other day and bought a couple of bottles of Braggs Apple cider vinegar with apple cinnamon flavor) it was really good. I was wondering how I could duplicate that flavor. I will have to work on that.
My daughter (12) has been drinking it.....she has acid reflux....hoping it will heal it
I have one of those little battery run drink mixers you stick in your glass. It works great to dissolve the cinnamon.
Encontre su página y me ha encantado, con respecto a estos productos, mi pregunta es: stevia es edulcorante ejemplo: splenda? agua filtrada podrÃa ser Agua Salvavidas (purificada)? jugo de manzana o uva, es jugo del supermercado o hecho por uno? tiene que hacerse en el mismo momento o puede hacerse y guardar en el refrigerador? Tengo sobrepeso crees esto podrÃa ayudarme) Gracias por sus respuestas! Felicitaciones por su blog, muy bueno!!
I've been drinking ACV for at least 6 months now. It alleviated some chest pressure issues I'd been having. Love my vinegar drink! Be sure not to use more than a tablespoon full to a glass of water--sweeten with organic honey and since I have a sweet tooth I add a packet of Splenda and plenty of crushed ice--also need to be sure to use raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar w/ the 'mother' which is the pectin that didnt get filtered out. I prefer Bragg's brand----go to Bragg.com for info. My friend likes it as a hot cup in the a.m. instead of coffee or tea.
I can't use stevia but would love to try this. Do you have any ideas for substitute? Honey maybe?
Thank you
Is there something in the other ingredients or the combination of the other ingredients that makes this work? I can drink ACV directly out of the bottle so is it sufficient to just drink that or do I have to add these other ingredients to it?
I made this with honey, I love it!!!!
Ummmm, just drank my first glass, so I can't tell you about benefits, but it tastes great.
Stan, thanks for the tip about the medicinal properties of real cinnamon.
Oy! I have been trying to find a way to make this easier to take down. I tried this, but I dont keep juice at my house really. So I substituted juice with apple sauce. Used honey and cinnwmo with it. Which together are also super beneficial. Love ACV... next im adding coconut oil to my diet as well.
Oy! I have been trying to find a way to make this easier to take down. I tried this, but I dont keep juice at my house really. So I substituted juice with apple sauce. Used honey and cinnwmo with it. Which together are also super beneficial. Love ACV... next im adding coconut oil to my diet as well.
I make a smoothie consisting of an apple (cored), an orange (peeled), filtered water to cover the fruit, 2Tbsp Bragg raw ACV, 1Tbsp. tart cherry juice, about a Tbsp of local raw honey, some cinnamon, ginger, cumin, and a dash of cayenne pepper, also a scoop of All Day Energy Greens. Blend, using the ice crusher button, until smooth enough to drink through a straw. Makes a big tumbler full, which is usually my breakfast. Really very good.
I tried this the first day with your recipe but I did not enjoy the floating cinnamon. So the next day I made an apple and cinnamon infused water and added honey. I found it to taste like apple cider and be very yummy and now that I know it is safe to drink more than once a day I will be drinking it more often. So glad I came across this.
can one uses honey instead of stevia?
How do you get the cinnamon to mix in..... anytime I mix cinnamon powder with tea or anything, it just floats around and is kind of gross to drink.
I drink my Braggs OCV with organic maple syrup as a sweetener. Very tasty! I definitely notice a positive difference in my energy level, digestion and skin.
Hooray! An easier way to get ACV!
I have a problem with high blood sugar... how many times a day should you drink this?
I just tried this but with splenda it is not bad very drinkable. Thanks
I tried the regular recipes and thought that it was still tasting too much of the ACV... SOOO I tried putting more apple juice in it and realized that the more apple juice I put, the less I would taste the ACV !! So just take the regular recipe and add as much apple juice as you want (cutting on the water if it is too much to drink) so that it tastes like you like. I haven't try to put it in ONLY apple juice yet but I will, see how it tastes. This is a great way to drink ACV!
Good luck!
Delicious!!! You saved me because I couldn't stand taking the ACV before and would suffer through a half hour of sipping on it! Thank you so much........
I feel a cold coming on, so just made this. Not bad, not something Id really want to drink everyday. Lol. I added a whole packet of stevia though to make it sweeter. Next time Id add more cinnamon too. The less acidic it tastes the better for me. I also didn't have apple juice, so added pear flavored vitamin water and really liked the combo.
I have used the recipe as written, and also with grated ginger and white pepper and honey and cinnamon.
Amounts are to taste, and all seem to work.
All are great, and all seem to ward off colds, or ease colds in process.
Thank you!
Didn't have Apple or Grape but used Orange juice and it was great :) I know I'll take my ACV more regularly now :)
Has anybody tried making more of this than one serving? I am thinking if I make enough for a few days it would be easy and a great time saving way to not miss goodness of this in the mornings. I think I will try and figure the quantities.
How often do u drink this?
Just add apple cidar then your good to go
I do a very similar one only minus the juice. I will try with juice now!
Question. I take a probiotic in the morning. Can I take ACV with it, or will the acid kill it? No one seems to be able to answer this for me.
I'm taking apple cider vinega for gout. It really helps
I am interested in trying this, mostly for the weight loss benefits. Do I drink it only in the morning, before each meal or what? And is it okay to mix up a quart or so and store in the refrigerator so it is ready for the day?
Just tried it! I love it!
I have consumed ACV for years and years. It also helps disolves the crystals in your joints from arthritis. Bragg's is a bit expensive, I found the store brand is just as good. Heinz makes ACV.with "the mother" also and its soft on the wallet !
Thank you for posting this recipe! I was not able to drink apple cider vinegar straight so when I saw this recipe, I had to try it. I made it with stevia, which I use for other drinks, but I have found that raw organic honey (slowly melted over very low heat) makes the drink oh, so delicious! I now make it by the gallon as everyone in the house is drinking it!
Mix with equal amount of ginger juice and there is no need to add another sweetner.
I make a paste with my cinnamon and water. Then I can mix it better into the drink. Have used this for lots of things where the cinnamon does not mix well. I keep a small container of it on the counter.
I LOVE this drink. I use local honey instead of Stevia. Helps make it healthier and helps with allergies.
I pour it into a bottle so I don't smell the vinegar. I like it real cold. It is not bad this way at all.
I tried your Elixir and it is quite bearable. Not going to say that it's my very favorite drink, but it really is good. Have to admit that I do add a little more cinnamon (I use China Cinnamon, which is a little sweeter), I love cinnamon. Since I have local honey I use that to sweeten it. The honey goes in first, then the cinnamon and mix it well - stops the cinnamon from flowing to the top - it stays all the way through. I have noticed that I do sleep better at night and to my amazement I don't have heartburn any longer. I try to drink it everyday and I have been noticing differences - now if will just help me lose wait. Thanks for sharing this with us.
In my excitement to make this, I started without realizing all our apple juice was gone! So I used honey instead and microwaved it for 70 seconds. It takes like a warm cider tea and is absolutely delicious! Thank you for the recipe!
In my excitement to make this, I started without realizing I didn't have juice! So I substituted honey. I also warmed it in the microwave for 60 seconds. It tastes like hot cider and is absolutely delicious! Thank you for the recipe!
Just found this on pinterest. YUM! I don't even need the juice just adding the cinnamon and stevia have made it drinkable :) Thanks!
I have been drinking Braggs ACV with honey in a drinking glass of water for 6 months and have cured my high blood pressure. Was on Benacar for high blood pressure but my blood pressure is very good without it since doing ACV.
I have been using this ACV concoction for a few days and it really works. I used purple 100% grape juice which gives it an appealing color. It tastes really good with the stevia and cinnamon. Not sure if it will help me with my weight problem, but can you have this drink more than once a day or will that be too much on the digestive tract?
Do you know if you can make it in advance, maybe a double or triple recipe?
Thank you thank you! I have been trying to get ACV down without gagging for a week...this is tasty and I know its good for me:)
Can you only make this one cup at a time or can you make a gallon of it, and keep it in the refrigerator?
Can you honey for the sweetener?
This is it! I keep trying to get ACV down and I'm actually enjoying this recipe this morning. I think the cinnamon is one of the key reasons it's so much better. I also used raw honey for sweetening and only have pineapple juice, but it's really good. Thank you!!
I want to drink it but cannot stand the taste. Tried adding honey and lemon juice and that did NOT help! I will try this and I sure hope it helps! Thanks, celina
I just made a jar of this stuff and it gets a thumbs up. I did not have Stevia powder but I did have a jar of Stevia leaves. I added about a tablespoon of the leaves as well as a teaspoon of good quality honey. I also had a gallon of fresh apple cider so that is what I used for the juice. I am excited about this because even knowing the health benefits of ACV, I slacked off my daily intake of two tablespoons because it can just be too much to take on the taste buds. Thanks so much for posting this recipe! I am enjoying mine right now! I recommend throwing the ingredients into a mason jar, sealing with the lid and giving it a good shake to well blend everything. Thanks again!
I have been doing something similar for a while now. I just do warm water, raw ACV, raw honey, cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg. tastes great!
I've been drinking raw apple cider vinegar to take away/prevent yeast infections for a while now and it really seems to be working... But the taste! This seems like a much better alternative.
This is SOO good. I was very skeptical but the cinnamon and the stevia make it taste delicious. I used apple juice instead of grape. I think I may start making this part of my daily routine! Thank you!!
Delicious!! I did have to add a half cup more water, but otherwise delicious.
This is much more drinkable. I still have a tough time with the smell but it takes the edge off the acidity and makes the flavor much more normal. Previously I tried 8oz water with honey but that was still a bit too strong.
I had stopped drinking ACV due to not being able to handle the stong acidic effect but this recipe tastes fabulous. Thanks
This is about the fifth or sixth recipe I've tried to make ACV palatable. And this is the first one I can actually drink without gagging. Thank you so much for this!!
Good sharing, I agree that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helps to Boost Metabolism, a study at Australia’s University of Sydney in which subjects who consumed two tablespoon of ACV daily experienced fewer surges and crashes in blood sugar levels and therefore consumed 1,400 fewer calories per week than volunteers in the control group. See the detail info at:
This is actually tasty! I used 3 drops of organic liquid stevia. I had never been able to stand the taste of ACV but this recipe is awesome! Thank you!
Hi there :)
we've written an article on the health-benefits ourselves, using a a slightly different recipe and stumbled upon your blog entry. We found your cover picture so good, that we would like to use it for our own article.
We credited you for the cover picture in the article and linked back to this very article.
Please let me know in case you don't approve to the use of your picture. If so, please contact me on aaron@urbanfreeflow.com - and I do apologise, rather than stealing content we would like to make use of good content that exists, and credit back to the rightful owners.
As someone who is extremely new to ACV and extremely allergic to Stevia, would honey work as a sweetener, and if so, how much would you suggest?
No one mentioned the benefits for Rhumatory arthritis or fibro. I hear it cuts Dow the inflammation. Is this true?.
Good sharing, yes, apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps to boost metabolism, blocks the body’s storage of dietary fat plus breaks down and dissolves existing body fat. Read more benefits about ACV at:
I have tolerated ACV in water when I have reflux flares. Never thought of sweetening it, but I will definitely try this.
how often an what amounts ???
I would suggest using room temp. Filtered water... when I added the ingredients the cinnamon and honey were having trouble mixing evenly, otherwise, this tastes wonderful and refreshing!
I would suggest using room temp. Filtered water when combining ingredients due to the cinnamon and my honey floating around was hard to distribute it evenly, other than that very refreshing drink tastes great!
Thank you so much for posting this recipe. I put it on my face every day and after only a few days I'm starting to see results. I have a horrible time trying to consume it so believe me when I say I appreciate this recipe! I can't wait to try it and I hope to gawd that I like it! Haha. What are your thoughts on adding blackstrap molasses to it? I heard about the great health benefits of black strap molasses and would love your thoughts on it, on how it would make the drink taste? Hope to hear from you soon and hope you're doing well!
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