I am such a huge fan of Pinterest. It is a beyond genius concept. I could seriously spend tons of unproductive hours on there pinning away everything that makes my heart do a little skip.
What I have personally noticed is it can easily become a black hole (a fun black hole) of things that you pin and never do, make or buy for the most part. Who's with me on that one?
So here is how this new blog series is going to work...each week I will be testing out either a recipe, beauty tip, DIY, cleaning/organizing idea etc, that I have pinned on Pinterest. I will then share here on the blog how it turned out and what I thought about it (completely honest opinion).
Each week I will of course always link back to the original source not back to Pinterest because giving credit to the Original G is important.
So lets get started with the first Pin-tester of the series: The Miracle Mask from College Fashion.
Ahh scary I know! My poor son screamed when he saw me.
If you have been reading my blog for a while you are probably aware that I am an esthetician who LOVES diy skin care so I knew this was something I needed to try asap.
The mask recipe, which can be found here is made up of honey, cinnamon and nutmeg, which are all great ingredients for the skin. I left the mask on for 30 like the directions said and this is what I thought...
- Smelled amazing. After I removed it my face smelled like a delicious cinnamon bun for the remainder of the day.
- Super easy to mix together and I had all of ingredients in my cupboard.
- My skin felt soft and tighter after I removed it.
- It was as a pain in the butt to remove.
- My skin was a little itchy and red (from the cinnamon) but I also have super sensitive skin while pregnant so that was most likely amplifying things a little.
- It got everywhere! It was on my camera, in my eyelashes and dripped down my shirt ha...I was a sticky mess after but at least I smelled good :)
Final verdict: I liked it. Not sure if I would necessarily call it a miracle mask but it is definitely worth trying.
Have you tried this Pin? If so what did you think?
Ooo yay!! This will be a fun series! I posted a scrub I am going to try yesterday. This sounds awesome!
Ooooh I pinned this one too and was wondering how it was! Yay - I love this series you are doing! I think I will try it now!
Sounds SO fun!
Love this idea Lindsay!! I am always never sure what will work so thanks for being our guinea pig XD
i love this idea! i already started doing this with my pinned recipes. i have a bunch of your stuff pinned but still have to buy the rose hips (very excited to try this one!)
I can't wait to follow your adventures! Maybe I can use it as motivation to start actually trying some of my pins as well :)
Fun series! I agree that Pinterest ideas sometimes get lost and I never try them! I love that you said your face smelled like a cinnamon bun! That's something I could get into! :)
Awesome idea. I created a board on pinterest to re-pin stuff I've done so I could remember and give my thoughts on it. Excited to see what you do!
This is so fun! I've been doing something similar on my blog (mostly on twitter, and mostly cooking pins), but I tend to mix up three pins into one. So excited to be on a similar journey!
Love this idea!!!
Oh what a fun new series!!! Excited to see what else you do. :)
great idea!! Off to check out your pins :)
I love seeing the result of pins that were actually tried. I feel like some of the pins are awesome in theory but may not be so awesome in practice, so I'm excited about your series :)
UM I am super excited for this series!
yay :)
This is such a fabulous idea!! I'm going to have to borrow it! You've given me a need to test out all my pins!!
Oh it does sound like it would smell wonderful, but I can also imagine the sticky mess! Ha. Love this series.
I joined pinteresting too. I think it is a great idea.
I agree, Pinterest is easy to ooh and ahhh and pin right away, and never look at it again! Good job for following through. The only ones I end up following through on are the ones that I pin right when I need something...sometimes I search for dinner recipes and use them right then and there, but that's pretty much it! I'm excited to see more of your pins!
Sounds like a fun series! Looking forward to it!
This is a GREAT idea!! Way too often I "pin," and never "do."
i love this idea!! i have a board of foods that are on my bucket list of must-makes! cant wait to see you work on this series
Great idea! I am doing soemthing similar to this on my blog with my food board. I am cooking my way through it! I cannot wait to read your series!
i LOVE this idea for a series. and i always really enjoy your beauty tips! i have incorporated a few of them into my routine. can't wait to read more!! :)
Pin Tester is an awesome idea! Maybe I should start one myself because like you said, you Pin away & actually never make them yourself (or finish them in my case...)
Keep it up!
I tried this recipe too! See my blog post about it here along with a DIY hair mask I tried. http://lipglossflipflops.blogspot.com/2012/01/spa-day-at-home.html
Mine didn't get all over the place, dripped a little but not too much. Although I also sat still too waiting for it to get washed off. Maybe you just need to make it a little thicker next time? But for sensitive skin, I have read that cinnamon may not be a good remedy.
Nice to hear other takes on this recipe!
IM IN! LOVE this idea :)
I'm definitely guilty of over-Pinning! I've actually made some stuff from my boards but most of it, not so much. I'm looking forward to seeing your Pins In Action. :) p.s. love the mask, might give it a try but i'm not 100% sold on putting honey on my face.
what a cute idea!!
love LOVE this idea! excited to read in the future :)
This is such a great series idea! I can't wait to see the rest!
I LOVE that you are doing this! There are so many fabulous ideas on Pinterest, so I'm glad I have you to try some of them out before I do :)
i found your blog because of pinterest! i saw a picture of your spaghetti squash and thought it looked yummy :)
Love the pic of you! lol. My favorite thing these days are masks. Not Your Ordinary Agent
Not Your Ordinary Recipes
LOVE this idea Linds! Can't wait to see everything you try out.
Such a clever idea, love it! Looking forward for more!
This is the BEST idea for a series ever! I am so excited to get your take on these so called amazing things. :) Can't wait to read all about it!
I love this series idea!! :)
love this idea! you're gonna rock it!!! whoohoo!!!
yes I have tried this! BUT NOT all-over -my- face! LOL I spot treated! ouchhy it did burn.
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