I am officially 24 weeks (6 months pregnant) and time seems to be flying. Maybe it's because I am busy chasing around a crazy 1 1/2 year old and I don't have the luxury of feeling sorry for myself while watching "A Baby Story" and eating a whole box of popsicles this time around.
Things that are annoying:-Cellulite. I have never been dimple free but what is up with cellulite and pregnancy? I literally had to do a double take at my butt the other day.
-Not being able to run. I love running. I tried slow jogging and almost fainted on the treadmill. I will stick with the bike and elliptical until after baby.
-Really missing wine, sushi and coffee.
-My belly button has taken on a whole new shape that no longer resembles my old one. I have learned to dress around my new belly button though...stripes and patterns help conceal it, solid colored shirts
do not.
-I ripped my
favorite workout pants. I am now aware that my butt is no longer a size small and I should not have tried to squeeze into them but I am still bummed.
Things that I am loving:- Little baby kicks and punches that are now a regular daily occurrence.
- Only 3 months left until I get to meet my little man!
- Baby is growing perfectly and is so healthy. Such a relief for a diabetic Momma.
- I like normal food again. I was worried about this one for a while there.
-Pregnancy boobs. Too bad they don't stay that way.
-Max kisses my tummy when I ask him where his brother is.
-My sweet husband gives me a foot massage almost every night.
-Getting so excited and inspired for baby's nursery and SO thankful that my
Aunt is helping me decorate!
I am off to a routine weekly doctor's appointment this morning. Hearing that little heartbeat never gets old.