I can not wait for spring! I have officially put away anything dark and gloomy. Hello bright and light shades.
The new issue of Martha Stewart magazine filled with fantastic Valentine's Day ideas.

Fresh baked kale chips. My favorite crunchy salty obsession. Recipe here.
Love this blush from Nars called Orgasm. It has the perfect amount of golden shimmer.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
On a side note: I have a fun new blog series that will be starting next week. I am SO excited to share it with you!
LOL! That pic of your man is priceless. Those kale chips look delish; I could eat baked brussels sprouts like chips and I imagine these would be equally yum. I got a pedi yesterday and actually opted for a pretty violet color (instead of my usual You Don't Know Jacques or Lincoln Park After Dark), so I must be jonesing for spring as well. And that Nars blush is my go-to every day, too. The shade is perfection, whatever the occassion. Happy weekend!
I loooovveeeee Essie nail polish!!! :)
LOL The pic of your husband is absolutely hysterical!! I'm all for the bright nails now too! Kale chips are so yummy, I'd rather eat them than regular potato chips :) And Nars' Orgasm is THE. PERFECT. BLUSH. everrrr! Have a fabulous weekend!
Smart n Snazzy
Fun picture of your husband! The patience he is showing is amazing...LOL!
That's what my husband looks like every time I ask him to take pictures or be in a picture. I love Essie polish!!
loving on kale chips toooo!~~! love some of the recipes ive found here--veg ones-- :)
i love that essie nail polish!!
drop by allister bee soon!
Kale chips. Yummm. Have heard of, but never tried. You mean I can actually bake these without some fancy dehydrator contraption? That makes me say "yeay!", too! :)
That pic says to me: what a good husband. Lol.
By the way...I'm a bit behind on blog reading/commenting and want to go back on comment on your last "Big Changes" post. Wow. Powerful.
Aaaaaand...I wrote about you in yesterday's post. Yes ma'am, I did! ;) It's a little lengthy (kind of poured my heart out a long with a bunch of non-sensical gibberish, but I promise there's a good reason I linked to you. I sound convincing. Yes? ;)
Loving those nail colors! Too funny about the hubby pic. Kale chips...need to try those!! Sounds good.
such cute nail colors! & I am definitely trying that recipe for kale chips, very soon!! :)
My favorite is the shot of your husband. Mine looks the same way for blog pics I make him take! Haha. Can't wait for the series Lindsay!
That picture is a riot! Love it. I need to try Kale chips, keep meaning to and always forget to buy it. Happy weekend.
Yes to spring! I can not wait!! I need to get that new Martha Stewart mag. I've been wanting to try that Nars blush forever. I never seem to finish blushes though. Love the last pic of the hubs. :)
Love the essie nail polish colors!! I can't wait for it to FEEL like spring too!! :)
That picture is great!
I'm so ready for spring too! Love those fun Essie colors. I just read February's MSL yesterday and loved it! So many fun, pretty ideas :) Have a great weekend!
LOL.....the ways we torture our hubbys! Essie polish is awesome & I have been meaning to try kale chips for ever now. Can't wait to see what the new series is!
That picture is awesome! These poor husbands of ours. :) And I can't wait to hear about the new series!
Ready for my pink manicure now! Have a great weekend, Lindsay!
Oooo I love Essie nail polish! Totally going to do my nails in a fun bright color tonight - Thanks for the idea! :)
Love Martha :) and that pic of your husband is too fun! Gotta love a trooper!
Have a great weekend friend... hope you are feeling excellent!
~Maggie H
Love those nail colors, and I get that magazine too, love it.
Umm that pic of your hubby is awesome,I think M would make a similar face.
Excited for your new series!!
Oh, this makes me excited for Valentine's Day!
I got that blush on my shopping list, everyone talks great things about it, really want to try it ;)
Have a great weekend and looking forward to next week's news!
Yummy cannot wait to try that Kale recipe. And those nail polish colors make me excited for valentines day :)
Love all of your shades of pink! So pretty, although I'm sporting gray on my nails right now I'm definitely wanting to brighten up soon! Have a fantastic weekend!
i love orgasm too. i realize that sounds so, so very wrong, but whatever. and love your new nailpolishes!
I'm with you on the bright colors! And Spring. I think a mani/pedi is calling! :)
there is truly no blush color that compares to Nar's Orgasm, it looks perfect on every skin tone!! Love that you're stepping into the bright nail polish looks- I'm ready for spring already too!!
Oh the pastel shades are gorgeous! I can't wait for spring, I'm definitely over this gloomy cold weather!
Yeay for pretty and springy colours - I'm with you on this one! And that photo of your hubby is sooooooo funny! Ahhhh, the life of a bloggers wife! hee hee!
love this post, fun to read along!!!
Love Nars O blush!! My fave!
That Nars blush is my absolute favorite!
I am dying!!! OMG!!! LOVE that picture of your husband... Seriously SO funny! :)
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