A few months ago I noticed I was getting this really annoying little red itchy spot on the inside of my arm where my elbow creases. The more I itched it the more I irritated it and the more it grew.
I made an appointment with my Dermatologist to see what it was. Turns out it was eczema. The Dr. prescribed me a prescription and sent me on my way. Of course I read every single ingredient on the back of the label and decided no way was I going to use that. I did some research and discovered calendula oil was a wonderful all natural remedy for eczema. I purchased a little bottle right away. The redness went down almost immediately and the irritating itchiness was gone by the morning. I have now been using it on the eczema spot for 3 months and its almost completely gone.
What is Calendula oil:
- Calendula oil is distilled from the deep orange colored flowers we're all familiar with as an annual plant in many home gardens.
Who can benefit most from Calendula oil?
- Calendula oil is perfect for those with sensitive skin. It can also be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from dry or chapped skin.
Benefits of Calendula oil:
- Great all natural moisturizer for dry skin.
- It has antiseptic, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which make it a great option for treating skin infections.
- Helps reduce inflammation in skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis.
- It is mild and soothing. Perfect for skin that is irritated.
- Amazing all natural diaper rash remedy for babies. I use this along with Emu oil on my son whenever I notice a little diaper rash starting to appear.
You can find calendula oil at almost any heath food store. You can also order it online here.
If you have any questions regarding this post you can leave them in the comment section and I will be happy to answer below.
The Jewelmint giveaway winner is:
Congrats Val! Please e-mail me at lindsay.kujawa@yahoo.com
Cool! I love how well different oils work. I don't have calendula yet though so I going to have to pick up a bottle!
As always I love these tips! Thanks so much for sharing, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I can't even tell you how timely this is!! My daughter has what sounds like the exact same thing! She gets it off and on, and I always use corn starch which helps, but this time I need something stronger! I'm so trying this! Thanks Lindsay!
Thanks for the tip--I'll have to give it a try. :)
I thought I had eczema over the summer... I had these tiny red dots on my face that were just a little itchy. It went away after a few weeks though. Thanks for the tips!
Awesome! I have had the same problem, I will have to pick up a bottle of that oil. Thanks friend!
Hmmm....I wonder if that is what the dry,itchy spot on my ankle may be! Darn, I was just at the health store yesterday picking me up some more tea tree oil. I'll have to give this a try if the spot doesn't go away! Thanks for the tip.
Awesome and timely tip. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, I'm hosting a $150 Perricone MD skincare giveaway to you and your readers on my blog. It’s an amazing opportunity to get some self-care this holiday season! (*or give it as a gift, wink)
breathe design giveaway
What!? This is so good to know. Lindsay you're smarty pants are amazing! :) I'm going to do a post soon with bloggers sharing their DIY remedies. I'm gonna need you!!
We use calendula cream for Miss Mila. She has an itchy and red rash on her face and arms. Poor thing...such sensitive skin. It works wonders though.
I am so glad that I read this! I have just noticed that I have small red splotches on my right arm where my arm bends. I will have to try this out.
This would be great for my little sensitive skinned family members ... I can't even switch laundry soap or they suffer :)
Thank you for this info!! xo
you sound like me...i always take the prescription paper {just in case}, knowing that i will just research the best natural option!!! love it :) great find, too. xoxoxo brynn
Just found your blog & I just wanted to tell you I love reading! I love all the tips & other posts you write. :)
I use California baby's calendula cream on my 9 mo old son (and me) for everything! Do you think the oil would be better for dry winter skin or is the cream better?
Heather- Both cream and oil and great for dry skin so its up to you as far as what you prefer :)
my daughter has eczema. i'm going to try this!
apivita makes a lovely calendula cream!
I have a patch of eczema on my hand and after reading this post, I went out and picked up some calendula ointment. It's clearing it up -- thanks for the tip!
Calendula oil can prevent the formation of scar tissue. This oil increases collagen levels, thus making it more difficult for scar tissue to form. Calendula oil can be easily incorporated into your daily skin care routine to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Plus, if you ever have any of the problems listed above, this oil makes a great natural treatment option.
diamond peel
I couldn't find this oil anywhere locally and so finally ordered some. I am sooooo happy that I did. I have a sensitivity to something that is causing a rash on my jeans waistband. I tried changing to a sensitive detergent which helped tremendously but I still have outbreaks occasionally. Today I used the calendula oil and it relieved the itching almost immediately. I couldn't believe it. Yay,...thanks so much for sharing, Lindsay. I also ordered a bottle for my nephew who has eczema. Fingers crossed. :)
Great article, I've personally seen amazing results with calendula. Anyone interested in herbal medicine should definitely check out the ebook 10 super herbs that will change your life forever. You can download it for free here: tensuperherbs.com. I bought a few of the herbs from the book and my life has changed completely
Thanks for sharing this great article and easily understood...I love all the tips in this post :)
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