Inspiration for your Week

Monday, December 5, 2011

Its Monday already?! Ian and I had a wonderfully romantic weekend just the two of us. He set up a pedicure and pre-natal massage for me, we relaxed went out to dinner, saw movies and talked (actual adult conversations). If you have kids you know how hard it is to have adult conversations that don't revolve around everything kid related. The only thing that was missing was a nice big glass of wine...ahh I do miss my wine...

My husband shared this video with me over the weekend and it gave me chills, in a good way. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

WOW right?! Love that.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I totally hear you about missing wine! When I was preggers there wasn't much I wanted more than a big glass of red wine! ;-) Happy Monday.

sherri lynn said...

So glad you had a wonderful romantic weekend! It sounded perfect. Have a great start to your week! :)

Hilliary Meisner said...

Wow-Thanks for sharing that! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, what a sweet husband to plan everything for you! I hope you have a fantastic monday!

henning love said...

what a great husband you have lindsay! and sorry about the wine, that stage will be here again one day. i love romantic weekends with husbands!

Lindsay said...

Very inspiring clip! I'm glad you had a nice weekend, thank goodness for a great husband who takes care of his sweet pregnant wife!

Unknown said...

Happy Monday :) your weekend sounds perfectly relaxing...and it is always so nice to have alone time with your man :) xoxoxo brynn

Alexa said...

Wow. I needed that today! Thanks Lindsay. Glad to hear your weekend was amazing. Sounds luxurious! :)

Angela [Simply Simple Me] said...

Your weekend sounded great. Thank you so much for sharing that video. It really is inspiring.

The Olive Tree Blog said...

oh I laughed at the adult convo part...hubs and I have "mini know while waiting in the dr. in the early morning while everyone else is alseep....which all include adult convo :)

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful weekend! It sounds perfect. Thanks for sharing this video with us! xo

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Awww...sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and trust me I drank enough wine this weekend for the both of us! Definately checking out this video this evening {sneaking on my favorite blogs from work right now...shhhhhh.}

Carlie said...

That is such a great thing to remember! Thanks for the reminder!

colleen said...

oh gosh, i would wish wine so much too! glad y'all had a nice weekend away.

Lindsay said...

Glad you and your hubbie had a nice weekend! Thanks for sharing that video too. He was such an inspiration!

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

So glad to hear you had a great weekend, mama! :) Much love!! xo

Unknown said...

I miss wine SOOOOO MUCH. So much. Glad I'm not the only one. :)

Joanna said...

That's nice that you and your hubby had some QT! And that's extra nice that he set up a little spa time for you. You definitely deserve it.

Thanks for the inspirational video. Great way to jump start my week :)

my thrifty closet said...

he looks so young here. He is an amazing guy isn't he, such an inspiration.


Unknown said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend Lindsay and I have noticed this adult conversation with my sister! Ever since she has had my gorgeous 5 month old niece Delilah we just talk about her, although I like to try to mix it up a little with discussions of clothes and shoes haha. Love that video too - the world truly is a less of a place without him in it but what an incredible legacy he has left.

Anna xo

Unknown said...

Great clip! I will have to share that with my husband.

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