Hello belly button. You have decided to make a pop out appearance much sooner this pregnancy.

A few things...
I will start taking weekly belly shots for my own personal keepsake. I did not do this the first time around and I SO wish I did.
I will not hoard all the mini vanilla scones at Starbucks. I may or may not have pretended like I was buying them in bulk for my "friends" during my last pregnancy. One will do.
I will cancel my Victoria's Secret catalog subscription ASAP. I don't want to look at little butts, perfect boobs and flat stomachs right now. The end.
I will not go through an entire tub of cream cheese every other day like I did with the first pregnancy.
I will try to contain crazy b**ch as much as I can...but I cant make any promises. Pregnancy hormones can do some crazy things. Sorry husband.
I will not starve my husband. On that note...he really does need to learn how to cook. So its not really my fault if he eats cereal for dinner.
I will keep going to the gym. Yes my butt may be expanding but it will not be mushy.
I will keep using my homemade stretch mark cream religiously...just like I did with my first pregnancy.
Well that about sums it up. We also are finding out whether we are having a boy or a girl this Friday and I can not wait!
If you were wondering we do not live in Utah or Oregon where pine trees grow in abundance. We were at our local LOWES picking out our Christmas tree :)
So happy to here you are doing so well! I am sure you are anxious for Friday, what a wonderful early Christmas present!
My goodness your second trimester came fast! Congrats! You look soo cute! I was huge really fast with my second pregnancy!
Look at that cute little baby bump!
What is your homemade stretch mark cream?! Please share! :)
Such a cute pic! Definitely take belly pictures, I love looking back on mine ;-)
Haha, that's a funny list. I especially can relate to the one about husbands learning to make dinner. Why is it that they always want the easy way out?! Sigh. Anyhow, you have a cute little bump! Please share that homemade stretch mark cream!
Oh your little belly is so cute! Love the will do and will not do list! And very exciting that you will be finding out if it is a boy or a girl!!
Happy Tuesday, I hope you have a wonderful day!
home made stretch mark cream? DO SHARE!! This pregnant mamma could use it!
Congrats on the 2nd trimester! I am entering my 3rd at the end of the week (eeeek!) and am growing bigger by the minute.
Next time around, I will do things MUCH differently, like not eating like a PIG because, oh you know, I am growing a baby. :)
And please share your stretch mark cream!!
YOU my friend are the cutest pregnant girl ever. SO excited for you!
I love your list! Your belly is so cute! Keep taking those fun belly shots and SO exciting to find out the gender soon! yay!
The second trimester is a great one... hopefully you're feeling great! XO
yay for 2nd tri! cute lil small bump too! That's good your doing the weekly photos, I wish I did that! maybe next child hehe
Hahaha. This made me laugh. Every line. :)
Yay for 2nd trimester! What a blessing!
And wow...you can find out this SOON what you're having? Did I have my babies in the dinosaur ages? (My littlest is 7 - gulp - and that makes me feel so old saying that even though I am still VERY much in my baby-making years, thank you very much! Ha!)
Can't wait to see your adorable belly pics. (I wish I had done those, too.)
Cute!! I love the bump and look forward to watching it grow!
Too cute! And time goes by soooo quickly nowadays... And I'm in agreement with a lot of these lovely ladies, please share the homemade stretch mark cream.
Puhpuhpuh PLEAAAAASE. :)
You look so grorgeous! I LOVE that little bump!
I would love to know more about your stretch mark cream. Do you have a recipe/instructions for making it?
yay for the 2nd tri! your belly looks cute!
Congrats, 2nd tri! You have the cutest little belly bump and I love that you stopped in the middle of Lowes for a photo shoot.
PS. I never want to look at perfect boobs and flat bellies, pregnant or not.....they always lead me head deep in a carton of icecream! LOL
Hahaha! Love that you clarified about the trees. :) you are so cute and I'm so glad you're taking pics every week. :)
how cute! how cute!!!! you look adorable!!
allister bee blog
i'm placing my bets...GIRL! :)
haha I love that you took those at lowes. Hooray 2nd trimester!! Is it weird that I so much relief for you?? haha, I do! Just had a thought - if anyone says anything to you at the gym you should snap them with your towel! :)
Ha - that was like a mini Oregon shout out. :o)
I say eat the tub of cream cheese - when else can you get away with it!?
You're gonna find out what you're having?!?! NOOOOO, hold out - just do it. lol
Holy crap, I think I just realized I'm in my third trimester. lol OH MY GOD, WE'RE HAVING A BABY!
Homemade stretch mark cream? Is there a recipe for that?
awww...congrats on the 2nd trimester! Glad you learned a lot from the 1st one, and we can all learn from you!
Super cute photo Lindsay! And congrats on the 2nd Trimester...such a relief! :) Love your list of dos and donts, makes me laugh. Going to print it out for my next pregnancy! Ha.
you are too stinkin' cute lindsay! i love that photo of you. and we got our tree at a local wal-mart, definitely not chopping down our own tree here in CA, unfortunately :-(
YAAAAY!!!!!!! congrats!
keep the update posts coming :-)
happy day to you friend :-)
Lindsay!!1 Oh my good, you are adorable!! Love that outfit and you look tiny to me. I was like a HUGE whale in comparison. seriously! adorable mama:)
YAY for you & baby :) This is excellent news!!! Love the list! Can't wait to see the progression!!! xoxoxo brynn
Awww what a cute little baby bump ! When I look back I say there's a bunch of stuff I'd do different if I was to get pregnant again in the future....like take more pictures, take maternity pics, eat heathier ;) thanks for stopping by my page I'm a new follower wishing u the best these next couple of months !
hoping that you write a post on this homemade stretch mark cream! :) & congratulations on the beginning of your 2nd trimester!
yay you!! looking so cute. can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl :)
You look great! It sounds like you're enjoying pregnancy, can't wait to know what it is.
So excited for you! You look great!
OH Linds you are looking just adorable! I feel like I am so behind on your posts...I loved the fudge one...it looks pretty yummy. Just might have to try that (just b/c its the holiday of course hehe) Can't wait to hear what your having!
I love this post! So funny and your belly is toooooo cute! I hope you are feeling well!!
Hooooray!!!!!! So glad things are going smoothly. You should post some of those belly pics on the blog ;)
- Sarah
What's the homemade stretch cream??? :D Cute baby bump!
love this!!! I am going to guess boy!? Can't wait to hear :)
Aww the belly bump. Too cute! You're a pretty momma. :)
Yay for baby # 2! When are you due? I'm 23 weeks and haven't seen the belly button yet...I'm sure it's coming!
Soooooo cute and I love your top, so cute. I always look silly in flannel.
I'm just going to add to the already numerous comments asking what your stretch mark cream recipe is??? I'm 25 weeks along and haven't seen one yet and don't plan to hopefully!!! Any tips would be helpful. Thanks and congratulations. Pregnancy is a whole lot of fun.
Yes, please direct us to the homemade strech mark creme? I tried some store bought brand but it smelled awful.
I too am in my second trimester! Can you please share the stretch mark cream?!?! Pretty please?! :)
Congratulations! I agree - my husband needs to learn to cook too. :)
:: mommy chic ::
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm following yours now.
congrats! You look fabulous with that cute little bum. Enjoy your pregnancy !
Your belly is deliciously adorable Linds!!! I love all your little notes! It's so neat to think about the last pregnancy journey and 'learn' from it, ha ha. I was SO emotional and I ate EVERYTHING in sight. I hope when it's time for number 2 that those special forces won't be so powerful!! So excited for you!! xx Nat
Oh yay!!! Love that you're journaling your pregnancy so I can follow along! We're so close in our pregnancies...I'm just a week behind! Can't wait for my belly to fill in soon! XO
Congrats! This is WONDERFUL! I'm So very happy for you. Your belly is adorable. Best of luck to you and yours!
Lindsay! I love you so much.look at the babe! Im so excited.
Lindsay! I love you so much.look at the babe! Im so excited.
Love the bump! Adorable!
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