The second time I attempted to bake a cake (hello box mix) was for my husband's birthday last year. I forgot to grease the pan (picture evidence here). Result= pan cake. The cake and the pan became one.
Soooo I had big plans for the gender reveal cakes. I bought pre made cake mix. You cant mess up pre made cake mix...and I made sure I greased my little baking dishes. Result....

The Grandparents obviously did not care :)
Our baby BOY is due June 8th!
The winner of the Corilu giveaway is:
Aimee @ A Tale of Two Feet
Congrats Aimee! Please e-mail me at
The winner of the Corilu giveaway is:
Aimee @ A Tale of Two Feet
Congrats Aimee! Please e-mail me at
yay a little brother for Max to play with! :)
CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting for Max to have a brother! That'll be fantastic!
Congratulations, so exciting!
yay! congrats on another little boy - how exciting!
Who cares how the cake turns out when there is such good news to focus on instead :) I actually LOVED that you could see the blue so well spilling over in the first picture because I could tell right away that you were having a BOY! Haha. So exciting! I think it's wonderful no matter what you end up with BUT there is something special about the relationship between brothers!
Congrats, that is wonderful news! I am sure Max is excited!!
Yay! Congrats. Health and happiness to you!!
Even though you said that the cake was a disaster It doesn't look exactly what you said. Congratulations on the upcoming EDC. =)
Congratulations Lindsay! How wonderful that Max will have a the joy of a brother of in his life. My husband's brother came home for Christmas (he live out of state) and my husband is so happy.
LOL Lindsay! That's so funny. Congratulations my love!
Anne xx
Congrats! Baby boys are wonderful. :) I can so relate on the baking fail. I love to cook and usually luck out when throwing something together, but I can not pull off a successful baked good for anything. Haha.
haha, at least you are honest! what a fun way to share your exciting news. xo
omg so funny!!! my mom swears that you are either a good cook or a good baker. She can cook, I can bake. Neither of us can do the other!!
xo Jackie
Yay! Congratulations. And I say you're the best cake-baker ever because you were so creative you found a cute way to save those spilled over cakes! I'm so happy for you!
love it!!! i'd eat that covered with sprinkles and icing! congrats on your newest addition!
congrats on your little boy! it's always so fun and exciting to find out what is growing inside you!
Congratulations Linds! I bet Max is so pumped to have a little brother!
I think the cakes are adorable, and I bet no one even cared! : ) A baby boy? What a special gift! Congrats to you and yours family!
Congratulations! It's always so exciting to find out. Boys rule over here too...
Oh my gosh congrats! How exciting! And you crack me up with your cake skills. Sounds like me but with cooking in general, however I can do cake box mixes lol.
I'm trying not to laugh. Really I am.
Oh boy, oh boy! Literally. Can't wait to see all the nursery "pins" to come. :o)
Now that Christmas is over, I'm kickin' this Shared Bedroom into high gear so I can at least get a crib and changing table set up at our house. :o)
Congratulations! As you know, little boys are so dang sweet to their mamas. :)
HOW FUN!!! A BOY! Congrats my friend :)
Congrats on the Baby Boy! Your cakes turned out cute :) Our baby is due June 9th...but I don't find out until January 19th! I don't know if I can wait that long, may have to go to a 3D ultra sound place.
Yay! You will love having two of the same gender close together. They will be best friends! Congrats friend! I am so happy for you!
Woohoo! Another boy! Saves you a lot of money Linds right? Congratulations to you and Ian, Max is going to love having a little brother. Oh, and we will just leave the baking up to Aunt Cindy, I am the same as you, can't even bake a box cake!
Laughing hysterically. I would definitely suggest buying cakes in the future, Lindsay. lol Yay for another boy. You'll be outnumbered but how wonderful. :)
yay!!! how exciting! i have two nephews and they are the BEST!! so fun!!! congrats, girlie!
Hahaha awwww I love your efforts for trying. Congratulations on your little man!!!
- Sarah
Aww. I love this on many levels. Woo hoo boy!! The only thing I'm good at is making cake. (tip - under cook by a couple minutes. it always turns out better…and more moist.) You'll get the hang of it! Maybe cupcakes would be a good practice? :) But, I think the cake looks delicious. Sprinkles make everything better.
How exciting! Congratulations on your boy :)
haha! Congrats anyways! That's so exciting!
aww congratulations!! looks yummy none the less!
I am not a baker either! Ha ha! :) I bet it was delicious still! CONGRATS on a boy!!! !:)
Congrats on your baby boy to be! Boys are lots of work but oh so fun! (i have 2 and 1 girl)
Oh congrats on your upcoming little man! So funny about the cakes...I'm not a great baker either! Ha
love your biscuit and gravy looking cake. haha. congratulations on baby boy!!
haha that really does look like lava cakes! You should have just said that is what you were going for because you were bubbling with excitement to have a boy! Congrats! =)
Congrats on the little man!
It def makes for a fun telling story!
Yay!!! Congrats on the BOY!!!!! So exciting :) Too funny about the cake! I also fail miserably at cake...the last one I attempted looked a lot like biscuits & gravy, too...only a huge mound of it! xoxoxo brynn
YAY!!! What a cute idea!
hahaha what a yummy disaster! Congrats!!! ;)
Congrats on your baby boy! Don't worry about the was the meaning that mattered. :)
So you had a Lucy big deal!!! It is a funny story to share with your kids and their kids one day!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PS- they don't look so bad!!)
I'm with Antoinette, if everything goes perfectly, then there are no great stories to share and laugh about :) Congratulations on your baby boy!!!!!
TOTALLY laughing out loud at your cake stories and CONGRATULATIONS on baby boy!!!!!! YAY!!!!
Congratulations!! so exciting to have another little guy (:
and i think the cakes turned out perfect! haha the sprinkles are so fun!!
Congrats little boys are awesome !!!! :))) thanks for visiting my blog & I wish you the best throughout your pregnancy !
hehe...thanks for being so honestly cute cakes, as long as they taste good, who cares. Congrats on having baby boy yay!
CONGRATS!!! Felicia and I laughed so hard at your little puddle cake. :)
Congrats!!! Yay, for another little boy:)
By the way, the pics of the green melting cakes made me think for a second you were having a baby Shrek, phew!
Aww, how funny.
Congratulations! And yes, Grandparents don't care what the cake looks like when they have a grandbaby in the making!
Yaaaay! I little brother for Max!! Congratulations! (and I think your cakes look very very cute!)
Congratulations! So exciting! We're a big fan of boys around here! :)
Congrats!!!! I love your blog!!!
OMG congrats on the little boy on the way!! So so exciting Lindsay!!
congratulations! i love junebugs (i have two). and i'm so glad i'm not the only blogger who can't make a cake. love your new toms too. wishing you a happy new year!
Oh my word you crack me UP! Hahaha but CONGRATS!!!
This post is too funny! Everybody has that one thing that gives them a cooking headache. I can bake myself just about any cake from scratch but I have THE worst luck with my mother-in-law's Christmas cut out cookie recipe. Every year I find myself cursing/crying/yelling/slamming mixing bowls down or a combo of all of the above lol! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment.. It really meant a lot! Also CONGRATULATIONS on finding out your bin in the oven is a boy!! How exciting
-Janell from Happ-ily Ever After
Ah! Congrats!!! I LOVE this!!!
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