I would fill long car rides with hours of strange questions and the game usually ended with one of my parents telling me it was "quiet time" now.
So when I recently discovered there was an actual game FILLED with ridiculous questions I knew it was a match made in crazy heaven!
The only problem is no one wants to play with me (sad). I bring it out at family functions and I get ignored! So I end up completely cracking myself up as I read the questions aloud and play the game by myself :)
I figured there MUST be people out there who enjoy this as much as I do...SO I am going to start a random little feature on my blog called "Would You Rather."
Are you ready for this awesomeness? I hope so!
Would you rather...
Have your skin change into vibrant colors according to your emotional state (e.g red for anger, blue for sadness) -OR- wildly and uncontrollably flail your arms around whenever you walk?
I would rather turn colors of my emotions! I carry them on my sleeve anyway. Flailing arms while walking would be quite a problem for me.
I came over here from Delightfully Noted thanks to your guest post today! Love it! I will be trying the Apple Chips out tonight.
P.S. I have Would You Rather and the one time we played it in a group setting, a friend of mine ended up squishing her husbands chewed food between her fingers. It hasn't been very popular since then. lol
haha...love this game! My husband and I have been playing it since high school, I didn't know ther was a board game!!...our favorite question is a bath tub full of snake or bath tub full of spiders... :)
I would rather my skin change color!~
hahahaha oh my gosh! my favorite one from high school that used to send me into fits of laughter was: Would you rather smell like a fart all the time or have Barbie arms that only rotate at the shoulder? (for me it's a no brainer…Barbie arms! haha) I need to check the closet I keep my games in…I think I have something similar OR I might just see this every time I go to Barnes.
Hahaha love this idea. I'm going with the colors. You have to tell us your answer too!
I love this game haha! My sisters and brother used to play it all the time. Where in the world can you find the board game?
I think I would prefer me skin to change colors. My emotions kind of show anyways... flailing about may be a little weird, especially for my job since I work all over the place and deal with a customer base.
hehe sounds like a fun game. HAving my face changing color would be fun. At least when it's black my husband and kids would know what to do.
hahaha Lindsay you crack me up! Definitely have my skin change colors with my emotions! I prefer to keep my extremities under control :)
I would rather have my skin change colors... my face makes it hard to hide my feelings as it is, so it wouldn't be much of a change. Flailing my arms would just be embarrasing!
I used to LOVE Would You Rather!! Still do, honestly. :) I would rather have my skin change colors for my emotions. Most of the time people can read it on my face anyway, but this way they would know to steer clear for awhile! :)
Hilarious. I would definitely pick the colourful emotions. Then when you're really ticked off, people would know to automatically leave you alone. That could be good. :P
Um....love this game. Haha...such a cool new feature. I would so much rather have my skin change colors. Look...a walking rainbow. How rad would that be?
Buwahahaha. Love it. I'm goin' with face colors. I'm already one of those people who turn BRIGHT red when I really don't want to. I hate it.
I think I would have to say wildly and uncontrollably flail your arms around whenever you walk. I dunno I don't like the idea of changing colors. If your arms are flailing everywhere it could count as exercise. lol, plus if it's only when you walk around, you would have time to rest when sitting down, right?
OMG!!! I'm pretty positive that we did this as kids all the time!!! I would totally want to change colors...It would make for some interesting people watching! It would be so cool to take your kids out and play spot that color! Like instead of find a red car...Find a red person!
BTW this weekend I made your peach cobbler, yep I had to give most of it away because I would have eaten it all...so delicious and so easy!!!
Thank you!
I have this game! So fun.
I would definitely rather turn colors for my emotions! I would be so weird flailing wildly all the time. at least when you're happy or something, you'd look normal.
I loved this game!! i think i would like to flail my arms uncontrollably! I already talk with my hands a lot1
LOL! I'm gonna go with flail my arm uncontrollably....it just seems funnier than changing colors...also it might scare some people away that I hate having that Monday chit chat with at work!
♥ Shia
I would turn colors- that way people could know when NOT to talk to me, and also when I need cheering up.. the flailing the arms thing reminds me of Friends, when Phoebe goes running and runs like a child.. hehe
I love this! I would rather have by skin turn colors that way maybe people would get the hint when I cannot tolerate stupid at all on one day.
This is pretty funny stuff! I think I would rather change colors with my emotions. I feel like you can already tell how I am feeling by looking at me. :)
You aren't the only one that gets ignored when it comes to playing games!
I would prefer changing color. Then people would know what I'm feeling. I've been known to have a face that people can't read too well sometimes, so added color should work, spot on!
It would prove interesting figuring out what to wear for the day!
I love this game, but it stresses me out a little. Like the choices are real or something! I think I would rather change colors. Tough one...does everyone else change color too... Argh tough decisions!
I LOVE 'would you rather?' questions!!! I used to play this all the time with one of my best friends!!! Hmmm...your question is a tough one, but I would have to go with my skin changing colors with my emotions. The flailing arms thing frightens me, frankly ;) xoxoxo brynn
I'd rather my skin change!
Hahaha probably the color changes for me. I think it would be scarier to see me flail my arms haha.
- Sarah
Turn colors, definitely! At least people would know to back off when they see an emotion coming out but with the arms flailing people might just think you are crazy! lol
this game is so much fun! i choose the skin changing, because i already can't hide my emotions very well. :) it wouldn't be a huge departure for me!
That sounds fun! I might as well have my skin change since I am fairly transparent anyway! ;)
I'd rather glow up in all kinds of colors. I bet I would loe it, since my emotions change all the time. I'd be a wlaking and talking rainbow, hah!
hahaha, i'm so sorry no one wants to play :)
i think i'd rather change colors...maybe...
LOL, I love this game!! Hilarious. I'd much rather have my skin change vibrant colors per emotion. Hahaha!
I would play with you!!!! I'm a game player and love playing all sorts of games! This one would be fun because we could play while just sitting around! :)
My answer... turning colors. While it would be horribly inconvenient, it would also be good if my husband could actually see my emotion. He could come home and be like, "Oh gosh, she's mad... time to take the baby, clean the kitchen, and send her off to her office with a few hours of uninterrupted crafting time." ;) At least... that would be my fantasy world.
Although... think of how toned your arms would be if they flailed all the time... ???? ;)
I have never played or heard of this game but I would love to play it. I have cranium and it is still brand new because I can never find anyone who is willing to play with me.
I would rather wildly and uncontrollably flail my arms around whenever I walk to keep people away from me and if I were to hit them with my uncontrollable arms it would not be my fault. LOL.
I would rather have my arm flail because I like to keep how I'm feeling to myself. And to get my arms to stop flailing I would jog or run or ride bike :)
i would prefer my face change colors... i think...
Wild colors, I think. The whole arms flying around thing might cause a law suit. :)
Ooh...I want this game! Love it. I think I would pick the arms...as a woman, I'd never want to show how many mood changes I have in one day :)
I love "Would You Rathers," they are so funny. I would definitely pick the changing colors with your mood, like a mood ring. That way when you're mad, people would just leave you alone. Sounds way better than flailing my arms around.
Ha ha ha! That is quite the pair to choose from! I think I would rather flail my arms around than have my emotions literally showing on my face! :)
I love this game! Such a cool idea for a blog! I'd rather have my skin show emotions! You'd never need to by a mood ring again!
I will play with you. I love playing games and Uncle Paul hates it. we bring out a game and I have to beg him to play and then I realize later..."why did I do that..he spoils it for me every time.' I love that game, our friends have it...next time its me and you.. I have a Would you rather book and we play it at campfire time when we go camping..its fun to see what people say...Aunt Mary is funny at it too...
hahahah OH my gosh, what a choice! I love this game too! Our radio station here in town does Would you Rather Wednesdays. I think I might have to adopt this game for my blog on Wednesdays too. It's SO FUN.
Can you tell I'm avoiding your question? haha...Ok, I think I'd rather have my arms flail uncontrollably b/c it would be embarrassing to be such an open book about my emotional state ALL the time. hehe...Great post!
I love questions like that! So fun!
I'd like to change color!
Change color based on my emotions. :)
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