So what exactly is this bumble bee looking device? Its a life saver...literally. It is called a continuous glucose monitoring system. It attaches to my stomach and I wear it 24 hours a day while pregnant. It uses wireless technology and displays my blood sugar readings on my insulin pump every
five minutes. My new sensor just came in the mail this week and I could not be more excited....even if it does look like I have two belly buttons (which my nephew pointed out).

Max was Max from Where The Wild Things Are for Halloween. I felt like it was a pretty fitting little costume.

I have been OBSESSED with orange flavored tic tacs.

These two boys mowing Grandpa's grass (weeds).

A new cozy sweater that I have been wearing everywhere.
Have a wonderful weekend! Any fun plans? I plan on relaxing and not doing anything...love those kind of weekends.
Cute sweater! Where is it from?
That sweater is adorable! I cant imagine having to wear that glucose meter 24 hours a day, you go girl!
Love the sweater!
i LOVE Where The Wild Things Are! That costume is adorable! i secretly wished i could dress as Max this year, but that would probably have been weird. haha.
xox dana
That picture of them mowing grass together is cute. Wyatt likes to do that with his grandpa to.
love Max's costume! So cute!! and that sweater is so pretty. have a great weekend!
That is so exciting! :) That costume is too cute
ohmygoodness max from the wild things...too stinkin' adorable!
how cute is max--love his costume~! and yes orange tic-tacs and sweaters are top notch~!
love that sweater, and love max from where the wild things are, great costume! Happy Friday!
Love that sweater too Lindsay! And that little device is amazing. Technology these days: it's a lifesaver, seriously. Hope you enjoy your relaxing weekend! xo
Urban Wide- Gap :)
Max is a perfect Max, lol. He looks adorable.
where did you get the sweater? so cute!
cute cute little family!!! love that sweater too!!
Classic & Bubbly
Thank you for the comment over on my blog. I really appreciate it! And I love that costume and sweater!! :) I'm a big fan of comfy cozy sweaters! Yay Fall!! :) (Oh, and I'm a new follower, I just love your site :))
Digger ~xoxo~
your baby is so adorable! i love sweater too specially now winter here in italy! take care and have a nice weekend to you and to your family. xoxo, Haus of Gala
I always love seeing your weekly things that make you say yeah! That sweater looks so comfy and cozy. Hope you have a great weekend. Unfortunately, I have to work an event for work tomorrow (boo to a6 day work week!)
One of my closest and oldest friends has Type 1 diabetes - her story is really interesting because she wasn't diagnosed until age 21 and under some really heart-breaking circumstances. She recently got a glucose pump and it seems like it's totally changed her life. It's amazing what such a little device can do. She is also pregnant right now and I can't even imagine how reassuring that constant monitoring must be.
Max is just about as cute as can be! Kids and Halloween get me every time :)
That sweater looks too comfy! I'm rotating my closet this weekend and hopefully adding another fall item or two if I can find time to go shopping.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Seriously, I'm amazed by medical technology. That device might be the coolest thing ever. I love orange tic-tacs. I actually can't buy them because I'll just dump the whole thing in my mouth at once. Sweater season is the best. I love being cozy in sweaters - love the one you bought!
I think the benefits of what that's incredible little device will do for you far outweighs the 2nd belly button. Haha! Everything in perspective, right? It really is so great! What a blessing to have that!
And I think few things match up to the warm and fuzzy feeling of a great sweater. Of course, it helps of you don't live in South FL. Ugh. Mail me some cool weather. Please??? ;)
Great post love the tic tacs too ;-)
thanks for sharing these pictures, always make me smile. You're such a strong mama, your baby will be fine! God bless you and your pregnancy!
how cute is max!? It is amazing how the moment you become pregnant your body is no longer yours :) So glad you got your "second belly button"...lol
Wow, technology these days is so impressive. How far along are you BTW?
- Sarah
oh a cozy sweater yes definitely!! hope your pregnancy has been smooth and your son's costume is absolutely adorable
Seriously Max looks so adorable in his costume - what a great idea! And a BIG yeay! for your monitor!!
Max is such a cutie!! I hope to relax Sunday. Tomorrow is my first 5K & the LSU/Bama game. They'll be no relaxing at all during that!!!
Nice sweater, I plan to be a lazy pregnant lady this weekend.
I LOVE orange tic tacs!!! I haven't had them in FOREVER.
Cute pics of the little man.
I need a new comfy sweater. Bad. I need some maternity clothes - BAD!
I love the picture of Max in his costume. Our Olivia was 'Olivia the Pig'. Very fitting for both. :) Love that sweater, it looks really comfortable. Have a great weekend friend. Enjoy your sweet little family!
I am in love with that sweater and Max looks SO cute in his costume!
Lovely Little Rants
Ahh Lindsay, CONGRATULATIONS!! I had no idea you were pregnant - I've been a little MIA lately! And Max looks absolutely adorable! What a perfect costume! :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
sorelle in style
Perfect little costume! And what a great little device for you to have a safe and healthy pregnancy...
Out of the mouths of babes, right?!! Two belly buttons...LOL Your little one was sooo adorable. And, gotta love orange tic tacs.
This just reminded me of a similar Gap sweater I have from last year - I need to pull it out now that it's finally cold enough to wear!
Max is too cute - where did you get his costume?
{mommy chic} design. style. kids. life.
That costume is so adorable!
Oh my goodness, the technology is just awesome, isn't?! I had no idea there was a wireless glucose monitoring device out there. Love Max's costume. So darling.
LOVE that pic of you in the corner. Beautiful!
I have noticed on TLC's Extreme Couponing lots of orange Tic Tacs in the carts (more than one episode!)... haha you could probably stock up!
Orange tic tacs are amazing!
p.s. where did you find those awesome buttons for your twitter, pinterest, etc.?
sweet pics! I love the picturs of your two mens <3
I follow u, follow me?
there is a new post on my blog <3
There is Giveaway on my blog I wait u!
My Free Choice
Those are def the best weekends! Hope yours was so restful :-) and I LOVE that sweater, looks so comfy!
Thanks for stopping by a creative day, it let me find your cute blog! Praying for you that the pregnancy goes well and everyone is healthy.
Never get a moment to check your blog..really enjoy your topics. So great to see the pictures of Max. So great to hear of your pregnancy (prayers for your safety)! Going to go cook my spaghetti and butter nut squash now. Nathan's 4th bday tommorrow...what a joy he is!
Much love, Aunt Mary (another delighted Momma)
your little Max sure is a cutie! Great Costume! Good to hear that you will be monitored all the time! I hope that this pregnancy goes well for you guys! I could eat orange tic tacs by the handfuls!
omg max's outfit is SOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!! what a creative idea! love it linds.
You know, the Diabetes Blogosphere is pretty popular and motivating. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes almost one year ago, and I am very thankful for all the blogs out there that offer good advice and support. Have you ever thought about blogging more about your diabetes management? I love finding new diabetes bloggers. I'd been reading your blog for awhile, and when I first saw you mention your diabetes, I got a little excited! Not that I"m glad you have this horrible disease, just that I love seeing healthy, happy women (who have children!) living with this disease. It is very encouraging!
I also wear a CGM as a type 1 diabetic and 37 weeks pregnant with my third. It has been great for helping me along the way with this pregnancy and trying to deal with two other toddlers at the same time! Good luck to you! I know it can be trying, but it is totally worth it!!
Oh my gosh Max is SO CUTE in that little costume!
Ohh where is the sweater from? Looks so cozy! And Max is too cute! :)
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