I have talked extensively about the amazing benefits of raw apple cider vinegar when you drink it daily, however I had a huge response of people wondering about the benefits when applied topically.
The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar when applied topically are:
- It is rich in Alpha Hydroxy acids which help dissolve fatty deposits on the skin, which appear as little flakes or dry patches
- Helps balance the PH of your skin
- Because of the high amount of Alpha Hydroxy Acid it contains, apple cider vinegar can also help lighten sun and age spots
- Wonderful spot treatment for blemishes
- Do a skin test first to make sure your skin is not too sensitive. Place a small amount on your neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. If you do not see any reaction then you can apply it directly to your face.
- To start, dilute 1 part apple cider vinegar with 3 parts water. If you can handle this after a week you can decrease the water ratio. If you feel it is too strong for your skin increase the water ratio.
- Using a clean cotton ball or q-tip dab the solution onto the affected area and leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse off. This should be repeated 2-3 times a day until the acne clears.
I only suggest using organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
If you have any questions regarding this post you can leave them in the comment section and I will be happy to answer.
And yet another gem from your blog. I knew I liked you! Thanks!!! Now to find the organic stuff...
who knew?! Thanks for the info!
I am a huge fan of acv and it's wonders. Thanks for sharing this!
never would have thought! thanks girl!
I'm looking forward to trying this tonight. I've incorporated OCM and love it so far. Just starting to drink acv, and look forward to it's topical application, and really the benefits from it. Many thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge!
ooh next time I have an ugly zit I'm trying this!
I agree with everything said in this post! I swear by acv, it truly does wonders.
I totally have this in my pantry, guess it is going to get used soon! Thanks for sharing!
I had no idea you could use apple cider vinegar on your face! Thanks for the great tip! I recently bought the face cloths you blogged about a few weeks ago! I love them! I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!
Very interesting! You have the best at-home treatments. I tend to get dry patches during the winter so I'll have to remember to try this…and I always love knowing a good spot treatment for blemishes.
This is awesome, I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks!
Looking forward to trying this! Thanks for the tip~
Oh wow. Never knew this...I use it to gargle when I have a sore throat, which is amazing...but am going to give this a shot too!
I was JUST reading up on this! i really want to use it for my face. sounds like it can only do good!
I've heard so many good things about this!
I found this at my grocery a few days ago and am uncertain how to start adding it to my routine. Guess I'll have to do some post searching!
I would never have thought this would work but now that I see this, I might even try it!
absolutely genius! bragg's apple cider vinegar is a staple in our home...i just never realized that there could be topical benefits!!! xoxoxo brynn
I love natural remedies. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if it leaves a smell?
Trying this, you're the best!
You have all the best tips and info! I heard dr. Oz talking about the apple cider vinegar!
whoa! i had no idea that apple cider vinegar did wonders for the skin toO~!! cool!
thanks for sharing these tips, sounds so good, we have a bottle anytime, so I'm gonna put some in a spray bottle and spray on my spots everyday...haha..
I like natural skin care..This is very interesting.. I like to try this and i heard so many good thing about this..
i looove acv! i use it constantly! i do it on my face for sure, and lately i've started making a little acv + lemon + stevia cocktail, which i happily drink out of wine glasses. the best!
Woohoo! Found it! The same cider and this post. Off to beautify myself...inside and out. Ha! I'll let you know what happens. Can I expect an overnight miracle? Pleeeeease? ;)
Is it okay to use Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar? I have tons of acne so I really want to try this!
Allysa- I only recommend the brand Braggs brand because it is raw, organic and unfiltered.
After an original fail (I didn't dilute it and ended up looking like a tanning bed victim), I reread this post and have been using it once or twice a day. It has made a huge difference! I didn't have any skin problems til I went off the pill, and then I could control it with benzoyl peroxide, but that was nixed when I got pregnant. I was told I'd just have to deal with it. Then I ran across your post, and thank goodness! My skin is softer and my breakouts are fading away for the first time in 4 months! Thank you for this tip, I'll definitely keep using it, and will be trying the drink soon!
I read this post last winter and have been using acv on my face every day. I put it in a glass bottle with a nozzle and I just spray it on every night. It's the only thing that keeps me from breaking out, thank you so much!
What is wrong with regular apple cider vinegar? Yes you only use Braggs... But, is there some scientific or chemical reason regular won't work? I work about consuming non-pasteurized products. As good as companies are, it oly takes one slip up.
Have this on my face right now! Found this pinned on pintrest, this is my first time using it. I am really hoping this works for me, I never had acne until about 4 months ago, I've tryed several things and nothing has worked. The only negative so far is my husband is freaking out bc of the vinegar smell! haha thank you so much for posting this! :)
Does this help on psorisis at all??
Michelle- sorry but I am not sure.
What's wrong with "regular" apple cider vinegar? MAYBE nothing. Make sure you read the bottle; some brands, like Heinz, are simply FLAVORING regular vinegar. You want it to be actually made of apples.
Bragg's is probably the one she uses since it leaves everything in it; the mother left in the vinegar makes it even better.
I have psoriasis on my scalp. Do you think it would help if started putting acv on my scalp?? So far, the oils and shampoos from the dermatologist haven't helped!
I just bought the Heinz brand, and its the unfiltered all natural, raw- unpasteurized with the mother. Is this like he Braggs???
Yes, if it contains the mother it is just as good as Braggs.
Hi. I have a question. If I have some apple cider vinegar (which had been already diluted with water) left after using, can I store it? If yes, where?In the fridge, a bottle in normal room temperature, or.....? Thank you so much!
Hi, where did you get your information that fatty deposits on the skin show up as flaky or dry patches?
Jenn- I am a licensed esthetician and I have worked extensively with clients who have eczema.
You can store in room temperature or in the fridge for those of you who were wondering.
i am 33 years and have been battling acne since my teenage years. i started using acv one week from today as a toner and i must say i absolutely love it. my acne has completely cleared up and my face feel so soft and dewy. i just cleanse my skin put on my acv toner, a serum and moisturizer and skin is glows,all i have on my face is a few acne scars.
I have eczema on my foot... it's a nightmare... Lindsay you mentioned you have worked with clients with eczema ... I have tried so many things.. going to give the braggs acv a shot''' ;-)
thanks, Lindsey
Hi Lindsay, I'm using the apple cider vinegar from the Vitamin Shoppe, and it also contains Mother.. Is that good for my skin, or do I have to buy the Braggs brand?
What's better for de-clogging pores, ACV or tea tree oil? Suddenly, I have severe rash-like bumps and extremely clogged pores? Everyone seems to be screaming to be purged. Suggestions would be so appreciated...
I have a few pimples that have popped up on my nose , of all places... I do 50-50 solution with the Braggs acv. I alos had a couple blackheads which I squeezes out (yes I know that was a bad idea) and now my nose is red as Rudolph , have been putting the acv on it and HOPE it takes the reddness away. I take a tablspoon of acv every day with blackstrap molasses for low ferritin levels alos.
I've heard ACV also helps tighten the skin. Does anyone know about this? I decided to make the experiment on myself and have been spraying it on my abdomen. It's been only a few days so I still can't tell. I diluted Bragg's ACV in distilled water and also added a few drops or rosemary essential oil and use it as a body toner after the shower.
I have a question, is it okay to use heinz apple cider vinegar or does it have to be braggs organic apple cider ?
Dose access!!work on old scars,if so then how doing use it to clear old scars
Does healthviva apple cider vinegar can be used for topical application to get rid of whiteheads. The bottle says its 100 % pure and natural with mother vinegar.
My daughter had severe acne and subsequent scarring for several years through her late teen and young 20 years. She tried everything before hearing about the vinegar solution. She gave it a whirl and her face cleared up COMPLETELY. Not even the scarring remains. Pretty cool stuff.
I have pretty bad skin: at 30 I have to use acne medication... That aside, my skin is so sensitive that I often get huge problems with my skin starting to painfully peel off. Needless to say, I'm not very keen on face washes. I've tried some before, but they were so irritating and caused break outs.
The only thing my sensitive skin can use is the Made From Earth Grapefruit Glycolic Wash. First, micro-beads are big, so even if you scrub a lot, they won't scratch you. Second, I did not notice any break outs after using this product every other day for a month now and my skin looks much more radiant and feels really smooth.
I'm one of those people who really need to use sensitive skin products, but I' trying to move away from Clinique to more natural/organic like Made From Earth.
is there any difference between raw and natural???? is it necessary to have the one who has written raw and organic on it?
I have dark patches on my forehead and chin below i would like to try apple cider vinegar. Thanks for the information on your pageabout its use.
Do I have to use raw unfiltered ACV or can I use all natural ACV?
Does this combat psoriasis?
am taking ACV before meals already and love what it is doing for my digestive system.
I see this is good for acne, my question is, Is there a recipe for rosacea? I am having a hard time with this malady. Thanks for your recipes, have copies 3 of them. I am a believer, CG
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