I know I have been a little MIA this week on the blog. For starters my computer decided to poop out on me and you cant really blog without a computer and secondly I received some not so good news on Monday.
My Dr. who helps manage my diabetes called to tell me my recent blood tests came back and the results indicated that my diabetes management is not where it should be in order to have a healthy pregnancy.
I panicked and had a mini melt down.
What if something happens to my baby? I would feel like it would be completely my fault.
As a type 1 diabetic (different from type 2) pregnancy is considered very high risk. Your risk of miscarriage is increased as well as your baby developing abnormalities if your blood sugars are not under tight control.
I prayed and realized I have to have faith in God. He is the only one that can predict the outcome of a situation.
Pregnancy is a blessing and I truly believe God only gives you what you can handle. I know I can handle this.
Yes I would love to eat a nice toasted bagel for breakfast...with a side of Taco Bell but that is just not possible. Its time for me to go into military mode as far as my diet goes. Its low carb smoothies for breakfast if it sounds good or not.
The reality is I only have one shot at determining the outcome of our future baby.
There is no try only DO...My husband Ian always tells me that. It's a quote from Star Wars apparently.
On a side note: It is NOVEMBER! My two favorite holidays are approaching and I could not be more excited about that.
Have faith, indeed. As the Latin says, "As astra per aspera"--to the stars through difficulties.
Good luck!
Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!
I love that quote! You'll be in my prayers. :)
What a great quote...even if it may be from Star Wars....and I will be praying for you and the little one! God is our strength when we lose it, He is our sense when we just can't understand. :)
Sending good thoughts your way! Yes, it is a Star Wars quote. Yoda says "Do or do not, there is no try." (hubby and I are both science nerds)
Have faith! But most importantly you CAN do this! (And I read that quote with a yoda voice, lol!)
thinking of you - hope it all gets under control soon.
Lindsay you can do it! I know you will do everything you can to be healthy and make sure you have a healthy pregnancy! Praying you trust God to give you the strength to do it and that He keeps your little one healthy and safe!
Sending lots of prayers your way!
Seems like I've been quoting these a lot lately, but these are some of my favorite, comforting verses...
"'For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'" Jeremiah 29:11
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you." 1 Peter 5:7
"The Lord is good. When trouble comes, He is a strong refuge. And He knows everyone who trusts in Him." Nahum 1:7
Praying you have a healthy pregnancy and the strength to avoid those carbs and gulp down healthy goodness! ;)
Praying for a healthy pregnancy for both you and Baby #2! :) I'm sure everything will be perfect!
Praying for you! I know it is hard to have faith and trust in God, but He loves you and has great plans for you and your little one :)
-Bonnie @ Revolutionaries
Stay strong! You can do it! Your determination for your child will get you through! Good luck! Also, I agree I love the holidays and I'm very excited! Although it will be strange and different this year for us as we move and adjust...
You WILL make it through this, and your beautiful baby will too! You are one strong and determined woman, and you have your priorities straight. It's not about you, it's about the sacrifices you have to make for your beautiful baby. You can and will do this, and I am here for you every step of the way, if you need anything!
thinking of you...and praying for a healthy pregnancy! xo
you'll get through this! and it will be SO worth it in the end when you have a healthy baby in your arms, knowing it's healthy because you had the strenght and will power to get through this!
sending many prayers your way. i'd have had a mini breakdown as well. i hope everything goes well for your during your pregnancy. and you know you can always turn to the blogging community for support! hooray for november!
You can do it, and it will be so worth it! Sending lots of good thoughts your way!
So Sorry to hear this. I will be keeping you in my prayers.
That quote is a great one! You will most definitely be in my thoughts and prayers to get back on track and have a healthy pregnancy. I have faith in you :) I can only imagine that it is very tough! Stay strong!
Oh friend, I am so happy to hear how much faith you have. You WILL get through this and have a healthy pregnancy. Stay strong & focus on keeping you & your growing baby healthy.
We'll pray for you.Keep the faith cos its already well with you.Amen!!!
It's so interesting that you just posted this. There is a woman I know that is pregnant and she does some things that I really don't think are very healthy for her pregnancy, but she doesn't seem to care. And it makes me really sad. After reading this, I feel a little bit more encouraged about humans. That there are women out there (and I know there are lots of them) that are willing to make whatever sacrifices they must in order to insure that their babies are as healthy as possible. Soooo...thank you for sharing this. And I hope that everything goes well for you. :)
You can do it!
I'm sorry for your bad news, but your attitude sounds absolutely perfect. Good for you. Sending warm thoughts and well wishes to help you get through. :)
well first congrats on your sweet little blessing!! Praying for you and remember you only need the faith of a mustard seed :) & if you feel that fear creep upon you just remember : 1 tim 1:7 " hod did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power & love & sound mind "
* God not Hod...lol
Your husband is quoting Yoda, haha, but it's so true. You, your family and your little bean are definitely in my prayers. <3
Oh my goodness, I am a stranger praying for you from afar. Please know that.
I was told I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy...and had to eat 'military style'. It's totally doable and actually a wonderful sacrifice you can make for your little one. It always helped me to keep going to remember that.
Many blessings your way!
Praying for you, friend!
Oh my goodness Lindsay. :( I'm sending positive thoughts your way for everything. Such a though situation to be in. I have this feeling everything will be okay though.
Have you ever heard of the 811 or 80/10/10 diet? it's a low fat raw diet that I just started yesterday- apparently, it helps keep diabetes under control, even though you are basically eating crap loads of fruit... maybe check it out?
Sending positive thoughts and blessings your way my dear! You can get through this and in the end are going to have such a beeeeautiful little peanut to snuggle!
Much love xxoo.
Aww I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. That is kind of nerve wracking, but your head is in the right place. I'm sure everything will work out =)
love your heart and praying for you - i would be a nervous wreck for sure!
Praying for you! (((HUGS)))
Ps - I like the new layout... it may not be that new, but I'm just now catching up with the bloggy world. ;)
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Faith is an incredible, beautiful and powerful thing. I do believe we are given only what we can handle :) And I love the Star Wars quote. Happy November to you, lovely lady :) xoxoxo brynn
{{HUGS}} Keeping you in my thoughts!
I just LOVE you beyond words my dear dear friend!!! I will pray so hard for your tiny baby and you and your little precious family! I will be in town again this weekend if you need ANYTHING I am there at the drop of a hat!!! Did I mention I love you?! Welp, I DOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! (I haven't been around much either!) You can do it, girl! Just keep being positive!
Ugh. As if you need something stressful to have to worry about. Now I feel bad for posting the pumpkin donuts. :o) Good luck staying the course. I'll be thinkin' about ya.
scarey moment, but you seem to have a great sense about your approach. Will be praying that all goes well!
so impressed with your strong determination and optimism. prayers and happy thoughts are coming your way!
in your head, you know that God's in control. But sometimes it's ok to have a "mini meltdown". In the end you know that things will work out, because they will. just take it a day at a time. things will be good. :) thanks for sharing this today. SO needed it!
i'm sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way! heart you!! :)
Ohhhh...sweetie...I'm so sorry! My thoughts are prayers are with you! You do whatever it takes to keep you and that wee one healthy!
I need to do something similar. Except I have to do it for myself so I can be a better mom to the kids I have now. It is very hard and I will be praying for you and your family as you go through this. With God all things are possible!
You've got this Linds. And God's got everything under control. xo!
There is no try only DO... What a beautiful thing to share when your going through a stressful hard time with your news. I felt inspired from your strength and I am so sure that with enough of us sending you postitive and healthy vibes, (& your faith) you'll get through it all and come out with a beautiful healthy baby (& you) in the end.
Anna xo
Love the quote!! Sending prayers your way.
Lindsay I will pray for you and your family. I have faith that everything will work out the way God intends it to. I know that this is what happens even if we do not always sometimes believe that it does. Stay strong darlin!
Ill be praying for you but yes remember Gods sovereignty through it all. He is good.
I'll be praying for you! You're so inspiring :) And I definitely agree that everything is in God's plan and you just have to trust him. He knows what's up :)
What a lovely and inspiring quote! I definitely agree, God will never give us any trial that we can't handle (regardless how difficult). Hang in there, and keep up the faith!
i love both quotes..ha especially that star wars one...i have stars wars geek at home as well :) reading this blog made me think of psalm 139...one my fave's!
Thoughts and prayers are with you dear. :) I know you'll get through it, but it can definitely be a scary experience to be faced with something so serious. You will undoubtedly handle it with grace and power and God will hand those things to you in abundance. :)
I love your quote! He is the only one in control of things. Sending prayers for a healthy pregnancy <3
It's a beautiful quote and so true. Wishing you the best pregnancy and congratulations!!
I don't know how I missed that you were pregnant....but Congrats Lindsay! You're a smart, smart, girl. You will find a way to stay healthy. Keep the faith! You're in my thoughts and prayers tonight <3
Bless your heart shug, I know how you feel. Not pregnant, but know what it's like to battle it out daily with sugars, and sometimes THEY MAKE NO SENSE. But, a "healthy" friend of mine recently had some major complications during delivery, nearly died, but is fine now. She isn't diabetic. It helped me to realize that scary things can happen to anyone, and we just have to do the best we can, pray and have faith! You are so right! Good luck to you! :)
no matter how bad a situation may seem just continue to have faith
READ Nahun ch1:7 have a glorious day
aww i recently discovered your blog and LOVE it!!! your babies are so cute and i love your faith in God, your fun with make up & skincare, and you inspire me to be healthier with your creative and healthy recipes! xo :)
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