I have mentioned before that almost everything you do including what you eat, plays a role in how your skin will look and feel. I have listed some amazing skin superfoods that are all beneficial to your health and your skin will thank you for it.
1. Blueberries- loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Blueberries prevent aging by neutralizing the free radicals (molecules responsible for aging and tissue damage) in the body. They also provide a boost in the immune system.
2. Turmeric- has been used for years in holistic medicine as as a digestive aid and a wound healer. It is also a natural liver detoxifier and potent natural anti-inflammatory (great for those with acne).
3. Parsley- it is rich in vitamins A and C. It also contains powerful antioxidants that can help slow down the aging of cells. Parsley is also the perfect digestion remedy and can help cleanse the liver of toxins. So don't pass on this often overlooked garnish. Parsley contains three times as much vitamin C as oranges, and twice as much iron as spinach..crazy right!
4. Coconut oil- has anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial functions. Helps with digestion. Excellent source of healthy fats. Applied topically is a great stretch mark prevention oil.
5. Avocado- contains antioxidants that slow down aging, promotes good heart health, and prevents the growth of cancer cells. The natural oils in avocado also keep your skin looking vibrant and youthful.
6. Tomatoes-contain lycopene, a powerful rejuvenating antioxidant that gives tomatoes their deep red color is known to reduce the risk of prostate, breast, lung and other cancers. Tomatoes also contain a ton of vitamin C and can help skin texture and color. They are also super low in calories..so eat up!
7. Pumpkin Seeds- loaded with essential skin beautifying minerals and antioxidants. Pumpkin seeds are also a great anti-inflammatory. According to WHS pumpkin seeds are also known to boost the immune system and lower cancer risks. The best way to get all the health benefits is to eat them raw.
8. Kale- has tons of vitamin K, A and C. It is also a rich source of minerals including cooper, calcium, iron and magnesium which all play a role in healthy beautiful skin. For more information on kale you can read read this post.
9. Lemon- contains over 200 enzymes which help to detoxify the liver. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which has many healthy skin benefits including maintaining collagen levels and repairing tissue damage.
10. Sardines- you may not be a fan of these...but the health benefits are unbelievable. They are loaded with calcium, vitamin D and B12. A three ounce serving of sardines has as much calcium as a cup of milk. Sardines are also high in omega-3 fatty acids. A diet high in Omega-3 has been shown to inhibit breast, colon and kidney cancer. So you may want to reconsider incorporating these slimy little fishies into your diet. * I like mine with lemon and rosemary :)
If you would like some more info on Superfoods here are a few great resources:
Dr. Mercolas Top 7 Anti-Aging Foods
Worlds Healthiest Foods
Benefits of Parsley
I love Sardines! Most people think I am gross. They aren't that bad with crackers or pretzels.
I love this post! I try to incorporate most into my diet but will need to add the Tumeric. What would you mix this with? The only thing I may have to leave out are the Sardines :)
I love knowing about these kinds of foods! I think I will have to pass on the sardines though! And I didn't know lemons were so good for you!
I didn't realize that lemons were good for you! I like all of those foods except for the sardines :)
I SO needed this post today! I feel like I need a pick me up! :)
i can't wrap my head around the sardines. i know they're really god for you and all that…i just can't get myself to eat them. i really need to get on the kale bandwagon! just one more reason why i need that juicer!! haha. love this post! actually, i don't know if i've told you but i absolutely love your blog!
i picked up avocados and tomatoes this weekend - tried to find kale but the supermarket was out :)
Great post :)
I would gladly eat any of those besides the sardines . Haha! I knew about blueberries from experience. This summer I couldnt get enough of them and my skin noticed. :)
1,4,5,6,7,8,9...check!!! I will get right on the turmeric, parsley & sardines :) Thanks for helping us all stay more beautiful & glowing! xoxoxo brynn
The Kid is always talkin' about "superfoods" and pointing them out to his little sister. :o)
I read most of the Dr. Mercola email newsletters - pretty interesting stuff. I need to get my hands on some Curcumin. :o)
I love this post too! I would love to read more about things to make with these foods, like to what should we add parsley? When applying the coconut oil to stretch mark prone areas, how long do you leave it on? I would love to know! thanks for doing this post!
love this post! I love avocados :)
Juggling in Heels- you can add turmeric to a veggies stir fry, chicken and tea! Here is a great link for the tea http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART02833/turmeric-tea
You want to make sure you are buying organic turmeric so that it is free of pestisides.
We have lots of pumpkins seeds here. :) Great info here. I love that I actually learn something new each time I visit you. :) Thanks Linds!
Mandee- You don't remove it. After really massaging into your skin you leave it on. I used it when I was pregnant and worked like a charm. To soften it up, place the coconut jar in a warm dish of water and then scoop a little bit out.
Yes I bel. in this too that things we eat makes a difference in looks. Also a lot of water I think. Thanks for visiting my blog. Following you. Hope you can too.
I love knowing about beauty superfoods and what they do! Thanks for sharing this great knowledge!
Niiice this is awesome. I needed this post. I definitely need to put better things in my body. Especially for my skins sake.
- Sarah
I'm glad I read this before I did my grocery shopping for the week. :)
Food is most definitely medicine. I love learning more about what they can do for our skin. Thanks!
My mom and mother in law made me bunch of food that contains turmeric bc it's so good for you. I actually dont mind the taste!
this post, like all of your posts, makes me smile so wide! I've been using coconut oil as my normal moisturizer now for over a month.. I cannot praise it enough! My skin is clearer, brighter, and younger looking (:
I just learned about coconut oil through Joy the Baker's Homefries podcast. I had no idea it had so many uses!
loved this post! though i can't say i'm going to be adding sardines to my diet anytime soon :)
great info! i just learned a lot just through this post! i know what to get next time i go shopping. thx!
Very interesting....some of these I knew about but some I didn't have a clue that they were great for your skin....like Turmeric.
I loved this, thank you for sharing. We're carving Pumpkins tonight so I'm way excited for the seeds.
OH i love this!
Lindsey this is great...I had no idea about the parsley actually. The blueberries and the avocado are my fav skin care "items." Oh and chocolate. Oh that wasn't one? Darn. ;)
I've been wanting to buy coconut oil for ages- this was just the inspiration I needed!
thanks for sharing - trying to incorporate all this stuff!!! :)
I actually really like sardines! And when I was pregnant I CRAVED them like crazy. Ate them all the time.
Perfect time of the year for pumpkin seeds :)
I eat almost all of this execpt for 2,4 and 10. I love lemons!!!
Great foods to eat...haven't really had sardines outside a caesar salad but I have no doubt they're good for you. I have yet to eat kale. Seems like everyone is but one day I'll have to give them a whirl.
Emily w/Amazing Grapes
Wow...I had no idea about parsley! Better start adding that into the diet more often!
i love all these besides the sardines! i'll pass on those! :)
you always have these incredible posts--i love all this great info! but sardines are ewww!
This post is so informational and fun to read. Thank you! With three girls, two of whom are entering puberty, skin issues loom. I have wondered what to do for one of my girls who has acne... these ideas are so budget-friendly and easy to do!
I have always used coconut oil as a lotion substitute in summer when my skin isn't as dry. It smells delicious as well! :)I need to work on sneaking the rest of these into my diet.
I have heard so much about coconut oil as an effective, safe alternative to beauty products. Kudos for your informative skin care reviews!
Send on the sardines. Love them
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