Since I don't have a "real" post today I had to share this. I found it here and thought it was too much fun not to share.
The first three words you spot are supposed to describe you.
My words were sex, door and peep. Hmmm!! I tried doing a do-over but I kept spotting those words.
What three words do you see first? I want to know so I don't feel so weird ;)
Mine were sass, beautiful and sad. Sorry, but yours are still weirder, lol.
Mine were fat, love and whore. Damnit. Haha
My 3 words were: beautiful, funny and broken. Fun post! :)
Mine were fat, bad, and ken. LOL! The first two just make me laugh. And Ken was my high school boyfriend! Awesome.
haha ok...
broke - very true, i am in two weddings this month and beyond broke.
sad - after seeing broke, and then sad, i was like damn, am i depressed? and then i saw...
love - so i guess i still have something going for me.
beautiful, funny and broken.... I'll take the first 2 and fix the last one :)
Funny, broke and beautiful ;-) HAHAHAHAH too funny!
ahha Your words are funny! Especially that you tried a do-over and still got the same words.
xo L.
Funny, Sad and Beautiful. Love this! Though I am a little sad that I am sad :)
Lovely, Broken, and Funny... not sure if this fits me but it was fun!
Mine were peer, hey and pat....hmmmm...what does that say about me??
I saw sad, pal, and bad. Very interesting! How is everyone else seeing such long words?? I want a do-over! :)
Whore, Epic and Pretty. Yikes...
Mine were fool, love, fat. Ummmm.. lol.
I saw Fool, Funny, and love. (although I thought clutz and rebal were words for a minute before I had my coffee, so that might say more about me than anything.)
Oh dear Lindsay. Mine were broken, funny and bad. How bad is that? LOL
Anne xx
Mine were Beautiful, Epic and Lip. HAHA!
epic, beautiful, tub....hahaha love this!
Fat, clutz, and funny! I am definitely funny, not so much a clutz, and am I really fat?! Oh jeezz! Ha ha fun post!
This is too funny...mine were beautiful, whore and broke. Ummm, can I try this again?
Oh my gosh, so cool! Mine were fat, beautiful, and happy. Which I would say is fairly accurate...of course I prefer to use the word voluptuous...hahaha. I'm going to steal this! =)
Fat, sap and reep. Sigh. I really want a do-over.
this is so cool! haha my first three words were love, nice and epic. i can handle those ;)
I read 'fat fat fool'...which is how I'm feeling after having this 2nd kid! Thanks for the laugh!!
LMAO. Oh dear. My first word was WHORE. Lovely. Then SAP and CLUTZ. I don't like this game.
I saw Epic, Love and Beautiful. I'll take it! :)
Ape, whore, and plop. Major Ouch! But funny :)
My words were lovely, bad & fab! ha!! I know what you mean about a crazy week. I've got one going too. Thanks goodness we leave tomorrow so it will calm down some. It's always crazy before & after a trip.
Fun! Mine were love, broken, and reep ?!?!? Hmmm ... wonder what this means:)
Wish I could've found sex ;)
♥ Cat brideblu
epic, pea, and broken... Epic- Sure. Pea- ok, I'm small. Broken- hmmmm... haha!
fab, clutz, and bad. lol
haha this is fun! pea, beautiful, fab
mine were
- whore
- broken
- funny
Hahaha. Oh jeez. Well mine were:
Think it's interesting that "beautiful," "whore," "funny" and "love" are all standing out to people. Cool post!
Whore, fun, and head.... Isn't that a great way to describe one of your friends?! Bahahaha!
Mine is Fat, Fool and Funny. Hey the second one doesn't describe me.. Uhhmm... I need to find out myself if it's true.
lovely, beautiful and broken hmmmmmmmm.... lol what a fun post!
sooo funny! mine were sad, beautiful, pretty and then the fourth was fat. good thing that was #4!!!
fat, funny and broken ... lol.
bahaha this is soo fun. Lovely, Beautiful, and Fool.
Lovely, beautiful & fool. Don't like that last one very much!
My words were fat, love & nice. At 34 weeks pregnant, I'll take that as pretty accurate.
This is awful! Fool, secrets, and tease. What in the world??
Mine were lad, foe, and beautiful....so strange! :)
uh, broken, funny and lovely. well, two out of three ain't bad i guess! =)
happy new follower via 'the perfect pear'.
Dawfg, lulcs, skenb!
P.S. I am real bad at word searches.
fat, pretty and lovely...wonder if the order should be pretty fat.....I'm working on it....yeah, weird....;D
A fat, funny whore? Dang. I thought I was skinny.
that was so cool!!! the first three words i saw were pretty, funny, and lovely. :)
<3, Mimi
Funny, fool, and lovely.
Love this mind break - he he
Oh my gosh, thanks for the laugh, girlie!
Mine were Clutz, Beautiful & Broke! Bwahahaha!
fat, beautiful, fun… haha
oh my gosh... mine were 'broken, whore, fun'
um...? hahaha
i think i subconsciously need counseling? lol
Mine were funny, broken & whore... I probably need counseling, too @a Bug and Bird!!
Mine were funny, broken, and lovely.... I was hoping to get all the bad ones! Dangit!
My first one was whore! Oh my! Then I spotted funny and broken. So I'm a funny, broken whore. Who knew?!
That was fun!
Fat, Sap, and Fool :)
I did one of these awhile back and can't remember my words, but my mother's were hilarious and spot on!
Hmm mine were sex, pedi and peak? ha
Not a fan of the first word I saw...whore. It definitely doesn't describe me. But then I saw funny and sad and those are pretty accurate.
I found beautiful, lovely, and funny! Weird.
Mine were:
Its funny to read the others. I'm glad i'm not a whore!
Um, mine were "whore," "fool" and "love" so don't feel bad!
Haha! This was fun.
My words were FAT then PLOP (as in plop your fat ass on the sofa) then funny, which made up for the last 2.
Bio, beautiful, whore... hahahaha, that was fun ;)
thanks for the post, it made me laugh :)
clutz, beautiful and funny! this was fun!
beautiful, lovely, and sad.
i've been pretty sad lately, so I guess that makes sense.
and the beautiful and lovely...well gosh ;)
Beautiful, funny and fat. Damn, I was doing well until the last one!
Oh my gosh yours are so funny! Mine were beautiful, whore, and broken. Haha. Definitely don't describe me!!! Fun test though! I'm so happy to FINALLY have some time to catch up on your blog! I've missed you girlie!
Ah man! My 3 words were Funny, Whore and Bad.... Not fair - I may be pregnant but Im not a whore :)
This rocked Im going to put this on my Blog as well I hope you dont mind :)
Mine were lovely, pretty, and broken...such insight! :) Fun game!
Mine were love, beautiful, and broken...yeah, that kinda sums me up
omg what a fun post! epic,fool, nice dangerously accurate lol
funny, broke, whore........it sounds like a compliment if you ask me....LOL Weird that I saw them in that exact order!
I got funny, broken and "rebal". I cant tell if they just misspelled rebel, or if I'm seeing things...guess my eyes are broken!
I could not find anything for the longest time, then I spotted funny, broken and fat! HEY!
I got fat, pretty and whore! Sheesh!
i got pretty love and lad! except i'm not a lad? hahaha
Mine were fat, funny and pat.
Fat, pretty and broke... Funny was number 4. Okay, I'm going to go cry in my coffee now. Joking :D This is pretty cool!!!
My words were funny broke and foe! Fun!
fat sap and whore were the first three I saw :/ but then I saw broken funny and pretty...so I don't know. lol. Love the essie colors in the newest post! They're so pretty!
....don't know how I feel about the sad part??
mine were love, funny, and broken. i keep trying to redo and look for new words but i cant!!!
My words were lovely, funny and pretty. You have just made my day :P
Oh no!!! My first three words were fat, klutz and foe. I am none of those things, so that little puzzle is a liar!!! lol. :0)
cab, pretty and beautiful. suddenly I feel very narcissistic! glad nyc represented itself though ;-)
beautiful, lovely and fat, haha... nice combination!
Love this! Mine were broke, funny & beautiful! haha
Mine were LOVE, WHORE, & BROKE! That's hilarious!
My 3 words were LOVE, BEAUTIFUL, FUN! Thats me :))
xx from London
I got whore, broken and funny. LOL! Newest follower...hilarious post!
My three words were beautiful, love, broken. Kinda deep, actually. :)
whore, funny and fat...hmm...maybe i'll take 2/3 of them ;)
Mine were funny, broken and pretty. I have been told I am funny, I am ok with my looks- if I changed something I wouldn't be "me"- HOWEVER- broken? I don't know about that, but BROKE is more like it!
Bar, whore, fool. Embarassing haha
fat, plop, and funny. Yikes!
ha...beautiful, funny and BROKEN. ;)
Epic, beautiful, and fat. Wow.
epic bad and beautiful, definitely me lol jk
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