I have ALSO decided that I HATE flying. I don't know where this anxiety of flying came from... I used to be fine. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have a little bambino now.
I was so worried that Max was gonna freak out on the plane and he was perfect! He bounced on my lap and played with his little stuffed dinosaur the whole time.
It was ME who was freaking out! Ian told me (to make me feel better I think) that John Madden has not taken a plane since the 70's. He travels around in an $800,000, 45-foot luxury coach fitted with everything from sauna to gourmet galley...UMM sign me up! When we do decide to take a Europe trip I guess I will have to get over it (maybe take a Xanax or two). Until then I am all about road trips.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
I'm all about socal. I love traveling, but there's no place like home =)
- Sarah
Welcome back! It feels sooo good to sleep on your own bed after vacation, ahhh.
I'd be scared of flying if it wasn't for that statistic that you're more likely to get in an accident in a car. Just think, you don't have to train and train and study and practice and train to be able to drive a car full of people (unfortunatly. I feel like some people on the road could stand to have this required) but pilots do. Maybe I'm just a trusting person.
Glad you had fun. I hate flying too. After our last trip, my husband said he won't fly with me unless I take something! : )
Welcome home! I hate hate hate flying too, I always feel like I'm going to throw up, and all my senses are heightened so the smallest annoyance makes me want to flip out and head straight for an institution. Madden's coach sounds amazing, he should gift it to us!
welcome home!! flying makes me nervous too! ugh! Madden's coach sounds like the way to go!
Welcome back! I am glad that Max was a little trooper!
I have to say, I also prefer road trips to flying!
Still in TN, Ariana
Yes! Going away is FUN...but coming home is even better!
With my husbands drag racing we travel around in a semi/coach...minus the hot tub & everything else. So if ya' ever get bored.....
Happy Saturday! :)
I flew to visit my dad every other weekend from 8-12th grade so I just got plain ol' SICK of planes.
Glad you're back!
I remember how much I was glad to be home after I decided NOT to pursue my PhD on the east coast. I always KNEW I loved California but I REALLY appreciated coming home.
Welcome back! I'm with you on the flying thing! I used to be very panicked when I flew, and now it's not so bad. Now my worry has just shifted to the kids - hoping they keep quiet!! lol!
Glad you made it home safely! It's so hard to travel with little ones. I get anxiety before every flight--it doesn't help that I usually travel with three small children ALONE since my husband has to stay at home to work. :)
Hope to hear more about your travel soon!
So glad you made it back safe and sound :)
I think California wins coolest state award. Although, Colorado might be a close second for me. Glad you had a great trip!
Elizabeth- I would have to agree with you! Ian would pack up and move to Colorado tomorrow if he could! We are planning on making a ROAD (no plane) trip there soon.
ha...welcome home! aren't road trips with young children even worse??
glad you had such a wonderful time!
Glad your back safe and sound. We hope to see loads of pics. I love flying I'd rather fly then drive. I know the sceneries are great and unexpected stops to the most unknown unique towns are cool but at times the faster the better.
Glad you went home safe with your family. =)
Looks like my hometown... San Diegooooo???? ;) xo
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