I am a pretty good eater but whenever we go out to eat and Ian orders something with the option of either french fries or fruit I always shout "FRIES!"... and end up eating half of his...I know how ruuuude right?
Soooo the other day I was having a major french fry craving. I did a little googling for low carb french fries. Well I am here to tell you that after a few minutes of searching there are no good low carb "real" french fry recipes. BUT I did find this. Zucchini fries it is! I was pretty excited.
Soooo the other day I was having a major french fry craving. I did a little googling for low carb french fries. Well I am here to tell you that after a few minutes of searching there are no good low carb "real" french fry recipes. BUT I did find this. Zucchini fries it is! I was pretty excited.
What you will need:
- 3 zucchini
- 1 egg white
- 1/4 cup of milk
- 1/2 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese. I used a little more I am not gonna lie. I like extra cheesy fries. Don't you??
- 1/2 cup of seasoned Italian breadcrumbs
- Vegetable cooking spray. This is IMPORTANT. I sprayed one baking tray and not the another. Result= Sad stuck sticky zucchini fries that....I ate anyways but STILL. Make sure you use this.
I have been meaning to try zucchini fries for a long time now. I'm all about sweet potatoe fries but these look delish and I'm thinking I need to get on it and make some soon!
oh my, i love french fries, and this makes a much better substitute! i would feel much better after eating too. they look sooo gooood! yum! can't wait to try.
These look SO yummy! I will be trying these for sure. Do you ever make sweet potato fries? I just slice up a sweet potato into long pieces, bake in the oven, and add salt and pepper. Delish, healthy (ish?), and easy!
oh me oh my. I have never heard of anything even slightly similar and am just too curious to not try them out!! I to am guilty of indulging (nay..OVER indulging) in french fries so this could be a delicious and healthier alternative.
First the skin tip now a possible weight watching tip - you're just TOO good!!!
Anna xo
Jamie- Haven't tried sweet potato fries yet buy those sound soo good!
These look so good! I could eat french fries all day long, so a healthier alternate is definitely what I need!
Lindsay, these look so so tasty. I suffer from the same french fry problem at restaurants. But I can't help it they're just so yummy.
So excited for a healthy alternative to fries! Thanks for posting this!
I just happen to have a very large zucchini in my fridge right now and I have been trying to figure out what to do with it! I'll be trying this recipe tonight!
oh and don't worry I have the same problem when it comes to french fries...and anything greasy or sweet!
i found you on ftlb. i love zucchini! anything zucchini pretty much! Thanks for posting this super easy recipe! Im def going to try it out!
Hmmm.....I love these. You always have all the best recipes. Definitely better than unhealthy fries. Thanks Lindsay, I'm bookmarking this!
I have to try these...My hubby has a thing for fries, maybe he'll like these better?! I can hope :)
I love zucchini!! I'm going to have to try these! (btw, I would have eaten them all myself too!)
What a timely recipe ... we are growing zucchinis in our garden right now and they are about to explode with fruit. I was beginning to go into panic mode ... "what am I going to do with a bazillion zucchinis?" ... well, now I know ... make fries :)
♥ Cat brideblu
mmmm these look delicious! i am always looking for recipes for our huge amounts of zucchini from our garden. this will be great! i also tell matt to get fries and always help him finish them. :)
Now I really can't wait for my zucchini to grow! I will be making this! Yum!
Woww these look delicious!!
Yum! I've been looking for zucchini recipes for awhile, I will totally add this one to the list!
I'm so into finding new recipes lately. Thanks for sharing. Those look delish!
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
I'm totally going to make these tonight! I have a surplus of squash. Thanks!
OOOOh, I saw these in one of my summer cooking magazines and I've been wanting to make them. They look so yummy!
Such a good idea, healthy and delicious!
Oh my, these look perfectly delish. I have to admit, I have the same french fry problem, this is necessary! :)
OMG, these look so delicious. The way you made them reminds me of the cheesecake Factory a little and those are so deliecious. I can't wait to try your recipe, these are more addicting than fries in my opinion.
This is an amazing recipe!! YUM!! I can't wait to try these! Good thing I have 4 fresh zucchinis! :]
Oh yum!!! Looks delish- I love zucchini!
YUM looks perfectly delicious.
It's zucchini season! I just did a post this morning about oven "fried" zucchini! : ) SO GOOD!
These look intriguing. I'm not a huge zucchini fan, but they look like they came out pretty good!! :)
My mom makes these in the chip form they are sooooo good!
Oh wow, that looks scrumptious! Much healthier than normal french fries too! :)
Oh my gosh, I love zucchini! And I am not a veggie person- I am way more of a fries person :) But zucchinis rock, and this recipe sounds so good!
Oh man, this looks amazing. I know the tot will love this. I'm going to have to make this sometime this week.
Oh my, these look awesome! We should have some more zucchini in a few days and I'm definitely going to make these!
These look so so good! I've been wanting to try this kind of recipe...so now I think you just gave me the motivation I needed!
these look so delish!!!!! i love jazzing up my veggies!
yum!! will definitely try these!! thanks for sharing!
aw poor guy...you must make some more for him! and make sure you have enough leftover for me as well.
We made these the other week too and were pretty impressed! I blogged about them here http://aturtleslifeforme.blogspot.com/2011/07/and-when-she-saw-size-of-it-little-lady.html
Yours look great!
a seriously brilliant idea~ these look so amazing--and what a healthy snack:)
Thanks for this hun, what a great idea! I have some home grown courgettes (you say zucchini, we say courgettes!)so I am going to try this!! xx
i've never tried zucchini, but those actually look pretty delicious!
Bwuahahahahaha - I can't believe you didn't share with the hubster. Big meanie. I totally would have done the same thing. lol
These sound really good. Why didn't I plant a zucchini this year?
P.S. I'm making fries tonite for dinner. Jealous? :0P
This look delicious!! I love zucchini so I am sure I would love these. I will have to go stop by my SIL's garden!!
Omg yum! I too have an issue with fries!
And, I'm pinning this recipe! I can't wait to try it!
That looks delish!! Yay for the internet...I can't imagine finding out info any other way!
yep, will be trying this soon for sure!
yum yum yum! off to the store for some zucchini!
French fries are my weakness too! They are sooooo good! And I usually end up shouting "fries" too. I'll have to try your zucchini fries! They look delicious!
I love zucchini sticks! This recipe looks super easy and yummy! I can't wait to get to the farmers market this weekend for some fresh zucchini!!
You are awesome! I'm so going to try this one, I got a bunch of zucchini that need to be eaten. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing :)
These look really, really tasty! Such a fun way to make 'fries' that don't have as many calories. :) Thanks for sharing!
I am soooo with you on the french fry thing. LOOOOVVVEEEE THEM!!! I do like zucchini so I bet this is really good.
I'm your newest follower!
Oh, they look so good Lindsay. I wonder if they'd work on my two. I'd have to take the green skin off. LOL One of your other commenters mentioned sweet potato fries but they're huge over here at the moment. Even the frozen french fry companies are making them and selling in the supermarket.
Great stuff!
Anne xx
I'm commenting again just to let you know I can'ts top thinking about these damn zucchini fries!
I am the same way with fries. I could eat them everyday. These look SO good, I will definitely have to try them soon!
Urgh, I wish I could say no to fries. It doesn't matter, if something is fried, I will eat it! Mushrooms, jalapeno slices, okra, zucchini...
I made zucchini fries a couple weeks ago using panko batter and lemon-garlic aioli. I'm going to try the parm next time!
{mommy chic} design. style. kids. life.
NO way! i am a fry addict. this is amazing and I'm trying it!
lol - love that ya'll ate them before he could! those look delicious and easy to make, can't wait to try it.
Never heard of zucchini fries, thanks for the recipe - I can't wait to try it!
xx Grace
Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! You are my freakin' fairy GODMOTHER! How do you KNOW I have TheFrenchFryProblem?! I do the same thing. Never order it myself because I'm afraid I'd CHOKE trying to inhale them and then I eat half or more of my companion's side. I can't WAIT to try this!
Also, my aunt made me zucchini pasta when I was up in Tahoe. Get this... you take a zucchini and wash it. Then cut it in thin slices. Then put marinara. But what about steaming it? What about cooking it? Nope! It's good to go and delicious. Though not as delicious as those fries I'm sure.
they just look delectable.
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This recipe looks really good! It would be great if you came over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow and shared some of your recipes.
I hope to see you there!
First of all, these look sooo yummy! And so exciting to have a healthy alternative for fries! Yum!!!!
But also, I've got to tell you how impressed I am with your blog girl! Over 60 comments!!! You are going somewhere with this - I have LOVED every single one of your posts! And I'm not surprised one bit that so many other people love your posts just as much! You're my inspiration!
My sister and I found this on Pinterest the other day and made them- SO SO good!! I could have eaten them all night!
oh my goodness, those look delicious and healthy! love it! i am definitely saving this recipe, thanks!!! :D
<3, Mimi
Wow. This is amazing. I want to try this one. Thank you for posting these. French fries is one of my favorite foods. Glad to know that there are ways to eat healthy fries. =)
This looks delicious and I love zucchini! Thank you!
Girl, my heart just skipped a beat!
Oh. my. word!! Those looks so goooood!
Notes She Wrote
I'm totally making these. I love courgettes!
Such a good idea! I will definitely be making these.
ooh, I'm definitely trying these out, I'm always looking for a healthier alternative! Bookmarking your site as we speak!
This looks awesome!! It's like healthy fries... :-) I must try these!
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
Hi! First visit here via Ivy's Nest...got to love the look of those fries...and a great way to use a glut of zucchini's too. I am making a note of this recipe right now!
These look yummy! I'm definitely going to try this soon!
oooh, those look great!
xox Lexi
Glitter & Pearls
Ooooh I am going to have to try these!! MMMmmmm!!! Seems like a healthier version of fried zucchini :)
What a great idea- so excited to try this recipe!!!
I made these today...SO GOOD!! This is my new favorite way to eat zucchini!
Mm, I do love my fries. But these were delicious! Thanks for the great idea and recipe.
I finally tried these last night - I can't believe how similar they are to fries! I almost had them again for breakfast, they were so good!
I made this yesterday and my ole my they were good. I almost swore Jess eating real fries. Even if I weren't low carving, I would make these all the time
making these tonight!! can't wait ! <3
Hey Lindz! Great idea! We'll try it! Luv ya, M&M
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