Face mapping has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese believe that you can tell a lot about a person and their health just by looking at their skin. I use this technique when I am doing a skin analysis on a client and it is so interesting how accurate it really is.
Listed below are the different zones of your face and what organ they are related to. Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of what exactly may be causing your skin care concerns.
Forehead (Zone 1 & 3)- This zone is related to the bladder and digestive system. If you have deep lines this could indicate a blocked colon and or gallbladder. If you are experiencing breakouts here it could indicate that you are having a few too many cocktails and your diet may be a little too rich in dairy or processed foods. You should try drinking more water and eating more natural foods.
Between eyes (Zone 2) - This zone is related to the liver. Breaking our here may indicate you have a food allergy and are consuming too many rich or fried foods.
Ears (Zone 4 & 10)- This zone is related to the kidneys. It is pretty rare to breakout on your ears but if you do you need to give your kidneys a little more TLC. You should drink more water and cut back on alcohol.
Ears (Zone 4 & 10)- This zone is related to the kidneys. It is pretty rare to breakout on your ears but if you do you need to give your kidneys a little more TLC. You should drink more water and cut back on alcohol.
Around your eyes (Zone 6 & 8)- This zone is also related to your kidneys. If you are experiencing dark under eye circles or puffiness this can indicate you are stressed, drinking too much caffeine and you not getting enough sleep.
Cheeks (Zones 5 & 9)- This zone is related to your heart and respiratory system. I can usually tell if a client is a smoker or used to be a smoker by the little broken capillaries that show up along the cheeks. Also if you are eating too much protein or fatty foods you may experience breakouts here.
Nose and upper lip (Zone 7)- This zone is related to the stomach and intestines. Deep lip lines may indicate that you are not properly digesting your food. If you are experiencing breakouts here you may have a food allergy. Quick little fact....I ALWAYS breakout on my nose (worse place right?) whenever I eat a large amount of peanuts or peanut butter.
Chin and jaw ares (Zone 11, 12,13 & 14)- If you are experiencing breakouts or pigmentation problems here is it most likely due to a hormonal imbalance.
If you are experiencing any of the above problems with your skin, take a look at your lifestyle and if you need to tweak a few things there is no doubt your skin will thank you for it!
A little thank you to everyone who sent me an e-mail saying how much you are enjoying this mask. If you have not tried it yet I highly recommend you do!
If you have any questions regarding this you can leave your question in the comment section or you can email me and I will be happy to answer :)
Nose and upper lip (Zone 7)- This zone is related to the stomach and intestines. Deep lip lines may indicate that you are not properly digesting your food. If you are experiencing breakouts here you may have a food allergy. Quick little fact....I ALWAYS breakout on my nose (worse place right?) whenever I eat a large amount of peanuts or peanut butter.
Chin and jaw ares (Zone 11, 12,13 & 14)- If you are experiencing breakouts or pigmentation problems here is it most likely due to a hormonal imbalance.
If you are experiencing any of the above problems with your skin, take a look at your lifestyle and if you need to tweak a few things there is no doubt your skin will thank you for it!
A little thank you to everyone who sent me an e-mail saying how much you are enjoying this mask. If you have not tried it yet I highly recommend you do!
If you have any questions regarding this you can leave your question in the comment section or you can email me and I will be happy to answer :)
That's so interesting Lindsay. I've heard of traditional Chinese medicine using other parts of the body to treat internal organs etc but never the face. That's really great. Explains a lot with all the lines, dark circles under eyes etc with me! LOL
I'm going to have a good look into this. Thanks!
Anne xx
Ahahah this nailed it! I am breaking out on my chin, #12 and I am preggo so my hormones are wacko right now!
So cool! I'm totally a 6 & 8 girl ... Stress, lack of sleep? Yes and yes! Very interesting, thanks Lindsay!
Wow! So interesting. I am always breaking out on my chin or the sides of my chin. And, for the past year or so I have noticed that my hormones are slightly off/unbalanced. Thanks for sharing :)
this is great! i always wondered what the connections were between your body and face. now i know how to at least make it better! thanks for sharing!
interesting! I was having acne issues and thinking it was due to hormonal imbalance...that is exactly what this says...wish I knew how to fix it!!
This is a great post! Sometimes I have weird breakouts and I have no idea what they are caused from...this chart is so helpful :)
Thanks for sharing this - so fascinating! Makes me think i need to makes some changes asap! :)
Thanks so much for all the skin care tips you post here. I think I probably need to get more sleep, looking at the state of my eyes...
I took a Chinese medicine class in college and we learned some of this stuff, but I had forgotten about it! I'm going to have to start remembering where I break out and see if there's a pattern developing. Once again, I love your skin tips!!
I've wondered recently what the different zones were related to. I love learning this kind of thing and find it so fascinating the way our skin can show what's going on on the inside.
Ooh I will most definitely be on the lookout for these signs! I never realized there were different zones that correspond with different areas of the body - that's so cool!
Hope you had a great weekend!
sorelle in style
Great post so informative!
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
Awesome post once again! This is very interesting and very helpful. And thank you for the email responses, they are very appreciated! :)
This is so neat! Thanks for sharing!
I just spent the last 20 minutes browsing your blog. You offer so many good and useful tips, I already spot a few things I want to try! A new follower!
Thank you so much! I am loving your skin tip of the week!
Thankfully my skin is usually clear but if I do breakout it is usually in 11, 12 or 13. Darn those hormones!! This is super interesting..thanks for the info!!
This is so insightful! I'm so thankful for your posts!
Very interesting about the lines! Thanks for the tips...they will come in useful!
WOW! This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing this!
This is a fabulous post! I never knew any of this! I hate the #2 zone! blah!
This is great and it sounds about right for me! Love your blog and yes, thanks for sharing this info. Awesome! xoxo Thanks for visiting my blog too. :)
I love this thanks so much for sharing!!!
This is awesome! I need to save this! Wow! So interesting! Do you work with skin for a living?
I love this post...so informative!
Wow! This is amazing! I had no idea about any of this. Thanks so much for sharing!!
This was interesting! A few months ago I started breaking out along my hair line (a bunch of tiny little bumps). I thought it was a new hair product but even after switching that out they won't go away. Just last night I read another blogger's post about how cutting dairy from her diet improved her skin and it had me thinking maybe that was my problem and then you post this! Wonderful info.
I'm thinking that everyone who reads your skin tip posts is like me-- wishing I could have a real life consultation!
Wow, how interesting!!! I didn't know we could pinpoint what is causing breakouts in different areas - I'll have to print this for future reference! Thanks so much for all the great info Lindsay! And I agree with Leslie - I think we would all love real life consultations!!
Very very interesting little lady. I always knew what you put in your body had an effect on the outside, but I didn't realize it could be narrowed down to sections like that. Awesome!
I too, am gettin' the fun pregnant, hormonal skin changes and it SUCKS. Glowing, radiant skin my butt. The only reason it's glowing is because of the bright red breakouts!
i need a facial. bad. all joking aside, i do not take care of my skin. i am trying to drink more water these days and lay off the diet coke. hopefully that will help! thanks for the post. :)
wow i didn't know this! very interesting information for sure!
xo dana
this is awesome, so helpful
I don't think a post has ever helped me more. Rewind 6 months and I have gone from having great skin with no problems to literally having horrendous breakouts on my chin/jaw area (zone 13). I have tried EVERYTHING to fix it externally but read this, jumped straight on the phone and booked in with a natropath and a doctor to get my hormones checked. Thank you SO much Lindsay - you've helped me more than you realise!!
Anna xo
Ha, too funny- I have been breaking out a lot on my chin lately so I was eager to check this info out... well, scroll down and it says "hormonal imbalance." Ya think? I'm 28 weeks pregnant so it makes complete sense now.
But seriously, all of this info makes a lot of sense.
Thank you for this! You always have the most interesting information to share, I love it!!!
WOW! So so interesting...who knew that each part of our face is so connected with our organs?! Thanks for sharing!
I realize as comment 39 you may not even read this- but this is AMAZING! My chin breakouts have been horrible ever since I stopped taking the pill... now I don't feel so down on myself
so happy to have found your blog! thanks for your comment :) can't wait to read more!
Hi Meredith! I read each of every comment thanks to my nifty iPhone :) I know there are millions of blogs out there so I really do appreciate you stopping by mine.
I am definitely going to print this one out and keep it!!! I love your tips... always so helpful :) p.s. i wore my bangles this weekend!!! there is a photo on my monday post! love them!!! xoxoxo brynn
I'm SO glad you posted this, I needed it!
I'd heard of facemapping before, and was very interested, then in the past week or so started breaking out like mad on my jawline which isnt normal for me.
But I couldnt remember what it was related to.
Hormonal imbalance, ha!
Well, it IS that time of the month...
WOW. This is amazing!
this is such great advice! i'm so addicted to medical spas and the affect of food on your body, etc
Great Tips! Wow!
Im your new follower!
this is so interesting. I like this post , it's a very useful guide! My mian problem is the dark circles.
Cool! I had no idea that skin zones on your face reflect imbalances in your lifestyle and diet. Hmmm...I think the stress and sleep zones are my biggest problem areas.
Thanks for sharing - this is awesome. And you know what I have been eating so poor lately!! I must eat healthier - to have better skin!!
Oh, this is so cool! I love this, answers so many questions!
LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for the skin care tips :) Love your blog
this is so interesting. :)
I break out in the chin area. What do you suggest for hormonal imbalance?
Hi Linds, YOU are such a delighted & beautiful mommy! I'm so proud to call YOU my daughter, Love you! Your delighted Mom!! xo
What a great post, the recent skin issues I've been having are probably being caused by the exact things you mentioned! (As a working mama and blogger, stress and lack of sleep are the norm!). Thanks so much for this!
It's raining on this beautiful Sunday. I showed Mark your recent pics from Farmer's Market. He said 'great photos Linds!' We are so proud of you. M & M
Hmm. I always break out in Zone 2 and 7. think it is related to my lactose intolerance? its not quite the same as a food allergy, but maybe it has the same effects!
Processed food has SO much to do with it!! I stopped eating all "fake" (sauces, dressings, cereals, white pastas/breads) food and eat clean, natural food without preservatives and my face has completely cleared up!! Wish I would have known this years ago!
Thats really interesting post... beauty salon perth
Sleep is very important in a beauty regimen. Hence there is a term coined as "beauty sleep".
Good post. It is really help to us. Its give us lots of interest and pleasure.
Love this one, the diagram is great! Thanks for sharing.
I'm having a giveaway on my blog...
I just found this post, and it makes complete sense. I have been breaking out horribly around my jawline and now I can trace it back to my birth control which has been causing other hormonal problems, as well. Thanks for this!
my dermatologist said the same things about the lower cheek area. good to know! 11-12-13 are my tough spots.
Hi, I just came across this link, and although you only mentioned acne I was wondering if excema was from the same cause? I suffer badly in areas 6, 8, 5 & 9.
Really enjoying your blog! Thank you! Any thoughts about tiny bumps all over the face. Not even as big as pimples.
Regular exercise, drinking adequate water, avoiding excess sun-exposure, cleaning, toning and moisturizing your skin daily and regularly, good hygiene practices, a healthy lifestyle (no late hours, no cigarettes, no liquor, etc.), skin exfoliation 1-3 times a week will erase wrinkles and lines, and help you look young.
Can I substitute kale with spinach?
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