Most of my clients come to me for corrective treatments such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels but these treatments are not cheap. Today I am going to show you how you can make your own super affordable at home corrective mask using Vitamin C powder.
You are probably thinking...COOL but where can I get vitamin C powder? You can get it at your local bulk health food store. I get mine at Sprouts. Or you can buy it in bulk here.
Vitamin C will help keep your skin smooth and youthful looking. It can also help lighten dark spots caused by the sun.
How to make your own vitamin C mask:
- Mix 1 tablespoon of vitamin C with 1/2 tablespoon filtered water. If your skin is dry you can substitute water for 100 % pure aloe vera gel.
- Apply to face and leave on for about 10-15 min. Avoid directly under the eyes.
- Remove with a soft warm wash cloth.
You will LOVE the way your skin will look and feel after this!
If you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section and I will be happy to answer :)
Omg, great tip. Thank you! How often would you recommend using this? Once a week?
I must try this, I need all those benefits pronto.
Hey Lindsay. That sounds pretty good. I've actually got some but it's mixed with zinc. I usually put a tip of the teaspoon into the kid's morning juice as an immunity boost. What do you think?
Another great tip!
Anne @ Domesblissity
What a fantastic idea! I'll have to give this a try :D
Great tip!
yes another awesome skin tip! I'll have to go to our health store and see if they have this.
Oooh great tip. Definitely going to try it out.
I'm definitely going to try this. I even have that powder in the cupboard. Thanks for the tip!
I can use all the help I can get with dark sun spots! Spending my childhood surfing and such at the beach was lovely but I am seeing the effects now!
Going to the beach next week for vacay. Gonna have to try this one.
I have super sensitive skin and break out instantly...can i do this or will it irritate me too much?
I love face masks! I've always been afraid to try them because of breaking out though. This looks great and I love that it's all natural! I can't imagine it doing any harm! Thanks Lindsay!!! :)
Great idea! I have really sensitive skin (I think even a bit of Rosacea...) Could I still do this? I'd love to darken some sun spots...
Sounds wonderful! I am going on a girl friends getaway this weekend and I am thinking I should bring some of these wonderful skin treatments with for us to indulge in!!
the mask looks great, and thrifty too. Gonna try it soon to lighten my spots!
You're a genius! I must try this, but I have to find some vitamin C powder first.
PS Girlfriend, facebook me! My link is on my blog.
Done! Love this and due to three kids, I am outside in the sun WAY too much and can definitely use this!
Anne- as long as there is nothing else added that is actually a great combo of ingredients!
Jenna Lee- If you are extra sensitive I would suggest mixing a small amount of the vitamin C powder into your favorite moisturizer instead of using it as a mask..that way you are still getting the benefits but it will be a little more neutralized..and not as strong.
Jo-Anna- topical vitamin C is great for rosacea. It can help reduce redness in your skin...but I would not suggest using it as a mask...since vitamin C in pure form is actually pretty strong. I would suggest adding a tiny bit to your favorite moisturizer. That way you are still getting the benefits but it will not be as strong. And make sure you wear sunscreen :)
I love this idea! I need it.
Lindsay! Thank you for stopping by my blog at www.maureaumemoirs.blogspot. vcom! I absolutly adore this idea, and recipie! How fun as well! Thank you for this fabulous idea!
-XOXO, Brooke M.
PS My Hubby is in the Dermatologist Industry and he agrees, Vitamin C is super Beneficial!
Great post! Going to look for vit C powder. Started wearing sunscreen on my face every day since your last skin care post!! :)
this mask looks amazing! they always make your skin feel so nice after :)
thanks so much for sharing this fab tip with us!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!! I love the vitamin c mask, I bet it would feel so refreshing! Your blog is awesome!!
thanks again for another wonderful face feel good idea! love your blog!! xo
Oohh, I will definitely have to try this!
Thanks for sharing. Great tips!
xoxo, chrissy from the perfect palette.
Lindsey! I'm new to your blog and I love what I see. I always love a good DIY mask!
That sounds like a good tip! Thanks for sharing :)
This Good Life
so fantastic! thanks for the tip girly~
i've never heard of this -it's awesome! xo m.
This is AWESOME!
Moisturizer with a good SPF is my bf!
Thank you for sharing this! Any alterations to this formula for combination skin?
Danielle- Once a week is perfect!
Melissa- this is actually an ideal treatment for combination skin so you are all good :)
this is great and simple! can't wait to try it.
Linds, I am so impressed by you. Seriously, how do you know ALL of this?? You rock, my friend.
You're just such a genius.
I live right next to a store that sells this.
I've wanted to do a micropeel but it's too expensive.
You just delivered the solution.
Like the first commenter, I want to know how often to use it AND I have an unrelated question. How much water should I drink to benefit my skin and body but not get bloated?
yet another great tip from one awesome momma!!! you are awesome to hand us all of this amazing knowledge!!! thank you for keeping us all young & gorgeous :) xoxoxo brynn
Rachael- You are too funny! Yes once a week is great if you can.
Staying hydrated is SUPER important because it helps all your organs function better which directly effects (or is it affects) I always get confused with those two. Anywhoo better functioning organs means better skin. I carry around a BPA free water bottle with me all day and fill it up about 3-4 times a day...and I don't feel bloated ;)
Will it get rid of the enormous growth on my face that's bordering getting me into the Guinness Book of World Records? Dang pregnancy hormones.
I'm pinning this and putting the powder on my 'grocery' list.
WOW!!!!!!!!! I AM SO STOKED ON THIS! I NEED MICRO! You rocked my world tonight....don't tell my bf.
i love face masks! this seems so cool!
Thanks for the response! I'll be doing this once a week for sure.
Off to get some water for my desk!
Too cool Lindsay - I've saved this to my Evernote!
Ronnie xo
thanks for the tip...my skin needs some serious help right now! maybe in need to actually come see you!
Wow this is so great! Thanks for sharing
BOOKMARKED! I am going to try this...if it burns my face off, I'm coming after you! ;0)
Hmmm, did I get the wrong Vitamin C powder? I picked mine up at WholeFoods and it says it's all natural. I just mixed mine up and it's an orangy-brown color not white like yours. Any thoughts?
Kari- Make sure it says L-asorbic on the back. You may have purchased citric acid. It should be a white crystal like consistensy to start with...and yes when activated with water will stay white. Excited that you are trying it though! Let me know if that helps.
I love this! You have some great DIY's!
And thanks for the sweet comments on my blog!
Julie Del @ J.Bird
Genius. I will most definitely be trying this.
thank you so much for this. i have melasma and i'm starting to fight back against it, and this will definitely work. thank you again!
I am gonna try this! It sounds awesome!
Xo Chloe.
Mine says Vitamin C Powder 100% pure ascorbic acid...and it's white...but it's stinging my face...is that normal?
Krissa - I have done it twice and it burned like a mother, more than glycolic peel I have had before. Interestingly, I have a few little spots like a mini breakout which also happened after the glycolic peel so I think the Vit C mask has a 'peel' effect. After the little spots clear up my skin looks great, so I am really hopeful using this over time will lighten a couple brown spots I have from the sun.
Krissa- If it burns gently remove it with cool water.
It is a pretty intense treatment so a little stinging is normal. Next time I suggest leaving it on for a few minutes only and mixing it with aloe to help neutralize it a bit.
Vitamin C mask is highly recommended especially if you just had acne treatment, diamond peel, chemical peel, etc. It replenishes the nutrients your skin lost during the treatment.
is there a way to subscribe to your blog? I cant seem to find out how and I dont want to miss any of your skin tips!!!
I saw this on Pinterest today and went out to Sprouts looking for Vitamin C powder. I found "Super Ascorbate C," which is Vitamin C with lemon bioflavonoids, rose hips, acerola, rutin and hesperidin. Do you use pure vitamin C powder, or do you think this will work? Thanks!
thanks for the information! =)
I have natural vitamin c tablets. If I crush them up, can I use That?
Thx for the info.
I tried this mask and it came out to be super sticky, is that normal?
Hi! Is this safe to use while pregnant? Thanks!
Can I use effervescent vitamin c tablets. I used up with honey n it was all foamy..I'm confused. I need serious help with my skin ..plz help.
Hey Lindsay! I tried this concoction this summer after watching an infomercial about a facial mask involving a french melon. They kept talking about it being full of antioxidants, so I thought 'Well, ascorbic acid is a powerful source of antioxidants, so I'll try that. I used aloe vera gel anyway, so I just added a teaspoon of the ascorbic acid and WOW! Right away I saw tremendous improvement in my skin color and tone. Once the redness faded (about an hour) I looked 10 years younger, I kid you not! This was almost 2 months ago and I've been using it almost daily ever since, and the improvement is dramatic! I'm 55 and was starting to have signs of aging in earnest along with menopause, and this has not only stopped it, it's reversed it. Even my neck looks more youthful! It does sting on occasion, but I assume that's just a sign that it's working. I don't think it's the tip of the week, I think it's the tip of the century! And CHEAP! I swear it's transforming my life!
Linda from MA
I want smooth, youthful skin, but I have eczema. Is this mask appropriate for me?
I love your website. i am so into DIY skincare!! Thank you so much. Keep us updated on everything.
philosophy carries a vitamin c powder that is $35 for a tiny bottle and the instructions say to mix with your moisturizer, can the same be done with vitamin c powder that you recommend?
Celine- YES! Great idea actually :)
Hello @ Delighted Momma,
I am from Delhi, India and I could not find vit c powder. So, I used vit C tablet (white one). I crushed 2 tablets of vit C and made a thin paste by adding a little bit of filtered water. My morning moisturizer is neutrogena wrinkle repair with SPF 30 and it contains retinol. Is it okay if I use this cream the morning after I apply vit C face mask? Also, can I use vit C tablet instead of vit C powder?
Thank you in advance!
Great tip. I tried with tablets of 500 mg of C. When you say Vit C powder, what strength of Vitamin C??
Lindsey, I have notice that some ppl have asked if vit c tablets can be used instead of the powder and there wasn't a responce. Please advice if this a good idea as well and if so what are the measurements?
Happy New Year
If the only ingredient listed is Vitamin C (L ascorbic acid) then it sound be fine. Use should still use about 1/2 tbs. Hope that answers your question :)
That is really cool. Thanks for sharing the details here.
I use retinol cream at night a few times a week. If I were to use this mask would it interfere or cause problems?
Thank you in advance :)
Anonymous- Great question! You do NOT want to use both retinol cream and this mask at the same time. You should discontinue the retinol 3-4 days before using this mask.
I bought vitamin c powder @ sprouts but it is not white its orange. Is that ok?
Can you do this while breastfeeding?
Awesome tip! No need to rush to the drugstore I have the required ingredients. Will surely follow the tip. Thank you! :)
possibly silly question- can I pestle and mortar vitamin C tablets?
Anonymous- if the only ingredient is vitamin C, yes.
I did this lastnight and wow! I'm 41 and still suffer breakouts, yesterday morninh I awoke to a sebaceous cyst on my left cheek. After having given myself the facial I woke up this morning to an almost flattened zit!!!!!!
It was still very red but much more manageable to conceal!
Thank you!
Hi Lindsay. I live in South Africa where we also experience extreme sun exposure and I would love to try this. I see most vitamin C powders or pills say "as buffered ascorbic acid". Would that be suitable?
Hi, can I do this while pregnant?
Hi Lindsay,
I know it's been nearly 2 years since you posted this but, I just found it. Recently I heard about the benefits of vitamin c treatments but have been deterred by the cost. I also saw an article about vitamin c with vitamin e oil treatment. I'm going to give this a try with a little vitamin e oil. I'll let you know the results. I have pretty good skin but, I'm 53 and trying to avoid the signs of aging. I drive a cement mixer for work and the cement powder that is in the air when my mixer is loaded is making my skin and hair dry. That said, I think now is the time to begin this regimen.
Hi Lindsay,
It's been 2 years since you posted this but, I just found it. I recently started a new job driving a cement truck. The environment makes my skin and my hair dry. I'm also a type 2 diabetic which causes dry skin. That combined with the fact that I'm 53 years old has prompted me to start combating the signs of aging. I recently read an article that suggested a combo of vitamin c and vitamin e oil as a way to fight the signs of aging. I think I'm going to use your mixture with a touch of vitamin e. I will let you know the results. Thanks!
Hi there,
Can I just crush up or process vitamin C tablets.
I used vitamin c capsules and just opened them up. It definitely stings but I'm looking forward to some great results, my first try I could notice a difference. I followed up with coconut oil after to sooth.
Can u do while breastfeeding?
Should it be a grainy consistency or will the powder desolve into a smooth liquid?
Hi Lindsay,
Two questions...do use the same vitamin C for the Vitamin C Serum as you do for the Vitamin C Mask? (I would think the answer is yes, but I wanted to make sure)
Also, what is the Brand of Vitamin C you use?
I live near a Sprouts, what brand Vitamin C do you use?
Hi Lindsay,
Your instruction says NOT to apply directly under eyes...I recently developed horrible dark, sun spots at both low/outer corners of my eyes (Made a huge mistake and didn't cover my face while tanning for 2 days. Only 2 DAYS!!!! and I developed horrid spots in the most horrid place) :( I look like a raccoon. Can I still apply in that spot? I am so desperate.
Best DIY treatment I have ever tried! Instantly tighter, brighter, smoother skin...can't wait to see what magic results from months of applying it!! Thank you, my new skin guru!
I live in Egypt and I am not sure if they have this here in the pharmacy or at the medicinal herb store but I was wondering if I could use crushed vitamin C caps
Ok, a half Tablespoon of water was too much. Mine turned into a soup. I added another 1 1/2 Tablespoons of the Vitamin C Powder and it was still dripping off my face. Had to stand over the sink till I took it off. Also, is it supposed to sting?
I have reactive skin and have had bad luck with trying "vitamin C serums" in the past, both DIY, and commercial. Either they irritated me, broke me out, or just plain felt unpleasant(sticky, gritty, etc.). You did mention that someone could add a little C powder to their cream - like how much? Would that be better for someone with reactive skin than a serum or a mask? Thanks!
My 2 girlfriends and I tried this mask last night and loved it, but we had slightly different results. Their skin looks remarkably smoother and brighter with fine lines reduced! My face, had similar results, but I also had a reaction to it and have spots that are noticeably red, irritated and very sore. I think it might be because a few days prior to the Vitamin C mask I had started the DIY Mask of apple cider vinegar and lemon (which Lindsay recommends to use daily for 6wks to reduce sun spots, etc). Not sure, but this reaction may be a warning to avoid applying these masks back to back, OR if you have very sensitive skin, perhaps you could benefit from adding aloe vera gel to the Vit. C mask for a cooling effect. All in all, though I love this blog and am excited to try more DIY recipes! Cheers!
I mix in a little glycerine, do you think that would lessens it's efficacy?
This sounds amazing. I used to have acne problems on my back which resulted with black spots and skin decolourization, so I think this would be great for it. But I have a dilemma - I have a large tattoo there can I use this mask nevertheless?
how often can I use this mask?
This recipe is a super strong formula and it will irritate most people's skin. I would recommend starting with a lower concentration of Ascorbic acid. Maybe try 1/2 teaspoon Ascorbic acid powder to 1 Tbsp water. You can then add aloe or vegetable glycerine to help moisturize.
How much can you make in advance and do you do this everyday?
is the consistency supposed to be gritty like you are putting a salt scrub on your face. Yours in the picture looks smooth, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get mine to be 'not' gritty.
I first tried this type of thing by purchasing from Venus and Vetiver. I googled around and really liked her au naturel "homemade" line. The gal offers an online store at which you can find a combo pack of Hyaluronic Acid and pure ascorbic acid powder that you combine yourself each time you want to have a treatment. I left it on 20 min and placed a hot (wrung out) towel on my face to keep it from drying (or sit in a hot steamy bath :). I looked 5 yrs younger in 2 treatments (both in one week). I am 36 and had acne scarring, dull and dry flaky skin, and crepeyness. GREAT to use after a facial (herbal steam and clay mask). WOW does my skin glow and look waaaay healthier, acne marks fading fast and scars and wrinkles are going away fast. Only other thing I use on my face is Pumpkin seed oil and jojoba to cleanse and then Argan and hydrosol to moisturize. Im starting to be able to wear minimal makeup my skin is looking so healthy!! =) Good luck to all of you on your journey to more healthy and youthful skin ♡♡♡
I have Just C liquid. Can this be used in place of the powder, and if so, how much?
I have a few brown spots that are so annoying! I wanted to know if I could just apply this just to those spots, instead of all the face.
Nice information. Vitamin C will help keep your skin smooth and youthful looking. It can also help lighten dark spots caused by the sun.
Can I crush vitamin C tablets and use as powder? Also can i mix Vitamin C with coconut oil in place of water of aloe vera?
I also want to know why this mask can't be used under the eyes? Could you use a lower concentration of ascorbic acid for under the eyes?
Hi Lindsay -
I am using Vitamin C capsules on my skin - I open up the capsule and apply the brown, grainy substance to my skin (mixed with a bit of moisturizer to soften and dilute it). A few questions:
1 - The substance does not absorb into my skin and sits on top. Do you think it is still effective? I don't rub it in because it is quite grainy.
2 - Since it sits on my skin, at bedtime I wash it off to apply my night cream (after leaving it on a couple of hours). Should I leave it on for less time and treat it as a mask, or more time and treat it as a serum/cream?
3 - When I wash it off at night (with water only), it leaves an oily residue. I pat my skin dry with a towel and apply my night cream right on top. Should I wash off the oily residue completely, or leave it? I tend to leave it so my skin can continue to benefit from whatever that is!
Can you pre make this in store in a container?if so how long do you recommend that you can store it for
Hi Lindsay. This is my first post on your site, however, I have used it as an incredible resource for creating naturopathic products in an effort to reduce exposure to incredibly toxic and harsh chemicals and heavy metals. My gratitude for you and your site is endless! I do have a few questions. Can the vitamin C serum be used in a carrier and essential oil serum? Also, Can tocopherol be used as a natural preservative in essential oil based products? Since I sell customized products, I never know how long the product will be in inventory. Lastly, for the vitamin C serum I would prefer to use jojoba, apricot kernel, avacado or grape seed oil due to their specific properties for different types of skin, rather than glycerin. What are your thoughts on this?
is the vitamin C powder same as Citric Acid Powder
I'm using Ascorbic acid which is Vitamin C mine is a fine powdered form which can be bought at any health food store. It is relatively inexpensive and works like a charm. I shake it well and store it in a dark plastic spray bottle in my refrigerator.
Thank you for so much for sharing these tips! As a mom with 3 kids, my massages and visits esthetician are on hold but I still want to be able to take care of my skin. I appreciate it!
Thanks again for another wonderful face feel good idea!
Thanks by Miami Beauty Supply Stores
I mix Vitamin C with Vitamin E pure oil and use as a microabrasion mask. It works great. Put a few drops of baby oil in it because Vit. E oil is very sticky. Great tip.
Can i apply this right after a clay mask?
I tried this, and it burnt my skin really badly! I used Swanson premium 100% pure vitamin c powder, and left it on for 15 mins. I have huge red blotches of raw skin on my face that according to the doctor will take at least a week to heal. I'm afraid this concentration of vitamin c may be too high. Please be careful with this recipe. (P.s. I have used other vitamin c serums before, so it is unlikely that my skin is allergic to it)
Hey, can we use chewable vitamin c tablets? Please do reply.
You're just such a genius.
I live right next to a store that sells this.
I've wanted to do a micropeel but it's too expensive.
You just delivered the solution.
Like the first commenter, I want to know how often to use it AND I have an unrelated question. How much water should I drink to benefit my skin and body but not get bloated?
How about if we use ascorbic acid with coconut oil?? I mean we mix both and it may stay on over night or all day long? Will that be of any benefit? Or it may cause some problem like Itching?? I wanted to know the best topical vitamin C application for skin lightening so if you could help, will be highly appreciable.
Thank you so much.
what about using liquid Vitamin C?
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