Skin Care Tip of the Week *DIY baking soda exfoliator*

Monday, June 6, 2011

Exfoliating your skin will help prevent acne, refine your complexion, tighten your pores and keep your skin looking radiant and smooth.

Have you ever walked into a Sephora or a drug store and felt totally overwhelmed because there were SO many choices? Skincare shopping can be intimidating. I tend to get all flustered when I am faced with more than three choices, so unless I know EXACTLY what I need to get I avoid these places.

Today I am going to share with you a little secret natural exfoliator that you most likely already own.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda is the PERFECT exfoliator. It has just the right amount of grain to remove the dead skin cells and give your skin the ultimate glow! I promise you wont be disappointed.

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to favorite cleanser and mix. Exfoliate your face for about three minutes and rinse. Your skin will feel SO soft and refreshed.


Jennie Bennett said...

Those masks are so expensive! Thanks for the great money saving tip!

Unknown said...

that is so cool that adding baking soda softens your skin! thanks for sharing!

<3 steffy
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my thrifty closet said...

Yes I read this somewhere and I've been doing this for a while. It seems to have some kind of anti-bacterial properties 'cos my skin don't break out so often anymore. Any recipes for making a mask with baking soda?

Btw thanks for your much appreciated comments on my blog:-)


Tania said...

I used to do this a few years ago but forgot about it. Will give it a go tomorrow. Thanks!

Ana Degenaar said...

This is the best advice I've gotten in a long time. So doing it.
Thank you!

Carli said...

I think I might try this. It's probably better than all of the man made junk I put on my face. I'm a new follower from Meet Me Monday Blog Hop.

Unknown said...

Sounds great! Thanks for the advice :) I have some acne issues and this sounds like the perfect solution - following you! Can't wait to read more :o)

I really like your blog - I'm trying to get mine off the ground and was wondering if you could come check it out and consider following.

Hope you have an *amazing* day! :)


Unknown said...

I love this idea! I will definitely give it a shot...thanks for sharing :)

Leslie *Fresh Out of Lemons* said...

"..faced with more than three choices.." Great "face" pun. ;) So what's your favorite cleanser for adding baking soda?! The one in the picture? And is baking soda better than sugar, which I've also heard is a good natural exfoliator? said...

I love this weekly post!!! It is seriously so helpful! I definitely plan on trying this. I'm so out of the loop when it comes to skincare!
Star Hughes Living

Katie said...

are there any skin types that shouldn't use baking soda? i've heard that before but i remember there being one "exception" and now i can't remember what it was!!

Monica {bohemian twilight} said...

yep, this is what i use... if it's to hand. otherwise i let my skin soften in the shower then use a wet terry-cloth towel. it's amazing how easy it is to exfoliate! No need for expensive products at all.

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Mongs- when I was going through my skincare classes our instructor swore by a mixture of baking soda and water. She used this as a mini mask for those who are prone to acne.

Leslie- my favorite cleanser is from a line called Skin Fitness. It's all natural and makes my skin feel so fresh and clean :) Yes you are right, sugar is also a great natural exfoliant...I just prefer to use baking soda on my face...but I do LOVE a good sugar scrub for my body!

Katie- baking soda is so gentle it is good for almost all skin types, but there is always the exception. If you have severe rosacea or open cut and sores I would hold off.

Fash Boulevard said...

great advice. beyond glad I found your blog. I'm a new follower, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over 3 months ago after graduating from college in the south and moving across the country. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. Stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news. Would love your support. xoxo

lovemins said...

i so wanna try this! thank you for sharing this great idea :)
xoxo saskia said...

Great skincare tip! I'm going to put it to use.

I'm your newest follower from the Meet Me Monday Hop! I would love it if you stop by my blog and follow me as well :)

Ashley said...

I am a little obsessed with baking soda, but had never heard this tip before. Thanks for sharing. I'm definitely going to do some exfoliating soon. I'm making some serious headway through my Costco-sized bag of baking soda!

Crunchy Diva said...

baking soda is AWESOME!!! i use just straight baking soda on my face once a week, rub it in rinse it off. i have my son use baking soda on his t-zone as he's starting to get a little pre-teen acne. works great for him too!

Ashley said...

I am soooo trying this idea...and I know for sure I have baking soda..because i ran out while cooking and made the hubby run and grab some LOL! Girl, i just love your tips!

Veronika Novotny said...

oooh, this is a fabulous tip and I can't wait to try it... the after effects sound fantastic, and my skin is SO in need of a little refresher. xx veronika

Lindsay said...

Wow, this is a really wonderful tip! I swear, you always have the best tips on here. I don't know how you do it! Thank you for sharing!

Bad Joan said...

Wow! Great tip! Thanks for posting it.

Sick by Trend said...

very cool!!! :) I'm following!

Look my blog and if you like it, follow me! :)



Sharstin said...

Wow, loving!! Who would have thought!! Thanks girly:)

Mindy said...

I'm on it. Well, not right this minute, but I'm gonna put a box in the bathroom so I don't forget when it's my once-a-week week shower day. (kidding. kind of.) I suppose if it'll clean the toilet, it oughta work on my face too. :o)

chelsea lee said...

wow! what a great tip! I love it

Pink Ronnie said...

Wow, will def be trying this! Xo

Rachael said...

And I'll be doing THIS in the morning. :)

KayteeJanes House said...

Defiantly going to give this a try!

Rita@martenssmily said...

Sounds very interesting!!! I have to try it!!!
Thanks for sharing :)

p.s. Thanks for your comment on my blog ;)

nose job said...

Its sound Awesome. All this skin care tips are such an awesome. I really impressed with your content and The information makes me crazy about it. Thanks for the great skin care advice.

Anonymous said...

Whoda thunk it? I'm so all over this one!!! Loving the weekly tips!! Thanks!

B.Cheniful said...

Baking Soda and I? Besties. Straight up. But this? This little trick ya got here--oh hey Genius! Consider it done. DONE. :)

Anonymous said...

this post had been linked to (link below to post)
thank you for this amazing article!

with love,

blog post:

Erica said...

I've tried this idea and it's so perfect!

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Little City Farm said...

I just came across this tip the other day and have started using the baking soda and I love it. I do it about twice a week and I can tell the difference - my face really glows (in a good way, lol). Thanks for sharing.

Lila said...

Seriously loving all these tips.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great tip! Thank you for sharing!

Heldine said...

I had a roommate that did this, so I tried it. :) Is it bad to use expired baking soda? Or does it not matter?? :P

Elaine said...

Thanks Lindsay! I knew you'd have a solution! Love all your great tips.

Sarah T. said...

How often do you do this? I also have a hydration mask I bought and LOVE, but how should I use both of these in my routine? I am obsessed with your blog now and have my apple chips in the oven. :) Thank you.

Eleanor Rae said...

I did this today and I love it! I feel slightly like I'm stalking you at the moment, but I really love all your ski care tips! xxx

Unknown said...

I added a link this page from my blog, I hope you don't mind

Anonymous said...

I've been using this for over a week now and it's great. I use it as a mask and it's gotten rid of my acne. Now I have some redness left and dry skin. Any suggestions?

Love love your blog!

manicure said...

The skin care tips of the week is given in the post know all about it

Anonymous said...

I've been using the mask for over 6 months, but I add 1 tspn of olive oil to make sure that the skin gets moisturized at night and my face is so beautiful. No acne and no redness. Soft and glowy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome !! I will do this today.... can't wait :)

Thank you !!

Anonymous said...

Safe for pregnant mamas? I've never had acne like this until now and I won't go near any unnatural products while I'm carrying this babe! I'm using your raw apple cider vinegar topical treatment and hoping it works! Thank-you!

Liz said...


Was just wondering if this is safe for pregnant ladies and is this something I can do daily or occassionally?

Look forward to hearing your reply d;D

Unknown said...

Are you adding the baking soda to the entire container of cleanser, or just the small amount you will use at that cleansing?

Unknown said...

Are you adding the baking soda to the entire container of cleanser, or just the amount you are using at that cleansing?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder.. I have used it & my skin felt great..
I have purchased mudd for masks..
any diy versions of that ?

saloni said...

wud u plz post any diy for pigmentation

Anonymous said...

just tried the baking soda and lemon juice was great

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