I opened up my own business and now work out of my home.
My clients can always count on me to tell them little tips and tricks that WORK... and the crazy part is you DON'T need to spend over $100 on a cream to see real results. I am going to start a weekly post where I will share some of my tips and little secrets with you.
So lets start with one of my favorites.
Tea Tree Oil
It is an all natural topical treatment that can be used to treat acne. It not only kills the acne causing bacteria but it also reduces redness and inflammation. I am telling you it is AMAZING.
The moment you notice an unwelcome friend starting to appear... use it.
Make sure you get 100% undiluted tea tree oil. You can purchase it at any health food store.
I place mine in the fridge and whenever I notice I am starting to get a little blemish I take a q-tip and dab it on the spot..a few days later...sayonrara sayonara.. ugly zit that was dying to make an appearance and ruin a perfectly good face day is GONE.
Thanks so much for sharing this! I'm definitely going to try it! I sweat a lot more in Mexico than I usually do, so I have a few bumps that have creeped up since my trip. Hopefully this will do the trick!
That's a great tip Lindsay. I love Tea Tree oil for all sorts of things.
Anne @ Domesblissity
i will try this...cause girl i get zits!!!
Great tip, can't wait to see what other secrets you have to share with us too!! ;D
Sadie x
So happy to hear this!!! I always end up leaving the dermatologist with a hundred dollar prescription to fix those little blemishes - I'm going to try out this tea tree oil instead! Genius!
And no wonder you have such amazing skin girl! That license comes in handy! :)
Star Hughes Living
Natural skin care is my weakness because I am obsessed with looking for the best, affordable thing to put on my face. I can't wait to follow your posts! Thanks for sharing your secrets!
what a great tip. i love simple tips that work & this is very simple. thanks for sharing it.
Though I suffer more dryer skin, this is still handy to know. Looking forward to these weekly posts:)
I did not know that. The first part. The esthetician part. (I had to scroll up to spell it correctly - twice - I still get the squiggly red line)
I like to think (pretend) I'm not a girly girl, but I will secretly look forward to the weekly posts. :o)
P.S. I have a bottle of this in the medicine cabinet. I may have to smear it all over myself before bed. lol
i love this new feature! i have a whole bottle of tea tree--can't waist to try this out!!
I can use as many tips as possible! I recall a friend years ago who has beautiful skin telling me about Tea Tree Oil and I just never looked into it. Now you have me curious. Thanks for the tip, looking forward to this feature!
Good for you! I'm glad you quit, it takes courage to do that.
I gotta go buy this tea tree oil... i didnt even know about tea tree oil :) great post! thanks for sharing!
I am so trying this! Thank you!
I have never heard of this, so great! Thanks for the tip girly:)
I love this! I've never trusted the whole spa facial thing because I think that they push products to make more money. I hope that you'll do a whole series of tips. :)
What a great tip! I have a constant battle with my blemishes where I'm always picking and scrubbing my skin (shame on me!) and with summer coming up, I'll have to give this a try!
Thank you for the tip! I will be using that for sure!
I just bought tea tree oil yesterday ! great minds think alike! I never new about putting it on a blemish! to the bathroom!
Wow this is great! Would you have any tips on how to prevent acne? :)
have a great day!
- stephanie
How fun! I'm also an esthetician. :) Great tip, love tea tree oil. I'd love to hear more of what you like.
Wow, that's amazing! I really need to try this! I just use a Clinique spot treament, but I swear it takes like... 4 days for it to go away still!
I'm definitely going to try this out! :)
good advice
hope you'll follow me so i'll do the same!
Syriously in Fashion
Facebook page
oh yes, I love tea tree oil, when I travel, I always carry one with me. I'm glad to hear from a licensed esthetician that it's good for me. Thank you very much! Looking forward to your weekly post.
Does it help blackheads?
I love Tea Tree Oil. They are amazing. I learned from my beauty therapy courses few years ago. I used them for spots. Tea tree oil is very useful :-D
Thank for your smile on my blog “SMILE” post… Keep check out my blog
Awesome, look forward to your beauty tips! I've always kept a small bottle of 100% undiluted tea tree oil in my bed dresser for this very purpose: acne busting!
I a so excited about this post skin care tip of the week woot woot! love this Thanks Linds!!! Love you! What is your tip going to be next week? Are you taking suggestions?....finer pores perhaps!:)
Tea Tree Oil is magic! It also works fast to heal cold sores. One more thing, using Tea Tree Oil Conditioner is one of the best ways to keep from getting head lice - and much less expensive than the medicated shampoos. (Sorry if this is TMI)
I love tea tree oil!! I have been using it for years to clear up those pesky pimples. I also ended up with perioral dermatitis recently and this worked waaay better than any of the prescription topical or oral meds did. I love that you are doing this - so great for people to hear!!
Thanks for the tip! I'm totally gonna try this now!
Can't wait to try this!! I love your weekly tips!
That is great to know! I'm heading to the health store for some tea tree oil!
I have heard this so many times before - apparently also for an ingrown hair that just won't come out but makes trouble !!
You have convinced me now to finally go get it and let it do the magic !!
I guess one can use it safely on a teenager's skin?? Not too harsh.
I love your blog, I was wondering if you think tea tree oil would be good for rosascea? Or do you have any other tricks or tips for that condition? I've been using olive oil and castor oil instead of soap, and that does help a little. Thank you for all the great information.
I also use it as a cleaner for the home and a way to get pesky dog odors out of blankets or pillows.
I must be the only person that tea tree oil doesn't work for! Bought some a few days ago after reading this post for a blemish that was threatening an appearance. Tea tree oil on it for about 3 nights now and it's just made the pimple big, red and angry. Using 100% tea tree oil from a health food store. Help!
Can you use this while pregnant? I have read mixed thoughts on this and am not sure if its safe. I am having moderate breakouts and trying not to use chemical OTC spot treatments.
do u dilute it for wart on finger
I'm so glad someone else is sharing this tip!
I've been using tea tree oil for years. My mom used to put it on me and my brother when we got our first pimples in high school. It's like an old family secret.
I love the stuff and was happy to find it in the local pharmacy for only $10! The first bottle I bought lasted me almost a year and a half!
Just wondering if it's possible for the tea tree oil (100% pure) cause little white pimples. Is it clearing out my skin? Will it pass or am I having a reaction and should discontinue use?
Hey Lindsay, I wonder whether the Tea tree oil would work for black heads. Any idea?
I love tea tree oil, my friends laugh at my suggestion of tea tree oil for so many things. I am all about the natural approach and tea tree oil is at the top of my list.
Thank a lot for your blog , I am an esthetician, I love to suggest natural tips to my clients.
Tea tree oil can be great for the skin, 100% is NOT though. It needs to be diluted or it can cause severe rashes and allergic reactions, same with any essential oil. You shouldn't recommend this as a miracle cure, everyone's skin is different and it will not help with hormonal or stress acne. You can even Google or check any medical dictionary for tea tree side effects and see the terrible reactions people have had from using it.
I disagree with Anonymous above. Well, to an extent. I use 100% non-diluted on my cystic acne. I have the most sensitive skin in the world (literally, can't use 99.9% of things, including stuff for the most sensitive of skins or many pure natural ingredients). That said, I don't have a problem with this when used on the acne and i lather it on! haha. It works miracles (only thing I ever found to blast those suckers fast). Now, I can't put it near my nose, where I get seborrheic dermatitis, or it will sting like no other. You just have to see what works for you.
Calendula oil can help with soothing the irritation and calming down the spots.
I'm constantly battling blemishes and it has worked wonders for me, however using it pure found my skin getting red so I started mixing it with witch hazel have no problem since.
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